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What’s the difference between a dream and real life?

11 posts in this topic

What’s the difference between a dream and real life? Are there any differences? Are they the same? 

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You are posting a lot of empty questions without showing that you are actually contemplating or doing any work on your end.

No one here is going to convince you of anything. And answers to such questions cannot be made into beliefs.

If you keep doing this your posts will be locked.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Lots of people here, seems to be confused and say things like, Life is like dream. It is an error. They got it backwards. More accurate statement would be dream is like Life. Life is the superset and dream is the subset. 

Edited by Gadasaa

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The experience is not like a dream, it is like a mirage. like a dimensionless hologram superimposed on a bottomless hole that is reality

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Dreams are dreams within a dream.

Dreams have rules! There's a logic to them. There can even be plots, story archs, repeating motifs, laws of physics, etc.

They're all transient, fluid, gaseous even, always changing, and temporary. Such is life!

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...!

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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A dream ends as soon as you wake up, while real life remains real as it is. 

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1 hour ago, Sabth said:

while real life remains real as it is

Until you wake up.

57% paranoid

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51 minutes ago, LastThursday said:

Until you wake up.

I already woke up now. 

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The question is a little vague but still answerable. 

Reality vs Dreams

Differences: reality seems to be way more consistent from day to day, has way more detail, seems to be longer. (Compared to my nighttime dreams anyway)

Similarities: seems to be made of the same "mind stuff" and made of shapes and colours (I've never had a dream with just sounds for e.g.). Same POV experience and always just a single POV (not two for e.g.).

Interestingly the average materialist uses the differences between the two to argue that life isn't a dream.

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There is no difference, yet simultaneously there are infinite differences.

I AM Godzilla

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What is the difference between one apple and the other. Whatever you want to focus on and name.

We tend to exercise a lot more control over ourselves here in this one, whereas when we sleep we let go and integrate more with everything else. Though those who lucid dream control that too :D, with even more direction. Its a good opportunity to reflect and receive without beliefs, identity, and patterns getting in the way so much.

Edited by BlueOak

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