Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

ronically the last PM of Japan was killed by a terrorist.

Their motive? "A grudge against the Unification Church, with which Abe was connected".

And it ties with religion too.

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

new Osama Bin Laden character who will want to punish the US for supporting Israel's bloodbath.

1 hour ago, Starlight321 said:



US directly bombed civilians in baghdad and the muslims did not react so violently. It is in Israel where his desire for revenge will be concentrated. US is too strong and it's too far. And nobody want to seriously anger US  given the consequences

Edited by Breakingthewall

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55 minutes ago, An young being said:

The AI is there only to remove the short term bias. Imagine if there is an AI created with global representatives that could post questions that would point out possible problems in the long term and the leaders are forced to answer all the questions posted by it and reveal it to the public, before making important decisions. I know it all sounds advanced and far fetched, but that's where democracy of the future should move towards, to eliminate human bias and weaknesses and aid in making better decisions and to provide new perspectives.

@An young being yeah, that might be realized when ai gets really advanced and the people aren't too biased to put it in action and listen to it.

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Did anyone post this yet? I didn't know Gabor Maté was a Jew and a Holocaust survivor himself. Here he explains how he became a Zionist in his teenage years dreaming about this Jewish state, but how he later learned how that dream was a nightmare for another people already living there.

Edited by Thittato

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1 hour ago, Nabd said:

I always thought of most Muslims as children.

2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


2 hours ago, Starlight321 said:



It couldn't be more obvious. Jesus says: yes. love, forgive, live. Muhammad says: no. Don't drink alcohol, don't eat pork, don't make design of human figure, don't sin, or you'll go to hell.

just look at all the hooded women in 45 degree heat. oppression, evil, hatred. If you take off your hood, they kill you. A paradise on earth. normal that they are suicidal

Edited by Breakingthewall

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   Bring back Trump, make him president again, he'll stop this madness:


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If this situation escalates further, it could potentially involve Iran, with support from Russia and China ( like proxy war). This would lead to oil prices skyrocketing and essential commodities such as gas, similar to the repercussions we've seen from the Ukraine war.
this could have negative consequences for people worldwide, Aka normal people get mad with U.S. policies.  second-order and third-order consequences for Gaza Genocide.

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1 hour ago, ramosthe5 said:

If this situation escalates further, it could potentially involve Iran, with support from Russia and China ( like proxy war). This would lead to oil prices skyrocketing and essential commodities such as gas, similar to the repercussions we've seen from the Ukraine war.
this could have negative consequences for people worldwide, Aka normal people get mad with U.S. policies.  second-order and third-order consequences for Gaza Genocide.

You are getting your takes from Dugin?

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1 hour ago, ramosthe5 said:

Lol, Dugin Rube Goldbergs his way into Armaggedon.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 hours ago, Vrubel said:

@Leo Gura What do you think Israel's approach should be to the hostages?

The hostages will not survive this. 12 are already confirmed killed. Israel is not being honest about this. If they wanted to save hostages they wouldn't be bombing so ruthlessly.

5 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

US directly bombed civilians in baghdad and the muslims did not react so violently. It is in Israel where his desire for revenge will be concentrated. US is too strong and it's too far. And nobody want to seriously anger US  given the consequences

Jihadists want to provoke and punish the US very much. They like the chaos it creates.

The US needs to play a less biased role, otherwise it will become a target. It's gonna look so bad if US is seen as fully backing a genocide of Arabs without any call for restraint. Biden needs to publically tell Israel to chill and tread carefully. Israel has gone berzerk on the dancefloor and Biden is clapping them on with drunk abandon.

I think Arabs will get uniquly pissed off at the images from Gaza. The optics of it will look so bad. To them the images will look as bad as the videos of Hamas killing babies looked in the West.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Jihadists want to provoke and punish the US very much. They like the chaos it creates.

5 hours ago, Nabd said:


6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


5 hours ago, Starlight321 said:



Really yes, they managed US like a puppet with minimal expense.

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46 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The hostages will not survive this. 12 are already confirmed killed. Israel is not being honest about this. If they wanted to save hostages they wouldn't be bombing so ruthlessly

I just want an end to their suffering, This whole thing has put life for me in perspective and took away a certain innocence from me. Quick Death, quick closure is a blessing a 1000* better than the hell that is unfolding. I take comfort in that the people who saw their kids or parents tortured are dead now. What is the point of living after having survived such a thing?

Edited by Vrubel

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Emperor Joe Biden got Israel to resume the flow of water into Gaza:


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6 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

the people who saw their kids or parents tortured are

I don't think we have evidence of torture.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura Oh man I wish you were right. The people who examine the dead bodies found signs of the most inhumane torture imaginable on many of the bodies. Rape and severed limbs definitely confirmed, all in a family unit. I will never look at the world the same.

Edited by Vrubel

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I've had a discussion with someone on how to advocate for the palestinian people in Gaza right now, and it seems Biden has done exactly as I had recommended:

The reality of the situation is that Israel is in the position of power. People who, after what happened to Israel, try to put all the blame on Israel and use it as an opportunity to call out their atrocities, and focus on how Hamas is only an expression of valid palestinian frustration against the evil imperial apartheid state, are in my opinion only increasing the potential for war and unnecessary death right now.

No matter who is at fault, Israel right now is in a rage after what happened to it. If you want to help palestinians, you must show compassion to Israel, you must condemn Hamas and you must clarify that palestinian civilians are not Hamas and do not support Hamas and believe Hamas is disgusting and must be destroyed. That should have been the rally call of all Palestinian advocates, to show Israel that they have a united enemy.

Edited by Scholar

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@Scholar That's not enough though. Biden needs to publically tell Israel that US support is conditional on Israel showing restraint. That's the key missing piece.

The US is gonna look so bad after the civilian death toll in Gaza shoots past 10,000.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Nabd said:

Biden needs to remind Natenyahu that they funded Hamas.

What difference will that make? He knows and he’s glad he did, they accomplished his desired goal, the Palestinian state is probably dead. The only error he made is not paying enough attention to security and the damage hamas caused might force him to resign if he gets blamed for it.

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20 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Scholar That's not enough though. Biden needs to publically tell Israel that US support is condition on Israel showing restraint. That's the key missing piece.

That's so naive. The pressure on Israel is already enormous from the US/West. The massacres in Israel only lasted for a few days but the bombings in Gaza will last at least a month, probably more. This pressure will only grow. If you say to Israel that support is conditional you'll make Israel feel more unsafe and they'll lash out even more. For Israelis, it is a psychological comfort that the US has those big deck ships nearby and that Iran has no nukes yet. But even so, they'll always know that when push comes to shove, they're on their own. What needs to happen is for the international community to comfort Israel with all kinds of guarantees. For example, the Saudis could say, Oke: destroy Hamas but if you show visible restraint we'll reward you with normalized relations. But of course, the opposite happens. Talking is done with the stick rather than the carrot.

I think Biden has handled this crisis very well so far. He is doing all the right things. Don't underestimate how much Influence America has over Israel when it comes to security. The big leverage of America is that they legitimately can guarantee Israel's security, so don't underestimate how much Israel is being kept in check.

Edited by Vrubel

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