Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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11 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Imagine that you are the leader of Israel. what would you do?

Leave Israel. Never make contact with a Muslim ever again.

On 10/12/2023 at 0:32 AM, Nabd said:

Finally someone gets it.

But the average salary in Syria is actually $15 a month. Over 95% of the population are in poverty and many people would lose some fingers in order to live in Gaza. Or maybe sell a kidney and move to the west bank.

Palestinians have it good compared to Syria, both in Gaza and in the west bank when you compare casualties and income even since the 1948. But the difference is the perpetrators in Palestine are Jews, while in Syria its Russia and Iran.

I didn't know that about Syria. 


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4 hours ago, Bandman said:

Does anyone on the far left and far right even care about the actual people in Palestine and Isreal?

Doesnt seem like it.

Its wild seeing nazis,muslims and far leftists uniting and framing a terrorist attack as a revolution.

Its also wild seeing the lack of acknowledgement how fucked life has been in Palestine for a long while now.

Like wtf guys, you can acknowledge the facts: you can condemn the bad and horrible moves  on each side and still support the innocent civilians.

Edited by zurew

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32 minutes ago, zurew said:

Like wtf guys, you can acknowledge the facts: you can condemn the bad and horrible moves  on each side and still support the innocent civilians.

One important reason I think for this behaviour is that many people don't read or see beyond the headlines or read in detail only what their favourite influencers say, who too read only the headlines.

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So much stuff coming up with this attack and retaliation

buzz words like colonialism, genocide, holocaust, racism, islamophobe, anti semite, oppression etc etc

left turning on each other

france etc banning pro palestine protests

people taking sides

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@PurpleTree That’s a good thing imo. The rot leaks out under pressure and the systems are purified. 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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2 minutes ago, HMD said:

@PurpleTree That’s a good thing imo. The rot leaks out under pressure and the systems are purified. 

Yea it‘s like some dark night of the soul bringing the unconscious to consciousness

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1 hour ago, zurew said:



2 hours ago, zurew said:

Its also wild seeing the lack of acknowledgement how fucked life has been in Palestine for a long while now.

life in gaza is bad compared to life in israel. If Israel did not exist, the Palestinians would live worse, less food, worse buildings, more poverty, but without others to compare with, they would not have that hatred. It's simple envy. If they had forgotten the religious issue and integrated themselves with the Jews, they would live better than any other Arab.  

Jews are hated now for the same reason they have been hated in Europe: envy.

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Allah's Messenger said, "Help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or he is an oppressed one. People asked, "O Allah's Messenger ! It is all right to help him if he is oppressed, but how should we help him if he is an oppressor?" The Prophet said, "By preventing him from oppressing others."

If you're born in Gaza , you're born dead already. The amount of oppressions that Israel commits is just inhuman. They put thresholds on Water they consume , they even control the foods by "calories"  they eat. 

I've met with some Morrocan Jewish and I asked if they like it there? Almost all of them they regret leaving Morocco to Israel. Some of them said they were tricked to go there. ITS OBVIOUS , They're people like us and Evil Politicians control them. 

I want you to see testimonials of former soldiers and their experiences : 

Bottom line , I beleive there will more violence and extreme injustice in the futur toward muslims and that doesn't bother me according to Our Prophet :


“….For verily ahead of you are such (difficult) days, staying steadfast on Din will be like holding onto burning cinders. Those that do good deeds in those days will receive the reward of fifty people who carry out deeds like you"


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6 minutes ago, ramosthe5 said:

If you're born in Gaza , you're born dead already. The amount of oppressions that Israel commits is just inhuman. They put thresholds on Water they consume , they even control the foods by "calories"  they eat. 

I've met with some Morrocan Jewish and I asked if they like it there? Almost all of them they regret leaving Morocco to Israel. Some of them said they were tricked to go there. ITS OBVIOUS , They're people like us and Evil Politicians control them. 

I want you to see testimonials of former soldiers and their experiences : 

Bottom line , I beleive there will more violence and extreme injustice in the futur toward muslims and that doesn't bother me according to Our Prophet :


How is this your first post? 
How did you even find this forum?

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38 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:


life in gaza is bad compared to life in israel. If Israel did not exist, the Palestinians would live worse, less food, worse buildings, more poverty, but without others to compare with, they would not have that hatred. It's simple envy. If they had forgotten the religious issue and integrated themselves with the Jews, they would live better than any other Arab.  

Jews are hated now for the same reason they have been hated in Europe: envy.

Israel makes the living conditions of Gaza un-livable. Yet people have the nerve and blindeness to claim Israel has a much better living standard in comparison and implying that Palestinians would be better off there.

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19 minutes ago, ramosthe5 said:

If you're born in Gaza , you're born dead already. The amount of oppressions that Israel commits is just inhuman.

What else can you expect nowadays. As we see Hamas is killing civilians intentionally and randomly, they have the support of Iran and Russia, and they are operating from civilian buildings.

Nowadays oppression is understandable because there is great fear of Hamas terrorism, they are 100% terrorists. I don't see the difference between them and the Islamic State.

Although they may had an unfair history 80 years ago, because Israel came to overtake their ancient land as the bible says, there is much more peace and sanity on Israel's side today.

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42 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

If Israel did not exist, the Palestinians would live worse, less food, worse buildings, more poverty, but without others to compare with, they would not have that hatred.

You don't know for sure how they would live if Israel didn't exist. But even if I buy into the premise that they would live worse , thats that still won't justify the bad things Israel did against Palestine. If doing some kind of unintentional or intentional good to someone or to a group of people would give sufficient justification to do bad  things against them, then we could basically justify any horrible actions that was done historically almost against any group of people , so basically its obviously a kind of reasoning that we should never use.

The "they just envy" is not a good steelman or analysis, because if only envy would be the case or the main reason, then Hamas wouldn't have applied their envy selectively mostly on Israel.

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8 hours ago, abundance said:

This is just cruel and inhumane.

Israel has a right to protect itself but this is just collective punishment, plain and simple.


This isn't true, the IDF has clarified it is aware that it will take multiple days for this to occur.

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The amount of black and white thinking on his topic from both sides is dispiriting to see. Two things can be true at once: that the Israeli state is commiting a genocide against its occupied Palestinian population, and that Hamas is an Islamo-fascist organization that would be just as brutal if they were in a comparable position of power to the Israeli state. So what we have is a monstrous apartheid regime in conflict with a brutal terrorist organization of their own making (as the Israeli state created the inhumane social conditions that were wipe for desperate Palestinians to turn to Hamas), with innocent civilians on both sides suffering as a result.

Make no mistake though, though both sides in this conflict are awful, Israeli has virtually all of the power in this situation. If they agreed to the two state solution compromise this conflict would effectively be over.

Edited by DocWatts

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2 minutes ago, DocWatts said:

The amount of black and white thinking on his topic from both sides is dispiriting to see. Two things can be true at once: that the Israeli state is commiting a genocide against its occupied Palestinian population, and that Hamas is an Islamo-fascist organization that would be just as brutal as the Israeli occupiers if they were in a position of power. So what we have is a monstrous apartheid regime in conflict with a brutal terrorist organization of their own making (as the Israeli state created the inhumane social conditions that were wipe for desperate Palestinians to turn to Hamas), with innocent civilians on both sides suffering as a result.

Make no mistake though, though both sides in this conflict are awful, Israeli has virtually all of the power in this situation. If they agreed to the two state solution compromise this conflict would effectively be over.

See the polling data. Hamas, nor palestinian, view a two state solution as acceptable. If a two state solution did occur, they would fight until all of palestine was freed, and all original land returned to them.

This is what happens when you radicalize an entire generation for your holy war, which is precisely what happened under Hamas.


This  type of lack of understanding of human nature actually leads to more death and war, not less. If Israel did accept a two state solution right now (Hamas would most likely reject it anyways), it would most likely lead to a far more involved war in the future.

Edited by Scholar

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