Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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2 hours ago, Nabd said:

Its possible to move forward when an Israeli government acknowledge that Israel is a colonial country and actually admit the crimes against natives and that the Brits offered them a chance to act as a spearhead and they took it. Israel is here to stay but not in this form. If someone is born in Israel then thats his homeland but the first generation were colonists. 

Imagine calling native Americans "Indians" colonist/occupier, that is what you are doing now. 

Jews were native to the land since the beginning of time, way before the Arabs/Muslims arrived and concurred the land.

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15 minutes ago, jaylimix said:

When you used terminology which falsely describes the situation, you are not being non-bias enough.

Carpet bombing - Dropping barrages of bombs from an airplane hitting everything below on it's flight path, see the attached photo.

This is NOT what the IAF (airforce) is doing, what they do are targeted surgical strikes.

There are lots of guided missile surgical strikes which leveled north Gaza, but still it's NOT indiscriminate carpet bombing.


If you look at actual photos of bombed buildings in Gaza it looks similar to carpet bombing. If you surgically bomb 80% of the buildings in one city block it is little different from carpet bombing.

More explosive energy has been dropped on Gaza in the last month than a nuclear bomb in Hiroshima.

"Carpet bombing" is hyperbole but "surgical bombing" is a laughable piece of propaganda.

Edited by Leo Gura

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

That's a very difficult question. Impossible to answer without having detailed intelligence about the war, casualty rates, supply stocks, etc.

The US military needs to do a very sober assessment of what Ukraine's chances of winning the war are and make a decision based off that.

If I am an American, it's very simple to me.

Russia is my enemy, and this war weakens my enemy militarily, economically, and politically.

Yes continue to fund a war that weakens my enemy, at the same time create a new ally against the Axis of Russia/China/Iran/N.Korea, hitting two birds with one stone.

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6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

If you look at actual photos of bombed buildings in Gaza it looks similar to carpet bombing. If you surgically bomb 80% of the buildings in one city block it is little different from carpet bombing.

More explosive energy has been dropped on Gaza in the last month than a nuclear bomb in Hiroshima.

"Carpet bombing" is hyperbole but "surgical bombing" is a laughable piece of propaganda.

Good points you provide, I accept it.

Problem is all the Pro Pale peeps are getting me riled up with these propaganda words.

Instead of continuous bombing, which is valid, they say carpet bombing, which is propaganda.

Genocide is another word. Well genocide of Hamas is valid, but genocide on all Palestinians is propaganda.

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36 minutes ago, jaylimix said:

I don't see anybody trolling in this thread, I can see everybody has put effort into their posts, even when I disagree with them.

   Are you sure that anybody isn't trolling here? You call typing and copy pasting other sources, and being too defensive to acknowledge the basic facts of this Israel/Palestine conflict effort when they disagree with you?

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1 minute ago, jaylimix said:

Good points you provide, I accept it.

Problem is all the Pro Pale peeps are getting me riled up with these propaganda words.

Instead of continuous bombing, which is valid, they say carpet bombing, which is propaganda.

Genocide is another word. Well genocide of Hamas is valid, but genocide on all Palestinians is propaganda.

   If you are emotionally riled up and troubled, would it be a good or bad idea to take a break?

   Semantics games. Yes there's propaganda on one hand, and there's simplifying the genocide and bombing on another, each side simplifying and making this binary of us versus them, demonizing and dehumanizing the other, and in this increasingly emotional appealing and fallacy we loose sight of the patterns of genocidal behavior, and we loose sight of the terror and fear the Palestinians feel when they live locally to sites getting bombarded. 

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9 minutes ago, Raze said:



I will address this one. I wholeheartedly agree with his thinking.

If you project into the future given the current situation, you will understand why Israelis must secure the Jordan river.

If Israelis leave the WestBank, we will see the WB Pales do exactly what the Gaza Pales do, which is:

1) Build terror tunnels

2) Rocket and launchers

3) Smuggle weaponry

4) Free reign to cross into the Westbank from the Jordan river, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of Jihadis coming in

Then we shall see a massacre even worse than Oct 7th. 

Settlers (who are native to Judea Samaria) must be arm to the teeth to fight the Pales and secure the river, I commend Itamar Bengvir for this.

Edited by jaylimix

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7 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


If you are emotionally riled up and troubled, would it be a good or bad idea to take a break?

Well thank you for your concern but I'm good, besides I don't really have a life, my life is glued to a screen 24/7.

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19 minutes ago, jaylimix said:

I will address this one. I wholeheartedly agree with his thinking.

If you project into the future given the current situation, you will understand why Israelis must secure the Jordan river.

If Israelis leave the WestBank, we will see the WB Pales do exactly what the Gaza Pales do, which is:

1) Build terror tunnels

2) Rocket and launchers

3) Smuggle weaponry

4) Free reign to cross into the Westbank from the Jordan river, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of Jihadis coming in

Then we shall see a massacre even worse than Oct 7th. 

Settlers (who are native to Judea Samaria) must be arm to the teeth to fight the Pales and secure the river, I commend Itamar Bengvir for this.

   And just why would they do this in the first place?


14 minutes ago, jaylimix said:

Well thank you for your concern but I'm good, besides I don't really have a life, my life is glued to a screen 24/7.

   I agree, you are as flat as a screen, 2d viewing this whole situation from a limited bigoted view of military security of one tiny place at the cost of killing more Palestinians and continual oppression of them and land grabbing of their territory. How would Palestine ever be a sovereign state when the state next door doesn't allow them to?

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   While I'm at it, Israel's Zionism shares similarities to the Nazi Party, and even imperial Japan's expansionism of other Asian countries, and both Germany and Japan's dark history also is what makes part of genocide's definition today. 

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5 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

While I'm at it, Israel's Zionism shares similarities to the Nazi Party, and even imperial Japan's expansionism of other Asian countries, and both Germany and Japan's dark history also is what makes part of genocide's definition today. 

Israeli Zionism is one of the most toxic modern political ideologies, the Jewish version of radical Islam. It should be erased if there should ever be peace there.

An inherently discriminatory ideology, it uses religion to showcase superiority the same way Nazism used race.

Imagine thinking "we deserve to take your house because we are people chosen by God".

The toxicity of this ideology is beyond outrageous.


Edited by Karmadhi

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5 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

Israeli Zionism is one of the most toxic modern political ideologies, the Jewish version of radical Islam. It should be erased if there should ever be peace there.

An inherently discriminatory ideology, it uses religion to showcase superiority the same way Nazism used race.

Imagine thinking "we deserve to take your house because we are people chosen by God".

The toxicity of this ideology is beyond outrageous.


   True, sooner or later this Zionism will eat itself out of existence.

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@Leo Gura Can you explain to me why when Russia does similar things it gets 100x more hate from the West? I struggle to understand it. How come Palestine mostly gets support from non first world countries. 

Edited by Karmadhi

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2 hours ago, jaylimix said:

If I am an American, it's very simple to me.

It's a root of your confusion, that it all looks so easy to you.

You think you know, but you don't know, and are very proud about it.

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On 12/13/2023 at 9:23 AM, Raze said:

So if someone came to your house and told you the Bible says their ancestors lived there 2000 years ago would you pack your bags and move? 

 It's not the Bible says, it's archaeological evidence, and also recorded history, that Jews are indigenous. 

On 12/13/2023 at 9:25 AM, Girzo said:

I have real problem believing you are an honestly confused person and not just a bad faith actor who stirs some pointless drama on purpose.

They are occupiers, no-one agreed on giving them the land they have been illegally grabbing, even according to their own rules expanding settlements had been illegal.

What are you getting out of this pointless bickering?

Breaking international law, yes you are right. But do you know what is the alternative if Israelis do not secure the Jordan river?

If you project into the future given the current situation, you will understand why Israelis must secure the Jordan river.

If Israelis leave the WestBank, we will see the WB Pales do exactly what the Gaza Pales do, which is:

1) Build terror tunnels

2) Rocket and launchers

3) Smuggle weaponry

4) Free reign to cross into the Westbank from the Jordan river, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of Jihadis coming in

Then we shall see a massacre even worse than Oct 7th. 

Settlers (who are native to Judea Samaria) must be arm to the teeth to fight the Pales and secure the river, I commend Itamar Bengvir for this.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Quote " says that about 40-45% of the 29,000 air-to-ground munitions Israel has used have been unguided. The rest have been precision-guided munitions, the assessment says. "

The question now becomes where does the 40-45% unguided missile is used? 

If these missiles were used on unpopulated areas, then it is perfectly fine, no problem with it.

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2 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


True, sooner or later this Zionism will eat itself out of existence.

Zionism is the most impressive story in human civilization, a story of triumph.

From a people driven out by invaders from their own land, massacred in another lands, came back and rebuilt their land, gets attack by surrounding Arab Muslim bigots, only to came out on top, building the world's cutting-edge tech today, all done by a small number of population.

How could you hate the growth of the human civilization development process ? You are witnessing a miracle of the human spirit.

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