Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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No mercy for terrorists who initiate war by killing innocent people in their beds with their own hands.

I can't believe there are people protecting and justifying them while judging Israel for defending itself from these stage red savages.

The IDF arrested Hamas terrorists, offering them the option to surrender. Now that they've surrendered, they'll spend their lives in 5-star hotels in Israel, called prisons.

There, they'll live well, while online pro-Palestinians express concern about the terrorists' treatment and well being🤦🏼‍♀️

Hamas killed innocent Israeli people who were in the public bathroom in Zikim beach on October 7

Hamas killed an Israeli woman while she took a shower

Edited by Carl-Richard
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"Our people.... each of them will pick up a knife to stab an Israeli".

The psychopath leader of Hamas in Gaza.


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"Shooting all the Jews" in a Palestinian children TV show.

Highly distributing

Edited by Lila9

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@Lila9 Very sad indeed. What’s caused them to be this radical?

2 million Gazans out of 2 billion Muslims is 0.1% of the Muslim population. If Jew hating and explicit incitement of killing was a uniquely Muslim thing we’d see a lot more of it but it’s unique to Gaza because of the situation their in.

It’s easy to indoctrinate kids when their childhood is taken from them in various form. Things like toys, musical instruments, chocolates and diapers have been banned at times by Israel to name a few things.

If people claim the current destruction and death in Gaza is Hamas’s fault and not Israel’s, can people also claim that Palestinian radicalisation is partially the fault of Israel imposing conditions on them that make it easy to radicalise in?


Edited by zazen

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@zazen Israel is not at all the cause to their behaviour nor to their suffering, but a triggering factor.

When someone has some kind of a disorder, I cannot be responsible to his suffering, but I do have responsibility to not make his condition worse especially if I am a familiy member of him or a friend or live nearby him, just like the neighborhood relationships between two societies, with their own unique weaknesses, that required mutual sensitivity to one another to not awake everyone's unique demon.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻 Thinking independently about the spiral stages themselves is important for going through them in an organic, efficient way. If you stick to an external idea about how a stage should be you lose touch with its real self customized process trying to happen inside you.

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1 hour ago, Nivsch said:

@zazen Israel is not at all the cause to their behaviour nor to their suffering, but a triggering factor.

When someone has some kind of a disorder, I cannot be responsible to his suffering, but I do have responsibility to not make his condition worse especially if I am a familiy member of him or a friend or live nearby him, just like the neighborhood relationships between two societies, with their own unique weaknesses, that required mutual sensitivity to one another to not awake everyone's unique demon.

Someone holding the gun with a finger on the trigger is still oppressive - whether the trigger is pulled or not. Resisting that oppression isn’t necessarily a disorder though it can be resisted in disorderly ways - seeking justice can be done unjustly.

The boycott movement which is a peaceful form of protest helped South Africa end its apartheid - the BDS movement against Israel is thwarted and stopped by legislation and laws. So when peaceful forms of protest are no longer available they are left with the un-peaceful forms of it - they seek life through death.

From the Israeli perspective security controls and defence the way Israel defines it isn’t seen as oppressive but it is to the outside world.

A argument can be made that a certain group runs a society better than another - again in the case of South Africa which is now ruining its own nation due to corruption etc I’ve heard a similar case been made for Palestinians that live better lives under Israeli leadership. If one group is less developed it’s not the right of another to ‘spread development’ to them in unjust ways by stripping them of their rights and dignity.

If they mess things up or fight each other that’s their right within their society - we can’t rob a society of its growth. People complain about Islam being spread by the sword in the past but remain silent when the US spread democracy by the gun - something being critiqued only now once they feel the repercussions of it via extremism, refugee crises and loss of credibility on the world stage.

Should the US be stripped of its rights and sovereignty because of its bad behaviour in the world? A child is governed by an adult but a society is not to be governed by another -  and even then modern parenting tells us children are to be treated with dignity or else they rebel. 

Edited by zazen

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@zazen So if we reduce all that down to the root we get that:

Israel is not really allowed to deffend itself.


Edited by Nivsch

🌻 Thinking independently about the spiral stages themselves is important for going through them in an organic, efficient way. If you stick to an external idea about how a stage should be you lose touch with its real self customized process trying to happen inside you.

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5 hours ago, zazen said:

@Lila9 Very sad indeed. What’s caused them to be this radical?

2 million Gazans out of 2 billion Muslims is 0.1% of the Muslim population. If Jew hating and explicit incitement of killing was a uniquely Muslim thing we’d see a lot more of it but it’s unique to Gaza because of the situation their in.

It’s easy to indoctrinate kids when their childhood is taken from them in various form. Things like toys, musical instruments, chocolates and diapers have been banned at times by Israel to name a few things.

If people claim the current destruction and death in Gaza is Hamas’s fault and not Israel’s, can people also claim that Palestinian radicalisation is partially the fault of Israel imposing conditions on them that make it easy to radicalise in?


   True. It all starts with indoctrination, grooming, gaslighting and being in a cult brainwashed to hate others.

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Israel is engaged in ethic cleansing and  collective punishment. That much is obvious now.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura

39 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Israel is engaged in ethic cleansing and  collective punishment. That much is obvious now.

How would Israel act differently if it was a higher consciousness state? How would you act if you were the PM of Israel?

"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for"    - John A. Shedd

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In meanwhile, thousands of young guys who many of them aren't any less deep in their thinking or any less loving than us, walking in the mud of Gaza, sleeping badly, while put their life on a risk out of a conscious choice, and even die every day there. 

Everyone who wants to be fair, should add Israel's willingness to sacrifice itself to his or her considerations. The shamless garbage situation hamas putted Israel in Gaza is over. Now this is an eye to eye fully symmetric war.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻 Thinking independently about the spiral stages themselves is important for going through them in an organic, efficient way. If you stick to an external idea about how a stage should be you lose touch with its real self customized process trying to happen inside you.

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@Raze The link tree isn't long enough.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻 Thinking independently about the spiral stages themselves is important for going through them in an organic, efficient way. If you stick to an external idea about how a stage should be you lose touch with its real self customized process trying to happen inside you.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Israel is engaged in ethic cleansing and  collective punishment. That much is obvious now.

After more than 10 smart careful operations with 70% surgicality in the most dense area in the world lead eventually to nothing, leave you exhuasted and your western friends and family give you the cold shoulder, and after all of that you lost 1200+ people in horrific ways when Gazan citizens are celebrating on the streets to this!

What the hell any sane country would do?

The exact same thing and most likely much more.

No sane earthly person would not do what Israel is doing right now if it was him. Unless he is an exceptionally special saint.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻 Thinking independently about the spiral stages themselves is important for going through them in an organic, efficient way. If you stick to an external idea about how a stage should be you lose touch with its real self customized process trying to happen inside you.

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22 hours ago, Lila9 said:



wow that's a 6600

 @00:24 “This is the single greatest phone ever made.  Hold on a second, I’m emailing this video to myself.”

Ohh man tech is such a weird thing...

Edited by Sucuk Ekmek

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2 hours ago, Vercingetorix said:

@Leo Gura

How would Israel act differently if it was a higher consciousness state? How would you act if you were the PM of Israel?

remove settlers and occupation from West Bank and give them a state, demand Hamas come to the negotiation table and offer if they turn in hostages and participate in war crime trials on both sides from a mutually agreed third party then they will be allowed full aid to Gaza, a demilitarized state with a mutually agreed upon third party protection. If Hamas doesn’t want to participate work with the UN on a plan to expell them and turn Gaza against them instead of closer. Alternatively dissolve the ethnostate of Israel and give West Bank and Gazans a path to equal rights in a secular Israel.

Or at the least agree with Hamas’s initial hostage exchange proposal, stop the bombing which serves no military objective, allow full aid to stop hurting the civilians, and have the IDF expel the settlers from West Bank instead of supporting their onslaught. And stop recklessly bombing Syria and Yemen and pursue a ceasefire with them instead of risking spreading the war.

Edited by Raze

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3 hours ago, Vercingetorix said:

@Leo Gura

How would Israel act differently if it was a higher consciousness state?

It wouldn't be a Jewish state. It wouldn't be seeking to define itself by an exclusive moniker.

Israel defines itself via the "fear of death / love of family" mentality, expressed expansively as "fear of extermination / love of tribe".

This is an animal mistake, not unique to Israel, but a mistake regardless.

When you are ready for the bigtime you will love strangers like your own mother. You will never fear death and therefore have no interest in survival. Anyone and everyone you meet is like family. Therefore, there is no family.

Until Israel understands this, they are akin to 3-year olds scrabbling for attention. And the rest of us are waiting for them to grow up.

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