
hi friend can we talk about the “ego” for a minute?

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Ok so the ego is a thought/belief

but it’s more than a thought, it’s many entangled thoughts which form a thought or belief structure 

it’s like a web of entangled thoughts, it’s attached to many things and also tries to avoid many things

but it’s also a filter which changes the perception of reality 

it is scared to get hurt and trying to protect itself and also the body, which is quite funny because how can ideas really protect itself or a body.

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You've sayed everything already

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The ego is also something else, it is a slave of the collective mind. The collective mind is an evolving entity that is made up of all the minds that contact each other through words. The collective mind can absorb the energy of 40 types of a Paleolithic clan, or billions interconnected by means that the same mind invents to evolve, which is its purpose, like that of everything that lives.

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Like how you put that.

However, I'd argue that a thought, an idea, can indeed influence you - make you act certain ways and keep "you away from danger".

Not all thoughts are garbage. In fact, none is. It's just good to be aware that it's a thought.

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I mean in a course in miracles it explains what ego is in 600pages. I've read it couple of times and I still understand maybe 30% of it only ? You really chose an insanely difficult subject to talk about.



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hi friend can we talk about the “ego” for a minute?


I AM Lovin' It

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I agree. I would add: the ego is a little bitch scared of Love 

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my ego for example is also obsessed with not making look bad in certain ways which is very restricting, it mostly uses shame and anxiety as tools

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12 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

I agree. I would add: the ego is a little bitch scared of Love 

Yea it’s wild, it’s always looking for love, validation and ways to get loved. But then it’s so scared of actually being loved or of losing love.

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The ego is the survival mechanism of the hive entity that is humanity. Just as animals have genetic programming that makes them survive, humans create a conceptual network that is transmitted between individuals and that is very flexible and changing, which allows the species to adapt, survive and dominate the environment seemingly without limit. . Its bases are life and death, words and thoughts kill and give life, its power is enormous. Acceptance or rejection are life or death. you, as an individual, are a slave to the hive. all your motivation is evolutionary programming. 

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It thinks we can not deal with painful raw emotions, because as small kids it was so painful so we built this whole structure/protection/house of cards/prison

but actually we can deal with painful emotions, just feel them it’s ok

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Ego is simply identities you assume. It becomes an issue when you create and reinforce false identities.

What are these false identities? Things you think you know, when you really don't. Things that you hide from yourself and other people. This "hiding" becomes a "problem" when you start encountering limitations and are not able to dream and create freely. When it doesn't address the source of the problem. When it doesn't provide the expected results. When you dream up explanations, defenses and justifications to protect those identities.  When you' re effect, not cause.

Know TRUTH and Know FREEDOM.

If you don't have the freedom to assume any viewpoint, you don't know enough Truth, you don't really know freedom and you are not "enlightened/awake"...  It is easy to see when people are not able/willing to have this ability.  Or even admit to other people and themselves that they don't have this ability. 


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What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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8 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

It thinks we can not deal with painful raw emotions, because as small kids it was so painful so we built this whole structure/protection/house of cards/prison

This reminds me of a beautiful insight.

"Life organisms always seek to adapt to the environment. So when a baby is born out of its desire to adapt to the environment the baby adopts also the thought structures of the surrounding people/culture"

Edited by Salvijus

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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29 minutes ago, Judy2 said:

the ego is also love and it's constantly fighting so hard to protect what it loves♡

*Fights hard to protect what it is afraid to lose* 

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I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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Also since a lot of it is formed in early childhood and childhood, many aspects of it stay mostly childish imo

it’s soo needy, like a baby ?  

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7 minutes ago, Judy2 said:

haha well two sides of the same coin....right??

When you tackle the subject deeply there is a difference. There is no trace of attachment or fear in real love. 

Edited by Salvijus

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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"What we believe is reflected in our behavior. And egoic behavior is a reflection in our belief in separation"

Bam. Mic drop. I'm going to sleep.

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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4 minutes ago, Judy2 said:



I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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the ego brings the problems and it says it has the solutions - like the mafia

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On 6.10.2023 at 7:38 PM, PurpleTree said:

but it’s also a filter which changes the perception of reality

Yes. It changes the perception by narrowing and restricting it.

The ego is a kind of tunnel vision caused by contracted awareness. It's like looking at the world through a little cardboard tube... and then drawing all kinds of completely ridiculous and bizzare conclusions based on what little you have seen of your surroundings. Ironically, such extremely narrow tunnel vision doesn't make life simpler --- ooooooooohhh no sir. It actually makes life WILDLY complicated, because it forces you to fill in the gaps with all kinds of far-fetched assumptions and theories which, for the most part, are about as valid and plausible as the literary outpourings of a coked up and blindfolded monkey who is hammering away at a typewriter.

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