
Rate your average happiness for the last 5 years

17 posts in this topic

Rate it from 0-10.
You can also rate your unhappiness from 0-10.
You can also rate your satisfaction from 0-10.

There can also be a discussion about how to measure it.

Edited by Epikur

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From what I understand, actual happiness is basically equivalent to satisfaction. I would give myself a 7/10 for the past 5 years, but I don't keep a journal or anything like that so I may be looking back with a perspective biased by my current happiness level, which I would say is more like 8.5/10. 

I think the only way to measure happiness is to ask for subjective scores from individual people, as it is defiantly an individual experience. There are external indicators, such as extraversion, mental health, cortisol levels, testosterone levels, and serotonin levels. These still do not completely explain the subjective experience of satisfaction though, so I think that a personal score out of 10 is really the best measurement we have.

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8/10 My happiness level has improved.

A large portion of unhappiness actually stems from uncertainty. Like when you do not have much control over what will happen next. Like when I was trying to sell my old house, I feel that it would take a long time to sell and I will only get low offers (due to poor facing, neighbouring units can look into my unit) but in the end, the house sold quite fast and at a good price. Then the uncertainty drop and I feel better.

Of course there are things we cannot control (death or our full health) and you cannot let go of everything. Well, joy is still determined by you.

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I cannot rate but it has gone orders of magnitude better. There is a bit of a distance from my experience of life and body/mind/emotions and I know it will increase. I have a place where to retreat if things to shit and that place is called Silence.

Edited by Applegarden8

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  On 10/6/2023 at 9:06 PM, Epikur said:

There can also be a discussion about how to measure it.

Maybe by how well you sleep at night.

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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  On 10/7/2023 at 9:29 AM, Salvijus said:

Maybe by how well you sleep at night.

My body is weird. Some nights I’ll get little sleep, but feel focused. Other nights I’ll get the recommended 7 hours of sleep, but feel groggy.

I AM Lovin' It

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  On 10/7/2023 at 3:27 PM, Yimpa said:

My body is weird. Some nights I’ll get little sleep, but feel focused. Other nights I’ll get the recommended 7 hours of sleep, but feel groggy.

I think a happy fulfilled person goes to sleep with a smile and wakes up with a smile:) and has no problems falling asleep. And naturally goes to sleep when it is time to go to sleep.

When a person wakes up like a wreck it means his mind is not at peace but conflict. When a person can't fall asleep it also indicates a disturbed mind for whatever reason. 

When a person is not going to bed at the appropriate time but goes to sleep at 4am or smth. That is also often an indicator of deep unfulfillment, restlessness, unsatiated thirst, unhappiness.

When a person sleeps too little, again psychological problems. When a person sleep for 12hours. Again indication that something is out of balance.

Edited by Salvijus

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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It's hard for me to rate it as a number. My baseline happiness was around 4 a handful of years ago. Now my baseline happiness fluctuates from 4-6 depending on the week, but I now have more intense lows as well.

I tend to feel optimistic about the future but sometimes disconnected in the present.  I have a 'wheee' personality and love playfulness, relaxing, solitude, creativity, reading when I want to. But that makes the work and methodical side of life difficult for me and I need to work on developing and balancing that, to become fully responsible and mature, so that I feel more liberated to enjoy life and feel internal safety to explore ideas and creativity in my mind. I'm usually uneasy and anxious around people, thats exhausting and so I need to overcome that to feel happier. I feel happy that I now sleep well and that I don't feel depressed in the mornings. I feel happiness and at peace when I'm on walks by myself in nature. I feel happy when I'm connected with myself and with others and not dissociative/feeling like I'm sleepwalking through life.

Edited by Myioko

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  On 10/7/2023 at 6:27 PM, Myioko said:

It's hard for me to rate it as a number. My baseline happiness was around 4 a handful of years ago. Now my baseline happiness fluctuates from 4-6 depending on the week, but I now have more intense lows as well.

I tend to feel optimistic about the future but sometimes disconnected in the present.  I have a 'wheee' personality and love playfulness, relaxing, solitude, creativity, reading when I want to. But that makes the work and methodical side of life difficult for me and I need to work on developing and balancing that, to become fully responsible and mature, so that I feel more liberated to enjoy life and feel internal safety to explore ideas and creativity in my mind. I'm usually uneasy and anxious around people, thats exhausting and so I need to overcome that to feel happier. I feel happy that I now sleep well and that I don't feel depressed in the mornings. I feel happiness and at peace when I'm on walks by myself in nature. I feel happy when I'm connected with myself and with others and not dissociative/feeling like I'm sleepwalking through life.

Very nice to hear from you, are you still interested in artwork?

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It’s myopic to be judging your happiness from the past 5 years.

We have only just begun this work.

I AM Lovin' It

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@Hojo I think you need to see a doctor. That EKG looks colorblind and lineblind.

I AM Lovin' It

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I would say 6/10. Changing my diet to an extremely healthy oneand adding more exercise over the years has done wonders to my mental health.

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  On 10/7/2023 at 7:17 PM, Applegarden8 said:

Very nice to hear from you, are you still interested in artwork?

Yes, its taken a backseat the past year or so but I'm still just as interested in art :)


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  On 10/6/2023 at 9:06 PM, Epikur said:

Rate it from 0-10.
You can also rate your unhappiness from 0-10.
You can also rate your satisfaction from 0-10.

There can also be a discussion about how to measure it.

I believe that happiness varies wildly  between 0 - 10 or hangs around 5 for all in general during a longer timeframe. So, happiness can be rated as 5.

But, when it comes to satisfaction, I am almost near 10 during the last 3 years, if not 5.

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  On 10/9/2023 at 4:42 AM, Myioko said:

Yes, its taken a backseat the past year or so but I'm still just as interested in art :)

You’ll get back to it when the time is ripe. No need to set a deadline or an expectation for when it should be the case.

Whatever you’re focusing on currently hopefully is bringing you joy!

I AM Lovin' It

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