Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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5 minutes ago, Yousif said:

Like I said, this is war and that’s what happens in war, and the killing is on both sides, 

and by not taking a side I mean I’m not choosing a side that I like, I’m taking the side of oppressed rather than the oppressor

when mommy and daddy start fighting, I’m not gonna take the side of the one I like, I’m gonna take the side of the wronged.

That’s the thing though everybody always sees themselves as the victim and their side as “wronged”

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21 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

That’s the thing though everybody always sees themselves as the victim and their side as “wronged”

That’s why they invented the courtroom

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No amount of good media is gonna solve this war.

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RIP Hitchens, I use to watch him "DESTROY!" back in the day when I was a devout Atheist, lol

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There is going to be a huge retaliation.

Over 100,000 Israeli soldiers are already on the border with Gaza.

It is estimated that Israel will enter Gaza with 250,000 soldiers and completely destroy Hamas.

Thousands more will die on both sides.

But this time, the feeling in Israel is there is no other choice.


People forget that Israel initially gave Gaza its freedom when Yasar Arafat and the PLO were in charge.

At that time, there was no blockade of Gaza and no settlements in Gaza. They were all ripped out by the Israelis.

Then Hamas took over Gosha by force, killing all the PLO representatives and declaring that even though they got Gaza as they wanted, they would not rest until Israel was destroyed and all the Jews were killed.

Most of the Western world, despite propaganda cries, remembers these facts.

There is no oppression in Gaza. All they need do is accept Israel's existence, and then the Blockade will be lifted.

People also forget that Gaza's biggest border is Egypt (land and sea). Egypt also imposes a blockade on Gaza because it was discovered that Hamas was planning terrorist actions in Egypt. 

People should understand that it is not only Israel.

Only last week, Israel opened the border with Gaza and allowed thousands of people from Gaza to cross into Israel every day to work and get very high salaries compared to what they make in Gaza.

It now turns out that they used this opportunity to put sleeper cells with weapons in Israel. These people are now walking around Israel, killing civilians.

People from Gaza will never be let into Israel again. Just like Egypt doesn’t let them come to Egypt.

There’s a big gap between Reality and propaganda. At the end of the day, the children of Gaza suffer.

They are being brainwashed to hate, ensuring they will never have a future as professionals, doctors, engineers, and other academics, which they badly need to build their country.

These Israelites want peace.

When Anwar Sadat agreed to peace with Israel, we gave him everything he wanted back. We Israelis are such suckers. Offer us peace, and we’ll give you everything.

Joe, if you ask me, and you know very well that I’m not a radical, it seems that the Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

Netanyahu’s government was about to be kicked out in the next election. And now everybody in Israel has become more extreme because of this.

Hamas just pushed the process back another 50 years. 

The West Bank is clearly a different story because Israel violated agreements with the Palestinians.

The Palestinians were initially asked 2,500 settlers there. Many Israelis said accept the settlers and end it there.

Now, you have almost half a million settlers, and half of the Israeli military command lives in the settlements and Israeli towns in the West Bank.

The Palestinians in the West Bank have a fair claim, in my opinion, according to the Oslo Accord.

But if they had just accepted 2,500 settlers, they would not be dealing with 500k today.

Somebody in the background wants to keep the Palestinian problem alive, which is the reason that the Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza cannot get any Arab passport.

Many Palestinians desire passports from Arab countries so they can leave the West Bank and Gaza. The Arab League insists on keeping them refugees.

On the flip side, Arabs living in Israel all have Israeli passports. They’re well-educated, have two kids on average per family, and are involved in all aspects of Israeli society.

50% of the doctors in the Israeli hospitals are Israeli Arabs. Those Arabs don’t want to mix with the Palestinian Arabs in Gaza or the West Bank.

In recent years, Israeli Arabs started joining the Israeli military. That is how good it’s been.

Unfortunately, it seems like Hamas wants to kill everybody.


The more I learn about the history, the more I support Israel. They are the more developed side. It is complicated, but not too complicated enough to not decide who is the lesser of the two evils. That is clear.

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2 hours ago, PurpleTree said:

That’s the thing though everybody always sees themselves as the victim and their side as “wronged”

The incidents of these past 2 days are absolutely horrifying what Hamas has done. But if you look few months ago and back, Palestinian civilians have always been a subject of senseless detaining. Teenagers and children getting beaten by batons. Women getting dragged out of their decade old homes. This has been the story of Palestinian civilians for a quite a while.


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@Fluran yeah, I remeber that part. I just don't get which part of Fremen beliefs will cause them to go on that interplanetary jihad.

Like they freed Dune. Why did they decide to further than that?

So thaf Paul vould maintain his emperor status? Just that? Then he could have stopped, right?

Was there something inherent to Fremen which would push them to do it anyway?

Death and decay 🥀

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A war between Israel and Iran rather than some way else. In simple words, a war between egos, and many innocents are going to get killed.

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Woke up in a wierd timeline.


I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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45 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

@Fluran yeah, I remeber that part. I just don't get which part of Fremen beliefs will cause them to go on that interplanetary jihad.

Like they freed Dune. Why did they decide to further than that?

So thaf Paul vould maintain his emperor status? Just that? Then he could have stopped, right?

Was there something inherent to Fremen which would push them to do it anyway?


Interesting, so  I looked up further information

being persecuted for thousands of years, it builds up a deep rage that desires to purify; cleanse the world.
paul wants to do revenge, maybe, and other forces in galaxy may rebel,  using jihad to conquer those forces needed too.

the world is never rational, modernism of US and western world is already failed long years ago, dune tells us that we have inherent beast that is uncontrollable, and never rational, collective ego, is that too, it desires for war, victory, self-rightousness.

reddit user: Tapharon ·2 yr. ago

There's no one simple answer. Like almost everything else in Dune, the answer to your question entails several factors. I'll try to summarize what I think are some of these factors below:

-The Fremen were a persecuted people group for thousands of years, even before they ever settled on Arrakis. This persecution built up a deep rage and resentment for the rest of the universe that passed from generation to generation. The arrival of the messianic Paul and his training them in the weirding way finally gave the Fremen the chance they needed to visit this rage upon the universe in the form of jihad.

-Paul probably wanted revenge, too. Although the Emperor was defeated and the ruling Harkonnen family exterminated, both Houses likely had many relatives and allies that needed to be dealt with. Not only that, but none of House Atreides' "allied" Houses bothered to come to the Atreides' rescue despite their admiration for Paul's father, the Duke Leto. Their lapse of loyalty would have to be dealt with most severely.

-House Corrino had ruled the Imperium for over 10,000 years. Suddenly the members of the upper-class Landsraad hear that some backwater prophet named "Muad'dib" and his desert ilk just overthrew that great dynasty. Many Noble Houses would be suspicious. Others would be opportunistic. It's not likely any would immediately submit to their new ruler, even if Paul revealed himself to be the heir to the "legitimate" House Atreides. Only the brutality of the fanatic Fremen would be sufficient to make them accept their new ruler, just as the Corrino's Sardaukar forced the Imperium to kneel eons ago.

from reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/dune/comments/rbe0sk/why_did_the_fremen_go_on_a_jihad/

Edited by Fluran

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This is a decade old conflict.

Not a new war.

Was taught about the Gaza Strip in elementary school 18 years go.

Edited by D2sage

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 It's sad that the Saudi-Israeli talks leading to a formal diplomatic relationship are now disrupted, possibly permanently.

Israel should look at the bigger picture, ensure the safety of its citizens, neutralize the hostiles and at the same time ensure that the peace talks go on schedule. Responses should be regulated and excesses by it will eliminate any goodwill it enjoys from the world at the moment, as well as effectively disrupting the strategic Israel-Saudi talks and undermine its other diplomatic achievements.

I believe that Israel should have anticipated this attack considering the anniversary of the Yum Kippur war between Israel and Arab states, exactly around 50 years back. They had unfortunately lowered their guard due to the festival season it seems.

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What do you think the chance is that this is going to spread to the United States?   Large numbers of military age men are entering the US illegally on the southern border.  Anyone can get in.   Hamas are determined fighters and the US is their enemy.   Why wouldn’t they be taking advantage of such a huge loophole?  And we already know that the intelligence agencies can’t be relied on.

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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@Ajay0 This is not how it works in my opinion. Actually Saudi Arabia will (even subconsciously) respect Israel much more if Israel will fight hamas seriously this time. Part of the reason the Israeli-Saudi relationships are warming up is BECAUSE Saudi sees Israel as a strong enough player who can restrain Iran desire for power which is a big threat for Saudi Arabia too.

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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We are still firmly in:

How do I extend my control over X.

This is everywhere at the moment. Biggest collective shadow i've seen in a while.

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I would be seriously impressed if I saw an Israeli or pro-Israel person make a serious effort at empathizing with the average palestinian perspective and what their emotions and underlying human needs might be. I imagine that would be extremely difficult to do in a heated moment like this, but I don't think it's impossible. 

The same applies to someone from Palestine of course. I would be seriously impressed if anyone can put effort into seeing the emotions and underlying needs of the average Israeli person and how what is happening is a strategy at play which attempts to meet those human needs. 




Edited by TheAlchemist

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2 minutes ago, Display_Name said:

I've seen the footage of the palestinians proudly parading around the german girl's dead body shouting God is Great. It's disgusting.

Well i’m not watching those footages but yea it’s really like a death cult

also people (palestinians, muslims and sympatizers) 

were celebrating the attacks on israel in germany and i think france etc too, handing out candy etc

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Islam kind of is in victim mentality since i guess the fall of the ottoman empire. At least that’s what it seems like to me

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