Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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2 minutes ago, Scholar said:

Apparent ISIS terrorist on killing spree

That's what I was worried about. Get ready for backlash in the West.

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1 minute ago, Scholar said:

Apparent ISIS terrorist on killing spree swedish people in brussels. Possibly motivated by Quoran burnings and call for global Jihad.


Yea islamism imo much more dangerous and much more destructive than zionism

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

That's what I was worried about. Get ready for backlash in the West.

Its to be expected.  It will quiet down eventually.   It anything happens here It will be met with massive repercussions. 


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That's what I was worried about. Get ready for backlash in the West.

Well, the Europeans went a little too far with their immigration policies so some backlash would do them good.


He has bee at large for 6 hours now?

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28 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

How I feel is irrelevant. That's the point.

It's quite relevant because it's all about how you feel while you identify as Leo.  If it wasn't relevant than all of your health problems wouldn't matter.   You cannot apply the Absolute to the relative.   So if I tell you relatively speaking that Hitler is evil as fuck I don't mean it absolutely.   I just mean you better be damn careful who you offend by that.

Edited by Inliytened1


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Some more insane footage floating around but I won't be posting that here.

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I think Ron Paul was correct.  The United States should stop giving unequal support and arms to Israel and treat them like any other country, and let them solve their own problems.  That would actually be the best thing for Israel and that region.  Sensible people would take over the government and they would make a peace deal with their neighbors rather than having their policies driven by extremists immigrating from America.   Sorry, but if you are living in the United States you are never going to figure it out no matter how much you study it.  The people there are the ones who have to solve the problem.

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3 minutes ago, Jodistrict said:

I think Ron Paul was correct.  The United States should stop giving unequal support and arms to Israel and treat them like any other country, and let them solve their own problems.  That would actually be the best thing for Israel and that region.  Sensible people would take over the government and they would make a peace deal with their neighbors rather than having their policies driven by extremists immigrating from America.   Sorry, but if you are living in the United States you are never going to figure it out no matter how much you study it.  The people there are the ones who have to solve the problem.

The utter and total destruction of Hamas needs to be fully supported by the US.  And it is currently.  Do not feel like you know something smarter in this case because you don't



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39 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

It anything happens here It will be met with massive repercussions. 

That's even worse.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

If you had no bias, you would see everything as Love.


It's funny because I can tell you I absolutely understand what you mean, but how amusing that the ego will come back to hypnotize us and ground us in the deception of perceived self feeding narrative.

Being enlightened on infinite love and god means nothing about your imagined set of values.


For all you know, "you" assume hitler was not enlightened, but imagine for one second what it would mean if he was. ( not saying he was, just try to think of reality as if hitler was in fact fully enlightened )

Edited by AerisVahnEphelia

nowhere in the bio  @VahnAeris 

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@AerisVahnEphelia you cleverly masquerade as a troll.  But I see you.  

I will throw you out the door like a jew tosses bread out on Yom Kippur. 

Edited by Inliytened1


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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

This is such a complex, non black-and-white issue

Man... being purposefully in the middle isn't a virtue, get off the MSM and you may realize it is not as "complex" as they want you to think.

The only reason I can't swallow the mainstream narrative of "self-defense" is because they say X and do Y and simultaneously lie like they are victims when they are aggressors. They have killed kids, and journalists and committed many war crimes for years but they never got exposed in the mainstream. 

And that ability to commit war crimes without consequences is rooted in the apartheid meaning the people in Gaza live in an open-air prison, considered less than and have no rights. Settlers can kill if they wish and the situation has been that way for so long. If an Israeli dies it is breaking news, if a Palestinian dies it is fine since he was a "terrorist". This is straight BS out of Hitler's book. You can't have people without rights and expect them to play fair, they won't,  as you didn't treat them fair.

The status quo and the baseline of the "thermostat" is that Israel does whatever it wants to Palestinians, kills them, and abuses them in general. There is no infrastructure for human rights since the ethnonationalistic Israel doesn't give them any. 
So ANYTHING that threatens the unbalanced power dynamics is considered anti jew. Despite the fact that objectively speaking the Jews are abusing their power.

2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Not true. I have seen a wide variety of perspectives in the corporate media.

Bollocks!! If what Hamas did didn't happen, the baseline which is Palestinian segregation and murder wouldn't get the light of day like it did.

Did you see any news the last 50 times settlers killed Palestinians??? You didn't see shit!! 
since that is the baseline of this conflict: whenever a jew dies it is somehow more important compared to whenever a Palestinian dies which is just another day at the office.

Now let's get to the war crimes. The list consists of bombing supplies, cutting water and food resources, bombing civilians, telling people to evacuate and then killing them, using white phosphorus, killing journalists, threatening journalists, forcing people to move, mutilating children, beheading children, killing unarmed people that resigned and the list goes on... All that and I still haven't seen any dead Hamas soldiers ?

It doesn't exist any scenario or justification that can explain these war crimes point blank period.

This situation is like a Stanford prison experiment on a mass scale.

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1 minute ago, Socrates said:

Man... being purposefully in the middle isn't a virtue, get off the MSM and you may realize it is not as "complex" as they want you to think.

The only reason I can't swallow the mainstream narrative of "self-defense" is because they say X and do Y and simultaneously lie like they are victims when they are aggressors. They have killed kids, and journalists and committed many war crimes for years but they never got exposed in the mainstream. 

And that ability to commit war crimes without consequences is rooted in the apartheid meaning the people in Gaza live in an open-air prison, considered less than and have no rights. Settlers can kill if they wish and the situation has been that way for so long. If an Israeli dies it is breaking news, if a Palestinian dies it is fine since he was a "terrorist". This is straight BS out of Hitler's book. You can't have people without rights and expect them to play fair, they won't,  as you didn't treat them fair.

The status quo and the baseline of the "thermostat" is that Israel does whatever it wants to Palestinians, kills them, and abuses them in general. There is no infrastructure for human rights since the ethnonationalistic Israel doesn't give them any. 
So ANYTHING that threatens the unbalanced power dynamics is considered anti jew. Despite the fact that objectively speaking the Jews are abusing their power.

Bollocks!! If what Hamas did didn't happen, the baseline which is Palestinian segregation and murder wouldn't get the light of day like it did.

Did you see any news the last 50 times settlers killed Palestinians??? You didn't see shit!! 
since that is the baseline of this conflict: whenever a jew dies it is somehow more important compared to whenever a Palestinian dies which is just another day at the office.

Now let's get to the war crimes. The list consists of bombing supplies, cutting water and food resources, bombing civilians, telling people to evacuate and then killing them, using white phosphorus, killing journalists, threatening journalists, forcing people to move, mutilating children, beheading children, killing unarmed people that resigned and the list goes on... All that and I still haven't seen any dead Hamas soldiers ?

It doesn't exist any scenario or justification that can explain these war crimes point blank period.

This situation is like a Stanford prison experiment on a mass scale.

Your terrorist group - with one goal in mind - the annihilation of the Jewish people - began this crusade.   This blood is on your hands.   So don't you dare and gaslight the Jewish people.  The gaslighting is really getting old now.  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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What will happen to the „left“

after this? Just more infighting?

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@Inliytened1 Good argument I'm convinced ??

Oh wait, you didn't say anything of substance, just pulled the victim card as the current aggressor and started pointing fingers.

Utmost lack of responsibility and accountability. You definitely need to take a walk, you sound emotional.


Edited by Socrates

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@Inliytened1  I'm sorry if you feel that way about it. People like to entertain narratives as long as they're feeding their cosmological super-enlightened Tier 4 ego. It's my curse and my blessing, I guess. But if you hold the truth, a little deception from a nobody doesn't make solid science, so no one should be hurt but the ones who utter the deception.

Unless the ego also has a narrative about the matter for its own survival, assuming itself knows what a thought is and assuming it knows about the causality of so-called thoughts and how they are in relation to reality.

Of course I m just articulating the obvious, but if there is a reason for X, there must be a reason for Y too.

A lot of assuming, but I guess it's natural. Let's keep playing until we find something tasty to think about.
Back on the cultural story for thy, and a nap for me.

nowhere in the bio  @VahnAeris 

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3 minutes ago, Socrates said:

@Inliytened1 Good argument I'm convinced ??

Oh wait, you didn't say anything of substance, just pulled the victim card as the current aggressor and started pointed finger. 

That's because substance doesn't matter.   Throw out all the numbers you want.  We can analyze this shit until we are blue on the face.  But for a guy named Socrates I would truly expect more.  Maybe it's why I never see you in the other sections.   Yeah.   Cuz your a numbers guy.   Well..at some point you have to throw all that shit out the window.

Edited by Inliytened1


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3 minutes ago, AerisVahnEphelia said:

@Inliytened1  I'm sorry if you feel that way about it. People like to entertain narratives as long as they're feeding their cosmological super-enlightened Tier 4 ego. It's my curse and my blessing, I guess. But if you hold the truth, a little deception from a nobody doesn't make solid science, so no one should be hurt but the ones who utter the deception.

Unless the ego also has a narrative about the matter for its own survival, assuming itself knows what a thought is and assuming it knows about the causality of so-called thoughts and how they are in relation to reality.

Of course I m just articulating the obvious, but if there is a reason for X, there must be a reason for Y too.

A lot of assuming, but I guess it's natural. Let's keep playing until we find something tasty to think about.
Back on the cultural story for thy, and a nap for me.

I like you, I really do.  What we are really discussing here is a bias.  HItler was as a sonofabitch, he really was.  If you don't believe it's true - then hold your arm out on the table and let me slice it clean off with a sharp blade.  When you come to and get all of the bandages on, you can let me know how much you like me.


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9 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

weird fact

the hamas attack happened on putins birthday 

No one cares.  He will die alone.  You can bet he is loved truly by no one - not even his own family. 

Edited by Inliytened1


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