Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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I’m sure most people commenting on this thread have been calling out Israel for human rights violations and this occupation issue for some time. It’s not their first rodeo. 

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42 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

Lol, their perception is indeed comes from ignorance and lack of real life experience of the conflict. All the info they gather is from biased X accounts. Intresting.

I would never dare to demonize an entire society without even visiting there and hearing its people firsthand, not to cherry pick some Rabi or an extreme leftist. This is just a matrix of stories and images in the mind of the demonizer without knowing how far it is from reality. 

Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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Israelis aren't seeing the devastating pictures Australians see from the war in Gaza. They're watching a sanitised war

This is the tale of two wars. 

There are two wars going on in Gaza right now — the one the Israeli public is watching and the one the rest of the world is watching.

Each evening, Israelis are sitting down to watch their prime-time television news programs to see what happened that day in this war.

And each evening, the pattern is much the same — night after night pictures of Israeli soldiers walking through streets of Gaza; Israeli tanks driving across fields in Gaza; interviews with families of hostages taken by Hamas on October 7; a military progress update by Israel's Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari.

There will rarely, if ever, be a picture of a Palestinian. If there is, it will likely be a picture of a Hamas commander. The Palestinians portrayed are terrorists, not civilians who are victims. Watching Hebrew-language TV at night over recent weeks, I've never seen a Palestinian victim of Israel's attack on Gaza.

It's the whole Israeli media, not just television. The newspapers – with the exception of Ha'aretz – are much the same. Thursday's edition of the mass-selling centre-right Yedioth Ahronoth, for example, had page after page on the war – I counted 50 war-related pictures of Israelis, including seven on page 1.

There was one picture of a Palestinian – Hamas commander Yahya Sinwar.

And social media – as social media does around the world – gives Israelis the feeds they want.

All of which means that most Israelis do not see pictures of injured Palestinian women and children or the destruction of Gaza into kilometre after kilometre of rubble to the point where it will be difficult to rebuild it.

They will rarely if ever see a child trapped in that rubble, or a mother carrying her dead baby. They don't see the screaming children, or the toddlers who cannot open their eyes.




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4 hours ago, kenway said:

@Nivsch Please could you translate what this IDF solider is saying? I'm genuinely interested in his perspective. (For balance etc).





To be clear: I genuinely would like to know what this guy is saying. Please don't take my tone too salty. You and I disagree, but you are still my brother.

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9 hours ago, zazen said:

If Palestinians are stage red - barbaric, unreasonable and stupid like you say then why even try reasoning with them in the first place? Just give them a state and let them be. Their so stupid and dysfunctional their country will never become powerful enough to threaten Israel anyway rite?

That's some awful logic.

If you allow Stage Red, they will conquer you like Hitler or the Mongol hoards. The only thing stopping them is their own incompetence and disorganization. By giving them a state you enable them to organize. This is why ISIS was not allowed to have a state. Terrorists will keep organizing if you don't stop them.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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58 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That's some awful logic.

If you allow Stage Red, they will conquer you like Hitler or the Mongol hoards. The only thing stopping them is their own incompetence and disorganization. By giving them a state you enable them to organize. This is why ISIS was not allowed to have a state. Terrorists will keep organizing if you don't stop them.

I wrote that tongue in cheek but relating it to the current conflict:

What differentiates a terrorist from a resistance group that uses terrorist tactics? What enables the existence of terrorists to even organise in the first place?

I can understand having to stop a group that are expansionist in their aspirations but what of a group who’s aspiration is localised to their native land and resisting occupation of it?

I think a nuanced distinction can be made between a native territorial dispute and a conquest of empire with expansionist ambitions.

The difference is in intent being one of a local resistance vs globalist conquest (which is what Hitler, Mongols and ISIS were)

What I wrote following that from the post is below for further context:

“In order to deal with barbarians you need to embody some of their values because they are incapable of embodying some of your 'higher' ones. They don't have rationality but have the law of the jungle which is that they respect strength and ruthlessness. And so you become what you despise and what your higher values go against in busying yourself in dealing with them - so why not leave them be rather than complain about them resisting when you pin them down to the floor through occupation, siege and blockade. 

I expect nothing less than for people to resist despite what spiral stage we colour code and paintball them with. Even a ant resists in order to survive. If animals resist to survive unwanted death then what of humans who have the conscience to be aware of their undignified treatment, oppression, being taken advantage of through unviable peace proposals and impending conditions of death imposed on them? There's nothing confusing about resistance, in fact it would be confusing for anyone not to. It would be a case study for such an alien reaction or lack of reaction if no resistance occurred.

It is probably in Israel's best interest to not take their cue from how America has dealt with the war on terror through bombardments. A chihuahua can't learn and act like the Pitbull it aspires to be. America has a geography blessed with vast seas on its sides, a ally to its North and a weak nation to its South that insulates it from its foreign adventures. It can go around bombarding regions and barely have any repercussion, in fact Europe bears the brunt of the cost via the refugee crises caused by these Wars.

However Israel acting that way endangers it in a way America acting that way doesn't. Israel sits by itself in a angered region. Israel's actions have enraged the global south and even domestic Westerners (its own allied nations). Even Western media outlets critique Israels actions as they are unable to keep up with propaganda that gets shred by the advent of social media and alternative media. Their are limits to Americas interests - they can't just bankroll the expulsion of 2.3million people and destruction of their homes with the current technology that allows the world to see it and Israel can't afford to lose America and its domestic support either.”

Edited by zazen

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2 hours ago, ArcticGong said:


Lying has consequences. 

   Appears Piers Morgan is weird, lying to our ears. Hear me now, this is propaganda, props pagan dads for false worship, would've swapped a for e for agenda.

   Feel this dear, between the ears, let the truth sear yo brain in this pyre, up here, to send ashes down the morgue with a spear.


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@kenway Just a stupid soldier. Don't have to pay attention to everyone.

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

That's some awful logic.

If you allow Stage Red, they will conquer you like Hitler or the Mongol hoards. The only thing stopping them is their own incompetence and disorganization. By giving them a state you enable them to organize. This is why ISIS was not allowed to have a state. Terrorists will keep organizing if you don't stop them.

Hamas had a state, and for 17 years there was relative peace. As for the October 7 attack, the principal motivation was probably the occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Remember that Hamas was opposed to isis, and they fought isis sympathisers in the Gaza Strip.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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@How to be wise Those 18 years has been used to build a terror empire in gaza. That is their life meaning. This is much deeper than just things that Israel does or doesn't.

Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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On 23/11/2023 at 3:44 PM, zazen said:

@BlueOak Well articulated.

@lina Nicely written. Sam Harris is correct in saying Islamism is a virus, but he wrongly conflates a lot with it and misunderstands the Muslim world which is funny as he's written a book on extremism with Majid Nawaz who was a ex-Islamist radical.

The difference between Palestine/Hamas and ISIS is that Hamas are a resistance movement that use terrorist tactics, with the goal being localised to their homeland. ISIS is a terrorist movement with the goal of Islamic globalism - all lands. Hamas are defending their homeland, ISIS aspire to dominate all lands. The former is a defensive movement at its core but with terrorist elements and tactics, the latter is a dominating expansionist movement with a radical interpretation of Islam at its core and terrorism as its main strategy rather than just a tool in the toolbox of tactics.

Every idea can become a ideology which can ferment extremist strains of itself. Islamist's are violent because human nature can be violent. That can take expression through any culture, context or on any continent. Nature doesn't change, the lens through which it unfolds does - the lens, vessel and human through which nature is nurtured.

Its easy to assume that once someone progresses through the stages of Spiral Dynamics, similar to a child maturing into an adult, they are immune to reverting to childlike behaviors or regressing physically like Benjamin Button. However, psychologically, such regression is still possible. People can be like children frozen in adult bodies, and behave animalistically whilst encased in human form. Humans are like Russian dolls that have a beast deep down within that can be visited.They can do the needful when needed to in order to survive.

The developed world otherizes groups they see as undeveloped yet don't see how they are capable of behaving in extreme ways they consider only undeveloped people capable of behaving in. They omit the regressive elements of human nature that revisit them and come in through the back door in unassuming ways. A lot of the time they’re not as moral or developed as they think, they're just in a position where they're safe enough to pretend to be.

Developed liberals can still have the capacity to terrorize and tribalize, they just terrorize and tribalize in the name of, for and around a different set of values. We can have stage green talking points and positions yet act those out through a stage red disposition and state of being. Likewise the US can have a white house and yet a black heart - the veneer doesn't always match the visceral.

Labels often confine us to the actions associated with those labels more than they liberate us.  Labels are like psychic chains, nationalities are like psychic cages and literal interpretations of religion act like psychic straitjackets. Each more confining, restricting and stubborn.

Now we are in a chicken or the egg situation where extreme terrorist elements exist. But is it that they are extreme innately or that circumstances made them so. The truth lies somewhere in the middle.


Believing you can get rid of violent resistance groups with bombs is like believing you can get rid of a bruise by punching it harder.

Bombing them only nurtures the very conflict Israel seek to eradicate - it legitimizes and enables factions of resistance even more.

If Hamas are eradicated another group or faction will fill the power vacuum for resistance. You get rid of resistance by giving them nothing to resist in the first place ie occupation.


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Hamas doesn't want to global domination but their stated goal is to elimate Israel. This pretty much forces Israel to eliminate them.

As evil as Israel is, Hamas is more evil. So we've got a battle between two devils here.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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46 minutes ago, Raze said:

I'm not motivated to read that. I have enough information and analysis about this war.

Yes, obviously this war will create more terrorists than ever.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, zazen said:

Believing you can get rid of violent resistance groups with bombs is like believing you can get rid of a bruise by punching it harder.

Bombing them only nurtures the very conflict Israel seek to eradicate - it legitimizes and enables factions of resistance even more.

If Hamas are eradicated another group or faction will fill the power vacuum for resistance. You get rid of resistance by giving them nothing to resist in the first place ie occupation.


   That's true in the long term. Although what we're see so far, it's Likely Israel and HAMAs are locked into eliminating the other, and the people of Palestine or Israel will suffer as long as HAMAs exists or Israel exists in the short term. Until Israel recognizes it's creating this problem for itself it will perpetually make the conditions for another terrorist group.

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14 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Hamas doesn't want to global domination but their stated goal is to elimate Israel.

That’s wrong. They want a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders. They have stated that so many times. 

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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