Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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if the Israeli army can effectively eliminate Hamas completely form that resign that will be good. But thats a big if loaded with half dozen of bad scenarios. Hostages being held, people, families, children, street wars, explosives. a god damn mess. What will Gaza be after this? Are people supposed to be eating popcorn while all this happens? It might be long disaster of a war. How can you hold all these moving parts? The public opinion, surprising factors. It’s not going to be good or easy.

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Israel is worried about the level of denialism in large parts of the world about the degree to which the Hamas terrorists murdered, tortured and mutilated Israeli civilians during their attack on October 7. Tomorrow, they will show journalists uncensored footage from bodycams


Sad that it has come to this.

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19 minutes ago, Scholar said:

They’ve already been posting pictures of bodies on Twitter non stop and even buying ads. They are trying to get more support to justify the bombing campaign because people keep spreading videos of Palestinian bodies.

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18 minutes ago, Raze said:

They’ve already been posting pictures of bodies on Twitter non stop and even buying ads. They are trying to get more support to justify the bombing campaign because people keep spreading videos of Palestinian bodies.

sure are horrible scenes. Young guerrillas full of hatred in a situation of mortal combat always act like this. in all wars. The Israelis knew that when they turned off the alarms. if you let the mad dogs in, they will do their genocidal tortures, like in Serbia, in Rwanda, in ancient Rome and always. But the rest of the people are not to blame for that.

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@Leo Gura Israel is the biggest terrorist organization in the middle east, yet they somehow convinced the west that they are the victims

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2 hours ago, Nabd said:

The thing is Israelis think they are facing a large army or whatever but they don't realize that their neighboring countries are all protecting Israel.

If Jordan Syria Lebanon and Egypt actually opened the border for people to take up arms and actually go Jihad, Israel would be fucked facing literally millions of people from Egypt alone who would love to see Jerusalem up close.

Israel got attacked by a small number of Hamas terrorists and the casualties are normal compared to what they did during "peace times" and the Israeli civilized stage orange response is more brutal.

They’re not protecting Israel, if they intervene in this mess they’re gonna have to answer to the U.S.

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The scenes coming from Gaza... wow! IDF is going berserk and literally striking everything. Hamas are freaks and should be dealt with 100% but my God, the atrocities and massacres the IDF is carrying out in Gaza are next level terrorism.

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Zizek had a really good take at Frankfurter Buchmesse on the Israel / Palestine situation. Also interesting to see him react to the audience interrupting. These interrups are mostly toxic stage green worldviews being confronted.




Edited by TimStr

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Google definition of terrorist: a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.


Whether state, organisation or solo actor - it’s clear, just a matter of scale and propagandised white washing and hypocrisy from Western governments. Even if we disregard Gaza, what’s happening in West Bank falls under that category - and Hamas don’t even run the show there!


Israel’s Dahiya doctrine

The strategy itself calls for the deliberate targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructure in order to induce suffering and severe distress throughout the targeted population. By targeting indiscriminately, the IDF hopes to deter further military attacks against Israel, destroy its enemies, as well as influence the population to oust the militants seen as the primary target. The IDF has planned on using the strategy since 2008, and is seen as doing so in the current conflict in Gaza based on the increasing number of civilian casualties.



“”The Dahiya Doctrine violates two cardinal principles of International law: The Principle of Distinction and the Principle of Disproportionality… civilians cannot be targeted by armies.”

”The United Nations commissioned a fact-finding mission known as the Goldstone Report, which concluded  that the Israeli strategy was "designed to punish, humiliate and  terrorise a civilian population."

The international law professor Richard Falk has described Israel's Dahiya Doctrine "not only an overt violation of the most elementary norms of the law of war and of universal morality, but an avowal of a doctrine of violence that needs to be called by its proper name: state terrorism."

Theirs a difference between defence and ‘deterrence.’ The definition of defence can be more concrete, whilst deterrence can be stretched out to include civilians and a disproportionate use of force .

Edited by zazen

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Meanwhile in the west bank, 


In the Israeli-occupied West Bank, 93 Palestinians have been killed — including eight Sunday — in clashes with Israeli troops, arrest raids and attacks by Jewish settlers since the Hamas attacks, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry. Israeli forces have closed crossings into the territory and checkpoints between cities, measures they say are aimed at preventing attacks. Israel says it has arrested more than 700 Palestinians since Oct. 7, including 480 suspected Hamas members.

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@Nabd Do you know that all those buildings are almost completely empty because IDF asked the civilians to leave southward of gaza river to save their lives?

Those bombing aiming to change the terrain on gaza and to neutralize the fortrees hamas built and the traps he putted for Israel.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻 Thinking independently about the spiral stages themselves is important for going through them in an organic, efficient way. If you stick to an external idea about how a stage should be you lose touch with its real self customized process trying to happen inside you.

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7 hours ago, BassamMo said:

The scenes coming from Gaza... wow! IDF is going berserk and literally striking everything. Hamas are freaks and should be dealt with 100% but my God, the atrocities and massacres the IDF is carrying out in Gaza are next level terrorism.

Those buildings are EMPTY after civilians leave as they were asked by Israel all the time to do so.

The goal of the bombing is to change the terrain and the landscape because otherwise our soldiers will be sitting ducks.


Edited by Nivsch

🌻 Thinking independently about the spiral stages themselves is important for going through them in an organic, efficient way. If you stick to an external idea about how a stage should be you lose touch with its real self customized process trying to happen inside you.

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”The Dahiya Doctrine violates two cardinal principles of International law: The Principle of Distinction and the Principle of Disproportionality… civilians cannot be targeted by armies.”


”The United Nations commissioned a fact-finding mission known as the Goldstone Report, which concluded  that the Israeli strategy was "designed to punish, humiliate and  terrorise a civilian population."


So to minimise IDF casualties it is justified to flatten an already small strip of land with a population density higher than Tokyo, comprising of over 1 million children ( including destroying critical infrastructure such as hospital and their last major bakery ) and further to cut them off from essentials like food water and electricity.


The fact that the US had to step in to pressure Israel to allow aid to those people and stay within international law is embarrassing for the optics of Israel.


Even if this 'war' passes, Israel itself is domestically fractured. Even disregarding Gaza, Israels treatment of the West Bank is also atrocious - how is that explained? 

Edited by zazen

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46 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

Those buildings are EMPTY after civilians leave as they were asked by Israel all the time to do so.

The goal of the bombing is to change the terrain and the landscape because otherwise our soldiers will be sitting ducks.


Yes it's the only way to act if they want to go in. I agree that the guys who carried out the massacre should die, but I think that the Nazis in the government who intentionally allowed this to happen, since they knew that a large-scale attack was planned and removed surveillance, should die too, since who are equally responsible. It seems obvious that in the Israeli government there are Nazis with supremacist ideas who have promoted the massacre and torture of their own citizens to fulfill their objectives of generating hatred.

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@Breakingthewall almost nobody thought hamas is capable of something like this. 

I dont buy the conspiracy you mentioned at the end.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻 Thinking independently about the spiral stages themselves is important for going through them in an organic, efficient way. If you stick to an external idea about how a stage should be you lose touch with its real self customized process trying to happen inside you.

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40 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

dont buy the conspiracy you mentioned at the end.

I think it's completely impossible that this happened without being detected, more if they were warned by Egypt, and also 3 hours before there was a warning. That is not negligence, it is deliberation, it is impossible for it to be a mistake

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44 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

almost nobody thought hamas is capable of something like this. 

If they have blocked Gaza it is precisely because they fear that attacks will occur. There have been thousands of terrorist attacks in Israel, and knowing that Hamas is there, that there is a rave, that Egypt warns, and there is no one there? it is impossible

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It’s funny how al jazeera is so good at pointing out issues in israel and other countries but thy never talk about issues in qatar for example 

cgtn is so good in pointing out issues in the west etc yet they never have an issue to point out in china

same with rt and russia

those indian channels like wion talk about europe etc all day, yet never criticise modi and india

while channels like let’s say france 24 do point out problems in for example china but also in france at home

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