Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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@Buck Edwards That British guy Piers is interviewing triggers me beyond relief. Seen him many times. Classic white right wing modern Nazi who only cares about white people and sees other races as inferior.

Makes me sick.

People like him are the real curse to Western society.

Edited by Karmadhi

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Although to be fair I have noticed that the people killed by Hamas have gotten little recognition by many people including Liberals.

What happened to them was horrible.

I think it is because when a ruthless oppressor finally gets hit back, even if that hit back involves innocent people, people tend to be more tolerant to it.

Similar to how the bombing of Dresden which was a clear horrible war crime was ignored because it was done to Nazis and people were sick with their bs. Similar here, people were already sick with Israel bs. 

However there should be more condemnation of it, I mean people even celebrated about it in the west. They saw it as "we finally hit them back", ignoring that the hit back was mostly massacre of civilians. "Hit them back" should be on soldiers.

If it was just soldiers dead it would deserve praise, but civilians? I dont agree with celebrating killing kids...

Nor killing people from countries that have nothing to do with this like the German tattoo artist.

Maybe they were not aware that it was so ruthless and many civilian dead?

I know the Israelis here will say "anti semitism" but I am talking about Liberals here kind of ignoring the Israeli civilians killed. Liberals are not anti Jews. 

I dont know what you guys think?


Edited by Karmadhi

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11 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

@Lila9 There are also examples of Palestinian kids abducted and burned alive by Zionist settlers. There is endless examples of brutality done on Palestinians. I have seen videos of cheering Israelis as a rocket launched from Israel was about to struck Palestine (old footage before these attacks).

U got monsters on both sides. Do not paint Palestinians as worse.

Radicalism and hatred are the true enemy here.

And both sides got plenty of it.

I've never seen or heard about Palestinian kids abducted or burned alive by settlers. 

Most settlers are peaceful, unlike they are portrayed in the west and in pro-palestinian sources. There are radical minority and even they are not doing things like burning children.

This is not an equal situation. There are radicals on both sides but these radicals are not the same.

The biggest threat is not Zionism or settlers but Hamas which is a danger to both Palestinians in Gaza and Israel.




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32 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

I've never seen or heard about Palestinian kids abducted or burned alive by settlers



Here you go

32 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

Most settlers are peaceful,

Even the peaceful ones are still thieves. Theft sends you to jail.

32 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

There are radicals on both sides but these radicals are not the same

There are countless videos I seen of Israeli people supporting murder of babies in Palestine, making fun of the situation there. It has even become a Tik Tok trend. I do agree that Palestinians can be more ruthless but there is a difference. WHEN YOU ARE CRUEL TO SOMEONE FOR NO REASON IT IS WORSE THAN WHEN YOU ARE SUPER CRUEL TO SOMEONE THAT TREATED YOU LIKE SHIT FOR DECADES.

You Israelis never seem to understand this...

You can give 100 reasons why Palestinians hate Israelis but there are no reason for Israelis to hate Palestinians other than classic racism.

Edited by Karmadhi

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1 hour ago, Karmadhi said:

I think it is because when a ruthless oppressor finally gets hit back, even if that hit back involves innocent people, people tend to be more tolerant to it.

Similar to how the bombing of Dresden which was a clear horrible war crime was ignored because it was done to Nazis and people were sick with their bs. Similar here, people were already sick with Israel bs. 

This is different in my opinion. Hamas are like the Nazis chosen by Palestinians in Gaza/Germans.

And Israel is like Britain fighting against the Nazis.

Britain killed innocent German civilians during the attack of the Nazis but no one condemned it because it was seen as war against Nazis and innocent civilians death as tragedy but an expected outcome of the war against the Nazis.

And here, Israel got brutally attacked by Nazis (Hamas) and is attacking Hamas as a result, and may have killed unintentionally innocent civilians, but everyone is focused on the people Israel may have killed, and blaming Israel in intentionally killing civilians rather than on the brutal savages, Hamas which became ISIS alike, it has to deal with who are also strategically hiding among civilians.

1 hour ago, Karmadhi said:

Nor killing people from countries that have nothing to do with this like the German tattoo artist.

Maybe they were not aware that it was so ruthless and many civilian dead?

I know the Israelis here will say "anti semitism" but I am talking about Liberals here kind of ignoring the Israeli civilians killed. Liberals are not anti Jews. 

I dont know what you guys think?

This poor girl has a German mother but a Jewish father and she is an Israeli girl, living in Israel, an artist, peaceful innocent girl. Who believed in peace with Palestinians.

Those who celebrated this massacre were aware, because her body was paraded naked on the streets of Gaza.

And Hamas streamd the massacre of October 7 live on TikTok.

When people are indoctrinated with radical hatred towards Jews, people who most of them never met a Jew, never talked to a Jew, and know nothing about Jews beside the toxic dogma they were raised on, it's not surprising that they were happy of Jews deaths.

Liberals are ignoring it because they portray Palestine/Hamas as victims, which means Good.

While Israel/IDF as the aggressors, which means bad.

Their view is shallow and lack in nuance. They would support everyone they see as victim and demonize everyone they see as an agressor. 

Also, many gen Z see supporting Israel as boomer thing which they don't want to identify with. 

And I also believe there is antisemitism involved because there is a lot of passion in this conflict to protect the human rights of Palestinians in Israel, in particular, but not the same passion to fight for much worse human rights violations in the world. 





Edited by Lila9


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1 minute ago, Lila9 said:

When people are indoctrinated with radical hatred towards Jews,

To be honest it is not because they are Jews per say. If they were Christian it would be the same. Unsure if they were muslim. 

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2 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

Those who celebrated this massacre were aware, because her body was paraded naked on the streets of Gaza.

And Hamas streamd the massacre of October 7 live on TikTok.

Equally disgusting to Israel police offers practing their shooting skills on kids in the West Bank and laughing about it or filming rockets from Israel striking Gaza and cheering on. As I said, both sides have barbaric people in them. Hatred causes this.

My question is, why does Israel hate Palestine and Arabs? What did they ever do to you? And all these examples were before the attack last month so it cannot be used as a reason.

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5 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

Here you go

This is horrible and literally a crime against humanity.

Upon reading on Wikipedia it was done by radicals as a response to Hamas kidnapped and murdered 3 Israeli boys. Even if Hamas done that, it's not justified to kill innocent child and in such ways. 

I read that the criminals who did that were sentenced and got life imprisonment. This act of cruelty was heavily condemned by Israeli authorities because Israel is a democratic country who has no tolerate for crimes on a nationalistic background.





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10 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

Upon reading on Wikipedia it was done by radicals

So there are radicals at both sides.

"Soon after Mohammed’s murder, his parents laid down a small memorial stone, surrounded by flowers. 

A few months later, in September 2014, the Israeli police threatened to destroy the memorial. 

For the Palestinian family, maintaining the humble memorial was a daily struggle."

Why would they do this?

10 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

Israel is a democratic country who has no tolerate for crimes on a nationalistic background.

I really wish it was but the endless footage of them cheering on deaths of civilians shows me otherwise. 

You have many decent people there, also many radicals and animals.

Same in Palestine.

Sad situation.

And yes Hamas sucks, no need to not mention that. But I cannot help but understand where they come from. 

I cannot understand where Israel is coming from.

If Israeli did this to Germans or even Europeans after being treated like shit by them then I would understand (although condenmn it).

I do not see why Palestinians deserve it.

And I am talking in general not just what is happening from last month.

A human that becomes an animal from abuse, I can understand. A human that becomes an animal for no reason, I cannot.

Edited by Karmadhi

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23 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

There are countless videos I seen of Israeli people supporting murder of babies in Palestine, making fun of the situation there. It has even become a Tik Tok trend. I do agree that Palestinians can be more ruthless but there is a difference. WHEN YOU ARE CRUEL TO SOMEONE FOR NO REASON IT IS WORSE THAN WHEN YOU ARE SUPER CRUEL TO SOMEONE THAT TREATED YOU LIKE SHIT FOR DECADES.

The difference is that the majority of Israelies don't do that, and they are also not indoctrinated with hatred. They have more western mentality. Most Israelies are just scared of terrorists. 

Palestinians in Gaza and in the West Bank are treated like a shit by their curropted leadership who make them believe that all their problems, poverty, suffering are because of Israel.

Palestinians are oppressed by deadly ideologies first and foremost than any Israeli or Jew. 

23 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

You can give 100 reasons why Palestinians hate Israelis but there are no reason for Israelis to hate Palestinians other than classic racism.

The average Israeli is more scared of Palestinians (because of terror attacks and suicidal bombers) than hate them.



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2 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

I really wish it was but the endless footage of them cheering on deaths of civilians shows me otherwise. 

You have many decent people there, also many radicals and animals.

Same in Palestine.

In Israel it's a radical religious minority that most Israelies detest.

But among Gaza and the West Bank is a systematic hatred towards Israel and Jews.



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On 08/10/2023 at 5:30 PM, Lila9 said:

Why are Hamas and Palestinians so obsessed with this small piece of land? Probably for religious reasons, there are sacred places to Islam in Israel, like the Al Aqsa Mosque.

When the Romans invaded Judea they only expelled the upper classes of Jewish society, the expelled upper classes became modern Jews or Israelis. This resulted in the Jews who stayed (lower classes) being pressured to convert to Islam once the Ottomans invaded their homeland, these Islamised Jews became the Palestinians. Both peoples are indigenous to the land of Israel which makes this conflict even more tragic. 

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1 minute ago, vindicated erudite said:

When the Romans invaded Judea they only expelled the upper classes of Jewish society, the expelled upper classes became modern Jews or Israelis. This resulted in the Jews who stayed (lower classes) being pressured to convert to Islam once the Ottomans invaded their homeland, these Islamised Jews became the Palestinians. Both peoples are indigenous to the land of Israel which makes this conflict even more tragic. 

The question is, what country it should be? A Jewish or Muslim?



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4 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

The question is, what country it should be? A Jewish or Muslim?



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11 minutes ago, vindicated erudite said:

Both peoples are indigenous to the land of Israel which makes this conflict even more tragic. 

It's not the same. Jews has an history in Israel and only one Jewish country.

Palestinians are a group of Muslim Arabs from the entire middle east area. 

Jews and Arabs are genetically related but they are not the same culture and religion.


Edited by Lila9


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14 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

The question is, what country it should be? A Jewish or Muslim?


It should be a secular society. Israel is way too diverse to call it anything otherwise since Christians, Muslims, Druze, Samaritans and Baháʼís all live in Israel.

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4 minutes ago, vindicated erudite said:

It should be a secular society. Israel is way too diverse to call it anything otherwise since Christians, Muslims, Druze, Samaritans and Baháʼís all live in Israel.

Yet, every country in the world has its main religion.

Even US which is considered very secular, its main religion is Christianity, it's based on Christianity, not Islam, Hindu, Judaism or any other religion and at the same time US supports religious freedom.

Israel supports religious freedom as well but still define itself as a Jewish country.




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24 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

It's not the same. Jews has an history in Israel and only one Jewish country.

Palestinians are a group of Muslim Arabs from the entire middle east area. 

Jews and Arabs are genetically related but they are not the same culture and religion.


This is not true, Palestinians are Jews who became "Arabised".


The integration of their Arab DNA is similar to how the Ashkenazim absorbed European DNA due to being around Europeans, this does not make Ashkenazim Europeans.  


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11 minutes ago, vindicated erudite said:

It should be a secular society. Israel is way too diverse to call it anything otherwise since Christians, Muslims, Druze, Samaritans and Baháʼís all live in Israel.

Also many atheists, agnostics etc

organized religion is mostly trash

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6 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

Yet, every country in the world has its main religion.

Even US which is considered very secular, its main religion is Christianity, it's based on Christianity, not Islam, Hindu, Judaism or any other religion and at the same time US supports religious freedom.

Israel supports religious freedom as well but still define itself as a Jewish country.



Israel is Jewish and Secular, this is fine. The problem is when religion is used to justify things such as the West Bank settlements. There needs to be a line that says you can't do that 

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