Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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20 minutes ago, Merkabah Star said:

You called me biased too. 😀 

but that’s ok, I think it must be hard living there at the moment and all these opinionated foreigners (like me) commenting about it all and calling Israel out. 

much love to you and your family. ❤️


No i didn't lol.

Who are you? Nice to meet.

Edited by Nivsch

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27 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

No i didn't lol.

Who are you? Nice to meet.

A week ago. It’s your standard line calling people biased.

oh yes, nice to meet. Lol. 😀😀😀

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@Merkabah Star I really think you are confused becaused I used this word in this thread only one time and it was yesterday.

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2 hours ago, Nivsch said:

Peace isn't possible without defeating hamas first.

I personally don't think peace would be possible before Israel acknowledging FIRST the atrocities it committed (and still) committing against Palestinians and take first solid steps to towards reparations, you have to address the people first before their leadership or else another Hamas will evolve. 

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3 minutes ago, lina said:

before Israel acknowledging FIRST the atrocities it committed (and still) committing against Palestinians

Please give some examples that disturb you the most.

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@Nivsch   There you have it. Settlements are war crimes. "stage yellow" liberals in tel aviv are complicit in these crimes. settlements.PNG

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@Tobia I am also dont like the idea of Isolated settlements.

Do you think Israelis should not live in the west bank at all? 

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20 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

Please give some examples that disturb you the most.

I think you should start by searching and gathering information about this. It's everything. From justifying colonialism, loss of lands and properties, the Nakba (s), uncountable number of massacres, bombing civilians, apartheid, siege,  illegal settlements, terrorist settlers....etc. 

Edited by lina

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10 minutes ago, lina said:

I think you should start by searching and gathering information about this. It's everything. From justifying colonization, loss of lands and properties, the Nakba (s), uncountable number of massacres, bombing civilians, apartheid, siege,  illegal settlements, terrorist settlers....etc. 

Colonization - where do you think Israelis should not live?

Loss of lands - What in your opinion the Jews should do differently in Israel establishment in 1948?

Nakba - This is a big word. Please break it down.

Uncountable number of massacres - you will have to break it down too.

Bombing civilians - Do you agree on the statement that Israel really try to target only terroriats and that the terrorists use civilians as human shield all the time?

Apharteid - How is this gets along with the fact that we have Arab doctors in israel, Arab judges in Israel, Arab journalists, Arab scientists, Arab knesset members...?


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i think when people say apartheid they mean between israelis and palestinians

not between jewish and muslim israelis

but who know imo it’s mostly another fancy word to throw around 

colonialism/apartheid/genocide/same as nazis


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17 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

i think when people say apartheid they mean between israelis and palestinians

not between jewish and muslim israelis

but who know imo it’s mostly another fancy word to throw around 

colonialism/apartheid/genocide/same as nazis


All those definitions are wrong and are thrown because it's Israel.

If it was Egypt or Jordan in conflict with Palestine, instead of Israel, no one would gave a shit.



"Never be afraid to sit a while and think.” ― Lorraine Hansberry


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43 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

Colonization - where do you think Israelis should not live?

They shouldn't live at all.

44 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

Loss of lands - What in your opinion the Jews should do differently in Israel establishment in 1948?

Give all the land to Palestinians and commit a collective suicide. This is probobly the only way Palestinians would have been satisfied.

46 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

Apharteid - How is this gets along with the fact that we have Arab doctors in israel, Arab judges in Israel, Arab journalists, Arab scientists, Arab knesset members...?

Fuck facts. Israel is an Apartheid.

"Never be afraid to sit a while and think.” ― Lorraine Hansberry


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“War in the Middle East is inevitable because there’s not much time left for Israel to capitalize off of its privileged position in the Unipolar “Rules Based Order.” Israel was already being challenged internally by opponents of Netanyahu’s regime— & so there’s only international war crimes tribunals if a ceasefire is declared— there’s no reason for the Israeli State to draw down, as the long term prospects for the Zionist project diminish year by year. The hardliner Zionists believe themselves to be backed into a corner with its major defenders trending into domestic chaos, with a demographic shift radically against continual defense of the Zionist project.

There will be no ceasefire because a ceasefire would mean the successful implementation of international law over a state that flagrantly flouters international law with the protection of the greatest flouter of international law, the United States. The only question is who else wants to go down with the ship. The only thing you can do as a Westerner is refuse to fight in or support any interference on the part of Western militaries into the chaos that is brewing. Israel is implementing its final solution. There cannot be a “deceleration” because the Israeli ruling class cannot allow itself to be tried in international courts for crimes against humanity. The only way the Israeli ruling class can avoid their fate is by turning this into a global conflict. They will probably succeed in doing so.

“The West” (US + NATO) already declared War on the rest of the world. The rest of the world is just coming to realize that there is no peaceful alternative in consequence. Time’s running out for “The Rules Based Order”— & it is itself aware of this, which is why it has openly declared War upon the rest of the world. The only hope for the “West’s” global oligarchy is to bomb the rest of the world back into servile compliance with its hegemony. Russia proved that resistance is not futile, & so the rest of the world is becoming more capable every year of asserting its interests on the world stage. The War that is coming will be, perhaps, the worst one that the world has ever experienced— but when it is over, the Unipolar Oligarchy will be in the dustbin of history, & a new world will become possible.“

Edited by zazen

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48 minutes ago, zazen said:

The War that is coming will be, perhaps, the worst one that the world has ever experienced

I don't think that will happen because the US is brave to send young Ukrainians to die, but not to send its young people. A war against another military power would never be profitable for the US, since it sees this whole war thing as a business. Thanks to atomic weapons, balance is necessary and I think there will continue to be balance. The US will fight not to lose its status as a hegemonic power, but it will increasingly turn inward

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hamas tries now to show a video of 3 freed kidnappeds to play its toxic psychological manipulation. Good for Israel that didn't fall to this trap and didn't broadcasted this.

Also good to know that helicopters are flying all the time above the israelis soldiers in gaza to guard them against terorrist.Israel do it very slowely and carefully and this is good.

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20 minutes ago, Vercingetorix said:

Abducted Israeli soldier was freed by IDF from Hamas captivity


Something that probably would never be happen without invasion. Great to hear. A sliver of light in the darkness.

Edited by Nivsch

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@Nivsch https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cy3xop-NTUI/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng%3D%3D

Since you seem to be from there can you please explain to me who this guy is and why is he calling out for genocide?

He seems to be a politican from what I saw.

How can such animals be elected in a "first world democracy"?

It is baffling me honestly.

They do not seem more morally developed than Nazis, such people.


Edited by Karmadhi

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