Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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42 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

All your base are belong to us.


Microsoft keeps trying to crush Google on my laptop, Fuck OFF Microsoft!!

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25 minutes ago, Sir Oberon said:

I'm not God, not in my mind.

You are God's mind.


God help me to get there.

You're welcome ;)

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

When all else fails, war solves all problems.

Saddest truth. No way around it. So sad, but a situation like this can only come to an end with destruction.

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Ahhh, Leo, I don't know.  God and I are one in essence?   The human race is one, in essence, God we sure do know how to scrap!.  

Edited by Sir Oberon

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The problem with religion isn’t that it attempts to reveal the absolute, but that it believes its interpretation of it is absolute. People will misrepresent and use religion to justify what reason can't.

The problem with ideology and identity is that they can become rigid in their limitedness and fight against the unlimited outside of themselves.

The problem with industry is that it unpersons the people who fuel it as 'consumers' and turns members of society into numbers and cogs in the machinations of industry whose apex value is profit.

What we are seeing is an intersection of the shadow elements of religion, ideology, identity and industry.



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18 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes, well, people are cherrypicking with the terrorism. So it's only fair to balance it out.

Bias is a hell of a thing.

People are cherry-picking for expressing shock and sympathy for the beheading of babies and rape of young women?

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As an Iranian, you guys should know that most people in Iran are neither pro Palestine nor pro Israel. Our regime and their supporters, which are about 10 to 20% of population, are pro hamas and hezbolla, and have been funding terrorists organization for decades, because they want to "export" their religion. Hamas is one of them. If IRGC gets fucked, people of Iran would not be sad, we would be celebrating!

These evil mullas are stealing the vast wealth of Iran, and using it to fund terror. Iranian people know this. We have empathy for palestinians, but we also know that terrorists are representing palestine most of the time. If hamas gets destroyed, and also hezbolla gets fucked, good! Then mullas in Iran will get very weak. Their time is near. If the regime in Iran changes, the whole picture in middle east will change.

Very complex situation. I wish this war ends soon. Hatred is evil.

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1 hour ago, Sir Oberon said:

This land is my land, this land is your land...if you go way baaaaak, who's land was it?

The land belongs to the last nation to conquer it before global peace. Israel was the last nation to do so, so here is the problem.

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Europeans were more brutal than Arabs if you look at European history. It's just that Europeans mostly got it out of their system while Arabs are still going through it.

I am highly suspicious of this statement. I would be surprised if you could actually do a genuine historic analysis that would allow you to conclude any continent was more brutal than any other. You can argue that during imperialistc times, when empires were at their heights, some places had more peace than others, but to make such a generalization seems out there to me.

You have to also keep in mind that europe developed far later than arab countries, so you can't really compare them one to one in the time line. But even then I am suspicious of this statement.

Where did you get this information from?

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2 minutes ago, Mohammad said:

As an Iranian, you guys should know that most people in Iran are neither pro Palestine nor pro Israel. Our regime and their supporters, which are about 10 to 20% of population, are pro hamas and hezbolla, and have been funding terrorists organization for decades, because they want to "export" their religion. Hamas is one of them. If IRGC gets fucked, people of Iran would not be sad, we would be celebrating!

These evil mullas are stealing the vast wealth of Iran, and using it to fund terror. Iranian people know this. We have empathy for palestinians, but we also know that terrorists are representing palestine most of the time. If hamas gets destroyed, and also hezbolla gets fucked, good! Then mullas in Iran will get very weak. Their time is near. If the regime in Iran changes, the whole picture in middle east will change.

Very complex situation. I wish this war ends soon. Hatred is evil.

Good stuff thank you

although you are probably of the more educated Iranians, there’s probably also a big other side

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2 minutes ago, LSD-Rumi said:

The land belongs to the last nation to conquer it before global peace. Israel was the last nation to do so, so here is the problem.

Global peace will come when we all smash our guns, tear down the walls, and sing as one people, with many cool cultures.

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On 10/10/2023 at 0:20 PM, LSD-Rumi said:

They will keep fighting for decades to come until a more intelligent generations comes forth and realize, they have been doing of harm to each other all this time. And then, they will hug and apologize from each other.

beautiful, hope this happens sooner.

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5 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

Time to sanction Israel

You are lost if you listen to Hasan. The probability that Israel is going to get sanctioned is very low, if the US was in a similar situation as Israel, it would bomb palestine into non-existence. They might complain here and there, but the optics of sanctioning Israel now, alone, are a reason for them not to do it.


In fact, if in place of Israel the US, Russia or China was involved, the palestinians would long have cease to exist. And if what happened today happened to any of those countries, they would without much moral qualm genocide the gaza strip completely.

Edited by Scholar

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5 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

although you are probably of the more educated Iranians, there’s probably also a big other side

ofcourse there are, as i said, around 15% of iranian population are extremely religious and really hate Israel! they have been celebrating in the streets for past couple of days, celebrating the "victory of hamas!" of course this happens only in areas where pro regime people are majority, but still, it is so obvious for us how the mullas regime spread hate.

most of the population as i said have no side in this. they are normal people, hoping for peace.

Edited by Mohammad

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22 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

People are cherry-picking for expressing shock and sympathy for the beheading of babies and rape of young women?

Of course.

20 minutes ago, Scholar said:

I am highly suspicious of this statement. I would be surprised if you could actually do a genuine historic analysis that would allow you to conclude any continent was more brutal than any other.

Where did you get this information from?

The Holocaust alone should be enough. But if that isn't enough for you, you can find 100 others examples from European history. Europeans were utterly ruthless conquerors. Look at what the Spanish did to the South Americans.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

Of course.

The Holocaust alone should be enough. But if that isn't enough for you, you can find 100 others examples from European history. Europeans were utterly ruthless conquers. Look at what the Spanish did to the South Americans.


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3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Of course.

The Holocaust alone should be enough. But if that isn't enough for you, you can find 100 others examples from European history. Europeans were utterly ruthless conquers. Look at what the Spanish did to the South Americans.

sure but they (for example the spaniards) also did some good stuff. Almost all the nice older cities in latin america are started/built by spaniards. They stopped human sacrifices etc

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8 minutes ago, zazen said:


Lol. This is such hogwash.

As if Islam respects women and as if pre-Islamic culture was also not pagan. Every culture from before 2000 years ago was stage Purple animistic pagan-like.

The West is the most civilized culture there is at the moment. Not because it is the best, but simply because it was the fastest to get there due to contingent geographical factors.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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