Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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2 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

Also the way Hamas killed Israelis was the usual way battles were fought in the past. Do you also not condemn them?

OK i gotta give you credit for that. But then don't blame us for doing what we do. This world is a jungle then i guess.

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15 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

"Palestinians can go freely to the Israeli side, but if Israelis go to the other side they will die."

Because Israeli is the one colonizing not the other way around.

A colonizer will be hated more by the colonized than the colonizer will hate the colonized.

If I take your house unjustly and kick you out, and then we meet on the street, you will hate me much more than I would hate you.

Edited by Karmadhi

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1 minute ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

But then don't blame us for doing what we do. This world is a jungle then i guess.

We have international laws dude to avoid this.

Everyone breaking them should be sent to jail for war crimes.

Hamas and Israelis alike.

Edited by Karmadhi

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Just now, Karmadhi said:

We have international laws dude to avoid this.

Everyone breaking them should be sent to jail for war crimes.

Hamas and Israelis alike.

Lol, I will give you a very unpopular answer that you may not like but its true.

God has been very kind to us and He gave us nuclear weapons. I think that tells you everything. 

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3 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

God has been very kind to us

5000 years of persecution says otherwise. The first time in history you guys are not persecuted anymore and first thing you do is persecute others. The bullied becomes the bully. Shameful!

3 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

He gave us nuclear weapons

China and Russia also have Nuclear Wepons. So they are also favored by God :) 

Edited by Karmadhi

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2 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

Lol, I will give you a very unpopular answer that you may not like but its true.

God has been very kind to us and He gave us nuclear weapons. I think that tells you everything. 

That’s the mentality that causes the issue. Unjust actions are made just through divine legitimacy - whether Islamist, Zionist or evangelical Christian.


Gods chosen people are above criticism, and anyone who does criticise is an anti-demote. 

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2 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

God has been very kind to us and He gave us nuclear weapons. I think that tells you everything. 

For "God's chosen people" it seems that God gave you a tiny little country built on stolen land which would disappear without daddy USA support.

God is not impressed :D


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4 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

Because Israeli is the one colonizing not the other way around.

A colonizer will be hated more by the colonized than the colonized will hate the colonizer.

If I take your house and then we meet on the street, you will hate me much more than I would hate you.

Israel is not the one colonizing. What are we colonizing, you are stating that Palestine was a flourish country once, but the fact is Palestine never existed until early 1960s for one reason only, to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. 

Really you are saying that 1967 territories are an obstacle to peace? Well what bothered the Arab world before 1967, why did they made a war in 1948, in 1956 and even in 1967 when they had the territories? I am sure its not the 67 territories that bothered them.

What bothered Arabs to make pogroms in 1921 in Safed, 1928 Jerusalem, 1929 in Hebron, form 1936-1938 horrible programs, when there was no even state of Israel? I will tell you what bothered them, just the existence that there can be any state of any size or shape. I understand that and I respect their decision, but then dont blame us for acting the way we do.

Honestly, from the bottom of my heart, I wish the Arabs of Israel well, elsewhere. God bless their 21 one ethnic Arab states that they have, we have only one state, not two or three but one state and I dont intend to loose it.

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Turks, iran, saudi are colonizers too 🦆



didn‘t muslims get jordan and jews got israel after ww2?


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@Gennadiy1981 Most of Palestinians were removed by force from Israel and their settlements were destroyed.

I am not talking about actual states or not.

If a group of people live in the same place for hundreds of years and then you come and force them to leave and take their land you are colonizing.

End of story.


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2 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

@Gennadiy1981 Most of Palestinians were removed by force from Israel and their settlements were destroyed.

I am not talking about actual states or not.

If a group of people live in the same place for hundreds of years and then you come and force them to leave and take their land you are colonizing.

End of story.


We bought land legally. The UN proposal gave us half the land, the Arabs declared war. We won. If you call that colonizing, sure. Most Palestinians left their homes because they assumed all Jews would be wiped out and they would be able to return. Didn't work out that way. 

Either way, Israel is there and it isn't going anywhere. You can cry forever that Israel's path to existence has a history of war and injustice the same as every other nation on the planet, but it won't achieve anything. The focus should be on forward thinking solutions.

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4 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

@Gennadiy1981 Most of Palestinians were removed by force from Israel and their settlements were destroyed.

I am not talking about actual states or not.

If a group of people live in the same place for hundreds of years and then you come and force them to leave and take their land you are colonizing.

End of story.


Well we were suppose to get the entire Palestine Mandate and by the way they illegally cut 77% of the mandate and made a fictitious state called Jordan and our Jewish houses were demolished and removed. OK I bite it thats step one when we take Jews to our remaining site and we give them Palestinians to their side and we call it even and fair.

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@PurpleTree And so is America that by the way, the whites had no biblical or spiritual claim to USA, but none of you open any topics about it, you stole from Indians fair and square. Hey, then the entire world is colonizer. Big deal.

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3 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

@PurpleTree And so is America that by the way, the whites had no biblical or spiritual claim to USA, but none of you open any topics about it, you stole from Indians fair and square. Hey, then the entire world is colonizer. Big deal.

I‘m not american

i think it’s worse if you steal land with the claim of „god“ honestly

also there is a difference when it was done

hundreds of years ago is very different than in the last century 🦆

Edited by PurpleTree

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2 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

I‘m not american

i think it’s worse if you steal land with the claim of „god“ honestly

The original European Zionist settlers were secular often left-leaning, liberal and idealistic, at least for the time. The bottom line is that Jews needed to have a state where they could defend themselves. 

Edited by Vrubel

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4 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

hundreds of years ago is very different than in the last century 🦆

Yes well I'm glad you get to decide where the arbitrary cut off is for when nation states can come into existence. Apparently it's exactly when the Jews get one. 

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1 minute ago, hundreth said:

Yes well I'm glad you get to decide where the arbitrary cut off is for when nation states can come into existence. Apparently it's exactly when the Jews get one. 

Read my posts i‘m not anti israel having a state

i‘m anti extremism on every side, anti settler etc

cease fire and two state solution yay

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6 minutes ago, hundreth said:

Yes well I'm glad you get to decide where the arbitrary cut off is for when nation states can come into existence. Apparently it's exactly when the Jews get one. 

Hitler, japan etc tried to take land in th last century and they had to give all back yayy

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3 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

Read my posts i‘m not anti israel having a state

i‘m anti extremism on every side, anti settler etc

cease fire and two state solution yay

I am not sure which country you are from but you are more than welcome to make a two state solutions at your home and I will be more than happy to cheer and scream Yay and will pray for you and will praise you and will have you as an example to all nations.

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