
I am the universe trying to understand itself.

21 posts in this topic

I just had this insight and I started crying because it was so profound.

Some important prerequisites:

The nature of the universe is exact, not accidental, and is implied by nothingness. By what logic nothingness implies this specific universe is not clear to me. Maybe one day it will be.

I was not born into the universe, the universe was born into me.

I am the only conscious being in the universe.

Now the insight:

The universe created itself out of necessity in order to understand how it created itself. I am the universe's latest attempt at understanding itself.

@Sincerity Helped me make this discovery with his latest post so thanks for that.

I think I am just destined to repeat what Leo said 5 years at this point lol. It's an incredible insight here, and I wanted to share it with you all. 

Thanks Leo for

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Sweet!!!! I'm so happy. :D Every tear out of profundity has great meaning.


Words can't describe You.

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3 minutes ago, Sincerity said:

Sweet!!!! I'm so happy. :D Every tear out of profundity has great meaning.


Oh my, I love this .

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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I'll share a cool graphic for this occassion :)


Words can't describe You.

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Good stuff. And the topper you cant die and have infinite time to hang out and figure it out. 

 we are here to heal ourselves by crying. Crying everyday crying every night till you cannot do it anymore than you are fresh as a baby.

The most toxic thing society has ever done is to stop people from crying

 Its why everyone is so upset.

God can't cry it needs a body to cry. Specifically a human body. 

Edited by Hojo

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God is Self-Understanding.


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 hours ago, Ninja_pig said:

The universe created itself out of necessity in order to understand how it created itself.

May I know how you came to this conclusion? @Ninja_pig

Edited by An young being

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thought is creation, look at that tree, you created it by naming it a tree, otherwise there isn't a tree, when thinking stops universe stops


Ashtavakra Gita 18.6 For those whose vision becomes unclouded, illusion evaporates and the Self becomes known. All sorrow is instantly dispelled.


Edited by gettoefl

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19 hours ago, An young being said:

May I know how you came to this conclusion? @Ninja_pig

I combined the two facts that: 
I am the universe.

I am trying to understand the universe.


I can explain these facts  in more detail if you wish, but it's hard to explain unless you've had a spiritual experience.

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4 hours ago, Ninja_pig said:

I combined the two facts that: 
I am the universe.

I am trying to understand the universe.


I can explain these facts  in more detail if you wish, but it's hard to explain unless you've had a spiritual experience.

Imagine that I had the spiritual experience you describe and try to explain it to me in detail. I will just listen with no cricticism.

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10 hours ago, Ninja_pig said:

Bro why is the text so jank

@Ninja_pig It's a safeguard to keep the sacred knowledge out of the hands of riffraff. As the old saying goes "Nobel wines are not to be tasted by drunkards"

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4 minutes ago, cetus said:

@Ninja_pig It's a safeguard to keep the sacred knowledge out of the hands of riffraff. As the old saying goes "Nobel wines are not to be tasted by drunkards"

Yoo, that's clever.

I love the quote at the end. "Egoless people have very strong characters."

Words can't describe You.

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12 hours ago, Ninja_pig said:

Bro why is the text so jank

Reality expresses itself in infinite Waze


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On 10/8/2023 at 0:40 AM, An young being said:

Imagine that I had the spiritual experience you describe and try to explain it to me in detail. I will just listen with no cricticism.

Okay, assuming you have had a spiritual awakening, you will know that there is only subjective experience, and no experiencer. This means that the entire universe is a self perpetuating, ever changing, infinitesimal moment in time that can be best described as pure consciousness. Since there is only one thing in the universe, and you exist, you have to be that thing, so you are the entire universe. And again, since there is only one thing in the universe, the statement "you are the universe" and "I am the universe" are equivalent.

This line of reasoning is obviously begs many questions if you are coming from a dualistic paradigm. I recommend Fred Davis's YouTube channel. He does a really good job of addressing pretty much every objection to the claim of nonduality out there. He helped me understand this thing a lot.

The second statement is pretty easy. I have been interested in physics, philosophy, and religion my entire life. Practically the whole idea of a "spiritual journey" is trying to understand the world from a fundamental perspective.


If you study physics for any extended period of time, you will find that the specific things we see in the universe are emergent from a few underlying principals that all work together gracefully and perfectly. Noting the way mathematics not only is able to describe everything we see around us, but seems to be the only way to do so, as well as the fact that math is a field that again fulfills a few underlying principals to give us amazing ways to think about the world, I think you might be able to say that the way reality is structured is the only way it could possible be structured. And since the natural numbers are literally constructed from so called "empty sets", it may be logical to conclude that total nothingness implies this exact universe.


What really interests me is whether God had any choice in the creation of the world.

- Albert Einstein


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1 hour ago, Ninja_pig said:

Okay, assuming you have had a spiritual awakening, you will know that there is only subjective experience, and no experiencer. This means that the entire universe is a self perpetuating, ever changing, infinitesimal moment in time that can be best described as pure consciousness. Since there is only one thing in the universe, and you exist, you have to be that thing, so you are the entire universe. And again, since there is only one thing in the universe, the statement "you are the universe" and "I am the universe" are equivalent.

This line of reasoning is obviously begs many questions if you are coming from a dualistic paradigm. I recommend Fred Davis's YouTube channel. He does a really good job of addressing pretty much every objection to the claim of nonduality out there. He helped me understand this thing a lot.

The second statement is pretty easy. I have been interested in physics, philosophy, and religion my entire life. Practically the whole idea of a "spiritual journey" is trying to understand the world from a fundamental perspective.


If you study physics for any extended period of time, you will find that the specific things we see in the universe are emergent from a few underlying principals that all work together gracefully and perfectly. Noting the way mathematics not only is able to describe everything we see around us, but seems to be the only way to do so, as well as the fact that math is a field that again fulfills a few underlying principals to give us amazing ways to think about the world, I think you might be able to say that the way reality is structured is the only way it could possible be structured. And since the natural numbers are literally constructed from so called "empty sets", it may be logical to conclude that total nothingness implies this exact universe.


Love this and the way you explained it. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, Ninja_pig said:

The second statement is pretty easy. I have been interested in physics, philosophy, and religion my entire life. Practically the whole idea of a "spiritual journey" is trying to understand the world from a fundamental perspective.

Why can't the reason be simply to experience the universe and understanding it be just one aspect of experiencing the universe?

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Here's a video I found of Fred Davis.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 hours ago, An young being said:

Why can't the reason be simply to experience the universe and understanding it be just one aspect of experiencing the universe?

As far as I can tell, the whole purpose of reality is to gain understanding of... something. Personally, my entire life has been geared to learn more about the world in an ever-deeper sense.

Look at the way life has evolved ever more to process information and develop greater intelligence throughout its history. You may say that this is simply a byproduct of Darwinian evolution and that there have been many successful lifeforms of low intelligence, but I say why has nature given an edge to lifeforms of higher intelligence? Look at what the dominant species is right now - humans! And why are we so dominant? Because of our superior intelligence as well as our social abilities that allow us to coordinate and share information on a wide scale.

Atoms don't exist for their own sake, they exist so they can create molecules and macroscopic objects! In the same way, the laws of physics don't exist for fun, they were meant to allow life to occur. The world is not an accident.

Why do I exist? I'm god, I'm everything, yet I don't know everything. I exist out of logical necessity from nothing, yet I don't know why nothing logically necessitates my being. But the logical necessity of my existence also necessitates that I seek to understand that very fact, at that is the only way it can be. How do I know? because that is the way it is!

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