
How Do You Find The "authentic" In Authentic Life Purpose?

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I am not sure what your call a life purpose that one is not sure is definately ones life purpose. I filtered down, to what I think my life purpose is, to this


Highly reducing or eliminating 1st world goverment corruption.

1st World Goverment corruption, no matter how subtle, is the number one thing that angers me. Why? Hardly anyone does anything about it, and those who do, their attempts are rather futile. Look at the education system, its 2017 and people are accepting such filth as an eduction system? The thing is, since it isnt a 3rd world problem, or something that is human right infringing, people dont seem to care.

(The dirty water represents education in really poor parts of africa, coca-cola represents modern education in 1st world countries such as USA)

Its like the healthiness of dirty-water compared to coca-cola. The coca-cola is better health wise then the dirty water. But does that make the coca-cola healthy? No!

But here the thing, the coca-cola drinkers arent literally dying like the dirty water drinkers, 

Likewise with Education in really poor parts of africa compared to modern education. Yes modern education is better, you have a chair to sit on, accessibility to various equipment to help with lesson such as projectors, computers, metere sticks , a white board, a block borad, tables etc.

But is it "healthy"? 

1st world corruption is everywhere, its in the banking sectory, most if it subtle, subtle enough that people dont riot against it, but effective enough to make large profits for those are major players in the system. I hate bullshit. 

1st world corruption goes WAY deeper then modern education. The banking sector, goverment simony and nepotism etc. I dont want this discussion to be a rant.


I would love to create a functional "utopia" and I use the word utopia, VERY loosely. And I emphasise the functional greatly, I cannot stress it more. Is to remove the bullshit from society too much to ask? Is it to much of a fantasy to want a society with less bullshit? Am I the only one who is seeing this bullshit?


How do I find the "Authentic" in authentic life purpose?  Is what I have said above not authentic enough? Do I have to say more? Is not powerful enough?

Can I not say that this is my life purpose, to substantialy reduce 1st world goverment corruption, such as making HUGE changes in education for the better, creating a better money system, creating a new country governance system and in-general raising the standard of quality in society and getting rid of bullshit.


I am 15 years old, I cannot affor the life purpose course, neither would my parents let me buy the life purpose course, when I said I wanted to buy the booklist, they marked it off as a scam and that I was a fool.  

The life purpose IS NOT accessible to me.

I am also willing to die for my life purpose or I hope that I will brave enough to face my death for the life purpose of highly reducing government corruption and improving society greatly with a better education system, money system, governance system etc.


This is what leo said in reply to my thread: How Do Highschool "exam Results" Matter?


They matter in the sense that if you can't discipline yourself to ace a government exam, how you gonna ace the much more emotionally challenging aspects of life?

How you show up in life tend to be consistent. I find that people who slack off in school tend to have the exact same attitude towards life. And their lives are shit.

That said, of course there is no direct causal link. You could technically flunk school and become a rockstar human being, but I wouldn't bet money on that.

And none of this is to say there aren't serious problems with our education system. There are! Which is why I recommend taking your education into your own hands. Going WAY beyond the basic curriculum, but also including it.

As far as grades themselves, and even entire diplomas, the truth is they virtually don't matter in real adult life. Nobody cares about your grades, diploma, or what school you went to. They care about what results you can generate. And if they DO care, then those are the kind of people and places I would avoid, because it's just a silly status game. Focus on mastering life and business, not on jumping through somebody's hoops like a well-trained poodle."- Leo Gura

My life purpose, I think, you could say is the want and willingess to grab these hoops so many generations have jumped through and snap them in in half and replace it with my own hoop of infinite size, diameter  and circumference. Infinite in possibilities, Infinite in truth, infinite in love, infinite in compassion.


Edited by Lorcan

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Could there be people who benefit from an miseducated, unhappy population who are good consumers and don't get in the way of bigger political agendas?

What would those people do, if these things appeared to be changing?

Have there been people who promised a change for the better, like more democracy, more rights for people etc.. What happened to them and their promises?


Edited by mostly harmless

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All the usage of the word infinite has a lovely ring to it, but, isn't all of that bitching? 

What are you going to do?




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Well put through your vision as a young adult.  You are speaking clearly with no response. Find your support groups. Such as here continue the journey you are on the path. 


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I have written the contents of this thread based on how I felt in the current moment what I felt my life purpose was. I just blurted it out as such to get it all down. I felt uncomfortable posting this because looking through it.


My question is , is my life purpose authentic???? How can I be sure Im not deceiving myself down the wrong path? This question has nagging me for 2 years. Everyday, or 2 days.Revolutionary, revolutionary, revolutionary.

And my want to make the changes that makes one a revolutiony is stated in the thread.(I sort of blurted it put rather impulsively with no edits,hopefully everyone undertsood what I was saying)

What should I do? Should I go all in and just decide out right "my life purpose is to reduce 1st world government corruption"?

Is it ok to do that? That is the question I am asking .

Ive been on the fence for a year or so now whether to go all in, in fear that I am setting myself up for a massive life blunder.



Edited by Lorcan

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Just think about it for a while clearly, if it's authentic it will just feel right. If you come to the conclusion that it's just a sort of reaction to things you don't like...

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Lorcan, I so feel you! I'm still trying to figure out if I should dedicate my life to the same cause....and is it even worth it. People have accepted the status quo of the current corruption and/or they are deluded into the mainstream propaganda. You can't change people who don't see a problem. 

I believe the gov't at the core is corrupt because everything is backed by violence, corrosion, and aggression. I have thought about dedicating myself to eroding the ideological pillars that props up gov't.  I could share if you want, I don't want to make this overly political. 

So my advice, is try to find the corruption that really lights you on fire. Research if there is a deeper root cause and how to perpetuates. Research on solutions that are solving this problem. Then move into that direction and never forget your bigger purpose.  Share the #1 corrupt thing and I'll see if I can come up with an example.


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Reduce. Quit your job. Quit school. Completely take yourself away from social structure..

I am vegan. I only drink purified water. I do not intake salt. I only use coconut oil to wash my body and teeth i also use it for deodorant and apply to my skin liberally.

Prepare to live in harmony with grace. 

Or wake up on this device everyday checking facebook apps. Your bank account, weather, politics.

Give thumbs up to stories you read however they are only stories much like grimm faity tales.

I could go on forever but this must end now!

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One person's evil is another person's good, and vice versa.

Make sure you assess the problems from all perspectives of those who benefit and those who suffer.

You will find just as much good coming from from these evils as you do bad.

Which is why you will face resistance to change.

So whatever you do, don't try to change too much too quickly.

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