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New War In Israel / Gaza

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16 minutes ago, Nabd said:

I think Israel will not be able to force Gazans out of Israel/Palestine so Netanyahu will probably look to attack Syria and Lebanon because there are no governments there.

What options are there when gaza is destroyed ? Perhaps relocating them to another territory and bribing them with important aid would be the best option.

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2 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

Then you don’t know anything about Judaism. First of all, we were kicked out of Israel, 2000 years ago by Roman‘s, and second of all for three times a day, every single day we prayed to return to Zion. For every holiday, we added additional prayers to return to Jerusalem. So you can see we do not have ties it was something embedded in us. In addition, many Jews did come to settle throughout middle ages and especially in the beginning of 20th Century wave before the word Palestinian even existed.

So whats the need for kicking Palestinians out of their homes? If it was really belonging to you why would you have to kick out innocents from their homes? Sounds sketchy af to be honest 

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2 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

Then you don’t know anything about Judaism. First of all, we were kicked out of Israel, 2000 years ago by Roman‘s

Yes, I know all that, but after 2000 years you get used to living the way you are living without longing for a dry desert that you have never seen, don't you think?

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1 minute ago, Breakingthewall said:

Yes, I know all that, but after 2000 years you get used to living the way you are living without longing for a dry desert that you have never seen, don't you think?

I don't think there is much thinking going on hahahaha

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8 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

@Gennadiy1981 Why would the Palestinans leave? Wasn't the issue that it was the Jewish people that needed a state? The Palestinians can't be bought

Well neither are we. We are not going anywhere whether you like it or not. This land was promised to us by God, so we’re staying here. We don’t need any more land. Indeed, if we were to make a land somewhere else, it would fail, why, because that’s God‘s decision, and not ours.

I’m not speaking as a religious fanatic, historically, I see that divine power is way above this whole thing. There were some crazy individuals before the state of Israel was born, and they wanted to make state somewhere else, some in South America, some in Africa, some in Europe, but every time it failed, and in only succeeded in the land of Israel. Like it was prophesies in the Bible menu thousand years ago. How will you beat that fact?

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7 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

Well neither are we. We are not going anywhere whether you like it or not. This land was promised to us by God, so we’re staying here. We don’t need any more land. Indeed, if we were to make a land somewhere else, it would fail, why, because that’s God‘s decision, and not ours.

I’m not speaking as a religious fanatic, historically, I see that divine power is way above this whole thing. There were some crazy individuals before the state of Israel was born, and they wanted to make state somewhere else, some in South America, some in Africa, some in Europe, but every time it failed, and in only succeeded in the land of Israel. Like it was prophesies in the Bible menu thousand years ago. How will you beat that fact?

Sure, In the Middle Ages they were very wise and trusted in God's judgment. If two disagreed, they fought, and the one who won was right, and if that were not the case, God would not have allowed their victory. Really, they were right, that's the reality. 

Maybe God wanted the Jews to return to Israel to start a war that would decimate humanity, but if that is what God wanted, that will be

Edited by Breakingthewall

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5 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

Well neither are we. We are not going anywhere whether you like it or not. This land was promised to us by God, so we’re staying here. We don’t need any more land. Indeed, if we were to make a land somewhere else, it would fail, why, because that’s God‘s decision, and not ours.

I’m not speaking as a religious fanatic, historically, I see that divine power is way above this whole thing. There were some crazy individuals before the state of Israel was born, and they wanted to make state somewhere else, some in South America, some in Africa, some in Europe, but every time it failed, and in only succeeded in the land of Israel. Like it was prophesies in the Bible menu thousand years ago. How will you beat that fact?

I don't mind if you guys stay or not. But it sure seems like it's causing problems. Problems that Jewish people have to deal with as well. You call that a success?

One more thing. Why are you on this forum anyways if you believe that you should have holy wars for a useless piece of land? You do know that our work here goes way beyond that sort of thing? No offense but this is simply not the teaching

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Thank you @Breakingthewall and @Twentyfirst I accept it as a compliment. You can see that I am sincere and honest person and do not have back thoughts. You may be right. Listen we Jews always had hardship so nothing new under the sun. They say the more things change the more they remain the same. Again going back to Bible, it says clear there, that as long as Jews would sin God would punish with calamities, once Jews embrace God’s commandments then they would live in peace. I am not going further in it but that is the main point. Whether we agree with the Bible or disagree it keep proving itself over and over, I don’t know what to say to this but burning it off, I also can’t. 

I never said I want to see war, every person wants to live in peace, it’s just I know if we put down weapons tomorrow we will not exist. It’s self survival here at stake.

Why I am on this form? I do a lot of self development and actualization. I listen to Leo’s lectures and I truly understand them, I really appreciate the depth of his wisdom where many of you here actually don’t and I see most people criticism of Leo’s work by the way. Now I don’t mean you personally but people on this forum. Leo does say very wise stuff and I don’t mean to suck up, I can appreciate deep and thorough depth of human consciousness. To be honest I have not found such depth anywhere else and tell you the truth it has to do with using psychedelics form my opinion as they truly open up a person. 

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1 minute ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

Thank you @Breakingthewall and @Twentyfirst I accept it as a compliment. You can see that I am sincere and honest person and do not have back thoughts. You may be right. Listen we Jews always had hardship so nothing new under the sun. They say the more things change the more they remain the same. Again going back to Bible, it says clear there, that as long as Jews would sin God would punish with calamities, once Jews embrace God’s commandments then they would live in peace. I am not going further in it but that is the main point. Whether we agree with the Bible or disagree it keep proving itself over and over, I don’t know what to say to this but burning it off, I also can’t. 

I never said I want to see war, every person wants to live in peace, it’s just I know if we put down weapons tomorrow we will not exist. It’s self survival here at stake.

Why I am on this form? I do a lot of self development and actualization. I listen to Leo’s lectures and I truly understand them, I really appreciate the depth of his wisdom where many of you here actually don’t and I see most people criticism of Leo’s work by the way. Now I don’t mean you personally but people on this forum. Leo does say very wise stuff and I don’t mean to suck up, I can appreciate deep and thorough depth of human consciousness. To be honest I have not found such depth anywhere else and tell you the truth it has to do with using psychedelics form my opinion as they truly open up a person. 

Everyone has had hardships. Don't be such a victim. Being a victim is the weakest position you can take as a man

So if Jews put down the weapons why would Jews cease to exist?

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Be careful about spiritual fantasies; they could destroy a whole country. You won't be able to hold them when your country can't defend itself.

People in my country still have spiritual and nationalistic fantasies about how the country should be; they cherry-pick some historical facts to justify them. They are in a worse situation right now.

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30 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

This land was promised to us by God, so we’re staying here.

That‘s funny

don‘t you have to wait for the jewish messiah before you go there though according to your book?

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14 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

never said I want to see war, every person wants to live in peace, it’s just I know if we put down weapons tomorrow we will not exist. It’s self survival here at stake.

Sure. What you say is true, the history of Israel is fascinating and strange. the enormous tenacity of a people.  The conflict and war are a big piece of shit, and the Palestinian side is the one who is suffering from this situation, a curse, but that's life, these kinds of things have always happened. I sympathize with the Palestinians but I also respect Israel. If I were Jew, I would go out from Israel, but i understand who wants to stay, even i think it's violence. 

10 minutes ago, Understander said:

Be careful about spiritual fantasies; they could destroy a whole country. You won't be able to hold them when your country can't defend itself.

Well, At this point, you could say that they are more than just fantasies. When millions act during millennia from a fantasy, it's not a fantasy anymore

Edited by Breakingthewall

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The root of the problem is colonialism, which has always been intertwined with racism.   You may still recall all of those old Western movies where savage Indians were attacking the American settlers.   The Calvary where the good guys in blue who would arrive just in time to kill the savage Indians.   The movie never told you that the reason the Indians were attacking the settlers was because their land was being stolen and they were being dispossessed as a people.  It was a movie and only showed us what the propagandists wanted us to see.  

Colonialism never changes.  It has always been nasty and brutal.  Today, the savage Indians are called “Hamas”.   They must now be eliminated by the “good guys” who at the present counting have killed over 8000 Palestinians with indiscriminate bombing.  But the movie script doesn’t allow any sympathy for their lives.  They are merely extras, not full members of SAG. The script writers have already written in that they deserve it.  That’s where the racism comes in.  There is no sympathy, only cheers from the audience, when the movie Indian gets shot off his horse.  They are inferior to the “civilized”, i.e., those who look like us. 


Vincit omnia Veritas.

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An important lesson in all of this is that not all bombs are created equally

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8 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

That‘s funny

don‘t you have to wait for the jewish messiah before you go there though according to your book?

No that is not said in the Bible, that’s a text out of context. The Messiah will become king and build a temple that is what said in the Bible and (for weak minded people please do not read further) Israel will expand its borders from the river of Egypt (Nile) to the great river Euphrates (Iraq)

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18 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

Everyone has had hardships. Don't be such a victim. Being a victim is the weakest position you can take as a man

So if Jews put down the weapons why would Jews cease to exist?

What I meant to say, is, if juice put the weapons, there would not be Israel, hence, we need to do anything to defend it.


17 minutes ago, Understander said:


Be careful about spiritual fantasies; they could destroy a whole country. You won't be able to hold them when your country can't defend itself.

It is on the contrary, it is the spiritual fantasy as you call it, kept us alive. Indeed we lived as a minority among other nations and many other nations who did not had homelands totally extinct, you can only see them in museums and encyclopedias. We are on the other hand alive and well. We have a saying that “the more the Jews kept the sabbath, the more the Sabbath kept the Jews.

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3 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

What I meant to say, is, if juice put the weapons, there would not be Israel, hence, we need to do anything to defend it.


Who told you if Jews put down the weapons there would be no more Israel? 

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7 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

No that is not said in the Bible, that’s a text out of context. The Messiah will become king and build a temple that is what said in the Bible and (for weak minded people please do not read further) Israel will expand its borders from the river of Egypt (Nile) to the great river Euphrates (Iraq)

Sounds like a lot of work! 

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