Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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53 minutes ago, Nabd said:

You can't build something on weak foundations and Israel is definitely built on weak and horrendous foundations.

Country with a long history for Jews is not a weak foundation.

54 minutes ago, Nabd said:

they did actions compared to the Holocaust

Do you know what holocaust is?

How come is that Palestinians are increasing in numbers every year and not decreasing?

56 minutes ago, Nabd said:

first Israelis have to get rid of people like Netanyahu and Ben Gvir.

Definitely. They are crazy.

58 minutes ago, Nabd said:

but Israel in its current form is cancer and Hamas is Israel and no matter what,

Reliability level: the earth is flat.


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#2 Meanwhile in the west bank: 


As we speak, the community of Khirbet Zanuta (South Hebron Hills) is packing up their village and leaving their lands as a result of settler terrorism. Forcible transfer is taking place in front of our eyes and yet we remain silent.


Systematic ethnic cleansing is a standard Israeli gov practice and will continue on regardless they eradicate Hamas or not. 

Edited by lina

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Where are the tortures that Israel said it was going to show? is a lie. They say they are going to show it so people assume that there was that, then they don't do it and it is forgotten. They are lies to justify devastating Gaza. 

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41 minutes ago, lina said:

#2 Meanwhile in the west bank: 


As we speak, the community of Khirbet Zanuta (South Hebron Hills) is packing up their village and leaving their lands as a result of settler terrorism. Forcible transfer is taking place in front of our eyes and yet we remain silent.


Systematic ethnic cleansing is a standard Israeli gov practice and will continue on regardless they eradicate Hamas or not. 

at least Biden is condemning Israel over it. If it was Palestinians doing it to israelies you can just imagine the outcry. 


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@lina There are minority of settlers that really do terror and have to be putted in prison on murder.

Edited by Nivsch

🌲 You can rarely pretend to give an effective advice to someone just from the fact that you cannot see the unique inner logic behind his actions, no matter how obvious you will mistakenly think the answer is. If you really want to help and not to harm, encourage him to trust more his own logic.

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A new york times investigation into the bombing of the hospital.



"The Times’s finding does not answer what actually did cause the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital blast, or who is responsible. The contention by Israeli and American intelligence agencies that a failed Palestinian rocket launch is to blame remains plausible. But the Times analysis does cast doubt on one of the most publicized pieces of evidence that Israeli officials have used to make their case and complicates the straightforward narrative they have put forth."

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It's good to see the ground invasion has finally commenced and we can move past the air strike phase. The sooner this whole saga is over, the better.

It's clear Israel is committed to removing Hamas. All we can do is pray civilian losses are minimized and some positive change results from this.

Personally, as a Jew with close ties to Israel I'm done arguing morals with outsiders who have no skin in the game and want to tell Jews what level of safety and survival is appropriate for them. You believe we shouldn't have our own state? You believe we should put our loved ones in danger with your half baked solutions? We don't care.

Edited by hundreth

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25 minutes ago, YeahIam said:

A new york times investigation into the bombing of the hospital.



"The Times’s finding does not answer what actually did cause the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital blast, or who is responsible. The contention by Israeli and American intelligence agencies that a failed Palestinian rocket launch is to blame remains plausible. But the Times analysis does cast doubt on one of the most publicized pieces of evidence that Israeli officials have used to make their case and complicates the straightforward narrative they have put forth."

I couldn’t access it without a subscription, in my country. But found it on this link https://www.france24.com/en/tv-shows/truth-or-fake/20231026-gaza-hospital-blast-the-new-york-times-brings-new-evidence-to-the-table

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2 hours ago, hundreth said:

Personally, as a Jew with close ties to Israel I'm done arguing morals with outsiders who have no skin in the game and want to tell Jews what level of safety and survival is appropriate for them. You believe we shouldn't have our own state? You believe we should put our loved ones in danger with your half baked solutions? We don't care.

There are international laws for war. 
If you break them you get punished
It is that simple.

Why is it hard to understand this?

You respect the law, thats it.

Everything else is rationalizations and delusions.

Israel is clearly not respecting the law so they should be punished.

You guys are like a murderer yelling why we should not murder.

Because the fucking laws which you also signed say you cannot do that


The end

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11 hours ago, Nabd said:

Historically speaking, Jews lived relatively well in the middle east prior Israel but after Israel was created, Zionism encouraged them to flee to Israel with money incentives and of course it was hard to live as a Jew outside of Israel after Israel was established.


I have question for Israelis here:

Since Oriental Jews are half (more?) of the population, do you think they are more racist and hostile/right wingers compared to Ashkenazi Jews? For example Ben Gvir was born into Iraqi family and his mother is Kurdish. It seems to me that Oriental Jews are far more religious than others.

I am reading the posts and I truly see how antisemitic people are here, despite their enlightenment practice, or maybe they are not. 
To answer question, did you know that Jews were expelled historically from 80 different countries. And some were twice and more than that. Did you know that living amount other nations we experienced such gifts as crusades and inquisition and pogroms and Holocaust. Thank you dear world but no thanks at the same time. We need to have a safe heaven that when things become bad we have a place to go.

You may say that we have civilized places like America. And you are right that America is not Germany. Did you know that one time Germany wasn’t a Germany neither, of all the places in the world Germany was a civilized nation. All it does is to take some catastrophe such as an economic clash, and Jews become the scapegoat. So we need a safe heaven. And even now the antisemitism is rising. Hope I answered you that question.

The answer question is, we Jews care for each other. When the oriental Jews as you call, were expelled from Arab countries we accepted them and made them equal citizens and they all blended within society. Does not matter they were from east, west, north or south. Today it’s pretty much blended and they became one people. I would not say one is more than the other, there are a lot of mixes and so on.

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I suspect that as Israel starts to incur heavy losses in the ground invasion they will pull back out and redouble their bombing.

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@Nabd with friends like you, no one needs enemies. No Judaism is not similar to Islam at all. We differ in culture, religion, ethnicity, language and you name. I am not sure what Semitic person you are, but you need to really research history  taking facts from media.

And I am not sure about founding fathers what you mean and whom do you refer to. The Israel’s truly founding fathers were the biblical ones Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 
Now if you cannot find a different between Israeli and a Nazi, your moral compass is very perverted and there is very little to do with you. When a Jew lived in Germany, they wanted to become the best citizen of Germany, indeed many Jews stopped even identifying as a Jew and called themselves Germans of the mosaic persuasion. A Jew never went to bomb German places and never did they say that one day we will make Germany Israel. So there is absolutely no comparison here at all. The Arabs do say that they want entire Israel to be Palestine and they do commit terrorist stacks and aim at civilians.

And we did not conquer anything. First Israel was always Jewish Land it says in the Bible. Then the League of Nations which later was ratified by United Nations recognized the state of Israel. So you should know Israel was never that small as today, in early twentieth century when the Middle East was divided we were suppose to get march larger land, whatever is Israel and Jordan. But they illegally cut off 77% of the Palestinian mandate and made fictitious state called Jordan by the way at that time only two countries recognized it was England and India. But whatever, it is what it is and now Jordan is a country. But the remaining 23% is ours and will keep it. 

We always really go back to bible where we have our founding fathers and what they said. As far as recent day politicians, they come and they go, we pay much less to them.

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Labelling everyone as antisemitic is a cheap trick to discredit anyone that has an opposing view to you on the Israel/Palestine situation. Enlightened people will react when thousands of children are being bombed and killed, just as the same people reacted with horror at the atrocities committed by Hamas in Israel. That’s not antisemitism. Grow up. 

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@Merkabah Star I am not labeling antisemitic those with opposing ideas, I am labeling those who compare us to nazis or saying we have no right to exist. It’s all same as was said thousand of years ago, nothing new under the sun.

As fas as civilians getting hurt, what can I say, those are the rules of engagement and war. Any was is bad, people will always get hurt. And you can be sympathetic to it, that’s perfectly fine, but we need to finish the job. 

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@Gennadiy1981 what's interesting, is that you say palestinians don't allow israel to exist, but you don't allow Palestine to exist either. You basicly said that the entire region including Gaza and the west bank should belong to the jewish population. Does not seem like you are very different from one another in this regard. 

Edited by Philipp

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12 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

@Leo Gura Do you think their government will be trialed for war crimes?

No way

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@Leo Gura How come? What happened to fair equal treatment of everyone?

So Israeli is like the corrupt politican in a third world country that gets away with breaking the law?

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If you are enlightened, you shall absolutely hate and despise every formalized in-group, such as religion. All religions, to me, are equivalent to soft Nazism at best and hard Nazism at worst. They promote a fixed mindset that fosters hate against humanity's unity, breeding division, which ultimately leads to hatred and a preference for one's own group, resulting in the hatred of other groups.

Even if the ego keeps denying this evident truth, they are all a mental poison and should not be tolerated at all. They make the mind aesthetically ugly, prompt you to pick imagined sides that are outside of love, and foster hate, hatred, despise, and negativity.

There is only hell and misery in identification with any in-group; enlightenment shall shatter these divisions entirely for the one thing that is worth it: love.

Ultimately, anyone who feels triggered by someone insulting their favored fairy tale has not truly touched real enlightenment at all.


nowhere in the bio  @VahnAeris 

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The main headquarters of Hamas is under the largest hospital in Gaza:


Edited by ShaharA

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