Princess Arabia

Healthy Foods/Recipes/Products Mega-thread

495 posts in this topic

7 minutes ago, M A J I said:

You could say the same thing about onions my friend. How often do you see someone bit through an onion or garlic and enjoy it just like that? those foods are not foods, they are strong herbs or medicines, they act like a poison to the healthy person and can be toxic to the gut microbiome. There is a reason why monks and yogis do not consume garlic, onions, leeks, chives and chilies. They create mental imbalances and promote sexual desires.

Also there is a connection between B12 and these herbs. Of course if you fry it with oil and flavour it you can trick yourself too. That is not the point.

If you were to bite an apple on the other hand, you could eat many of them without a intense chemical reaction in your mouth, brain and senses.

This is nature revealing to us what is food and what is medicine or even potentially poison.

The only « vegan rawfoodist » i know who looks good is Markus Rothkranz and he is high in proteins and fats.


Edited by Schizophonia

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55 minutes ago, RendHeaven said:

Hey now don't give him credit for MY sophistry ;)

Anti PUFA stance is almost uniquely Jason & I.

Schizo is adjacent to us in the sense that he eats whole foods with animal fats but he's too chad for nerdy mechanisms.


55 minutes ago, RendHeaven said:

Sad to see him slurping the canola juice though... oh dear

At least we all agree on whole foods.

Canola oil and Oleinc/mufa rich sunflower oil is basically like olive oil.

Edited by Schizophonia

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6 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

The only « vegan rawfoodist » i know who looks good is Markus Rothkranz and he is high in proteins and fats.


Freelee the banana girl looks good imo she’s 44

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4 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

Canola oil and Oleinc/mufa rich sunflower oil is basically like olive oil.

In terms of MUFA content yes, but not PUFA.

More importantly the extraction process worries me. Especially since "canola"/rapeseed is not even edible in its raw form. You have to genetically engineer it and then modify it to an unrecognizable degree to render it liquid. And then it sits in a plastic bottle exposed to sunlight lol.

Compare that to a wholesome cold pressed olive oil in dark glass, it should be no contest.

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25 minutes ago, M A J I said:

You could say the same thing about onions my friend.

Facts. Maybe carrots/potatoes are the only salvageable vegetable lol.

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2 hours ago, Sugarcoat said:

That’s a pretty bold claim. I don’t know what you mean by “too much” because it’s not like someone even a vegan is eating only beans and potatoes they usually have a variety of food and some can eat like that without problems.

It's very individual depending on intestinal mobility, but in everyone there will be a threshold from which intestinal fermentation will be too high and will cause problems, 100% guaranteed. Vegans don’t don’t have too much problems :

1) Counts at best on very dense and/or low fibers foods (tofu, nuts), at worst eat processed food all the time.

2) Have a low caloric intake and ends up weighing 60kg, eventually follow weird protocol to exterminate « bad » intestinal bacterias who creates more gas for intestinal confort.

3)Are in absolute denial and finish by looking like pregnant women and intestinal issues.

2 hours ago, Sugarcoat said:

That’s good you found something that worked for you. I’d say I agree here


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7 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

It's very individual depending on intestinal mobility, but in everyone there will be a threshold from which intestinal fermentation will be too high and will cause problems, 100% guaranteed.

Okay but how high is that threshold? Maybe it’s higher than the daily recommended intake for fiber so unless someone is eating  more than that they won’t have problems. Also I’ve heard it can take a while for the body to get used to high fiber intake , so problems such as gas might be more temporary


7 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

. Vegans don’t don’t have too much problems :

1) Counts at best on very dense and/or low fibers foods (tofu, nuts), at worst eat processed food all the time.

2) Have a low caloric intake and ends up weighing 60kg, eventually follow weird protocol to exterminate « bad » intestinal bacterias who creates more gas for intestinal confort.

3)Are in absolute denial and finish by looking like pregnant women and intestinal issues.


Okay 😹 Honestly once again I don’t know enough to have much to say. I don’t know how much of vegans have issues or not. What I’ve heard though is that fiber is something that it’s good to eat as much as one can stomach, tolerate, it’s that good for us. 

I will experiment for myself after new years when I go back to normal eating I will try to eat more vegan and more fiber so I’ll see how that goes I’m kinda excited for that. 

Edited by Sugarcoat

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8 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

3)Are in absolute denial and finish by looking like pregnant women and intestinal issues.

Yup, me when I was vegan

It's Love.

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19 minutes ago, RendHeaven said:

In terms of MUFA content yes, but not PUFA.

More importantly the extraction process worries me. Especially since "canola"/rapeseed is not even edible in its raw form. You have to genetically engineer it and then modify it to an unrecognizable degree to render it liquid. And then it sits in a plastic bottle exposed to sunlight lol.

Compare that to a wholesome cold pressed olive oil in dark glass, it should be no contest.

Where i am rapeseed oil is extracted the same way olive and sunflower oil are and it is available in glass bottles.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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@M A J IDid you use to follow Dr, Sebi; just curious. I didn't, but I heard of him. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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47 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

Freelee the banana girl looks good imo she’s 44

I just checked her out. I see she's into the fruit diet also. Looks like a fun channel.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Just now, Princess Arabia said:

I just checked her out. I see she's into the fruit diet also. Looks like a fun channel.

Yea I’m a little curious about that. She says humans are frugivores. She eats “raw til 4” diet so fruits to start the day then a cooked vegan dinner. I think she invented it

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1 minute ago, Sugarcoat said:

Yea I’m a little curious about that. She says humans are frugivores. She eats “raw til 4” diet so fruits to start the day then a cooked vegan dinner. I think she invented it

Well, I've heard fruits are best eaten alone, i know when I have a fruit salad in the morning for bfast, i feel good throughout the day and not bloated like some foods do. It's just i might get hungry soon thereafter, maybe a couple hrs. I love fruit, but I have to eat more than fruit. I just have to. Lol

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 minute ago, Princess Arabia said:

Well, I've heard fruits are best eaten alone, i know when I have a fruit salad in the morning for bfast, i feel good throughout the day and not bloated like some foods do. It's just i might get hungry soon thereafter, maybe a couple hrs. I love fruit, but I have to eat more than fruit. I just have to. Lol

I rarely eat fruit maybe I should eat more lol but yea I agree I crave for more than fruits. 

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4 hours ago, M A J I said:

Fruit is loaded of phytochemicals, enzymes, amino-acids, vitamins, minerals and several other beneficial compounds rarely found in other food or cooked food that are destroyed in the process of cooking or de-naturing foods.

All of these can be found in a superior form and quantity in vegetables and animal products/meat. Amino acids? HAHAH don't make me laugh, how can a fruit be a better source of amino acids than meat, HAHAHAH

Yes of course, by cooking and other forms of artificial thermal processing you're be destroying some nutrients, no matter the food. And it's not by accident that the meat is the worst food to overcook and will lose the most nutrients, because it contains the most nutrients, logically, LOL.

There is really nothing special about fruit, most of it exists for a plant to spread it seeds, the reason it's so sugary is to attract various animal species to consume it (and thus spread the seeds elsewhere once they defecate) or just simply spread it period, no matter the means. Some of them are poisonous. So by consuming fruit, in a way, you pretty much serve as a plant's DNA spreader only. Or it just kills you. Plants don't ACTUALLY want to be needlesly eaten and if they do, it has to have a purpose. Otherwise they'll just develop poisonous mechanisms to keep you away. I know, shocking right? There goes your entire philosophy. LOL It's actually not necessary to eat fruit, at all. It's completely useless

4 hours ago, M A J I said:

Fruit is also H302 (structured / living) water full of (information) your cells need to function at their best. All "live" foods also contain (biophotons) light-particles which contain information via cosmic radiation, light-codes for DNA upgrades and enzymes which are required for the utilization of the said foods nutrients so the body doesn't have to prematurely age and over-work itself and produce them itself. Anytime you cook / denature foods you destroy all enzymes and biophotons AKA (LIFE) in the food so you are consuming (dead-nutrition), dense-matter. Fruit is the only food that becomes worse if you cook or flavour it, because its already perfected for you as GOD / Nature (Infinite Intelligence) created. Meat doesn't grow on trees.

This part is full if pseudoscientific garbage and half truths I won't even bother responding to

4 hours ago, M A J I said:

And sugar in fruit has a entirely different function and utilization in the body than (processed sugar or white sugar) that modern health instills in your mind.

Ok but it's still a sugar nontheless. LOL what does it matter if it's a bit less potent kind. It contains fructose and various acids which are bad for your teeth, of course carbs in bread are also bad for your teeth but at least they don't contain these acids.

5 hours ago, M A J I said:

No one has ever died or developed diseases of fruit, only when fruit was chemically-laded, genetically modified or mixed with other foods.

But people have certainly died or are slowly dying because of this diet due to malnutrition.

5 hours ago, M A J I said:

in fact many people have cured incurable diseases with fruit-only diets, even diabetes.

Threating diabetes - which was caused by abormal sugar consumption - by consuming sugar LOL how does that make any sense. Of course once you come to the point of have diabetes you're already kinda fucked and out of options anyway, but that's neither here nor there.

5 hours ago, M A J I said:

The longest lived and healthiest people I know and discovered hermits and yogis mostly live of wild fruit, nuts, seeds, berries and herbs are often far older and look far younger than your oldest people in the western book of records.

That's probably because they life completely stressless lives, that can do a lot to extend your life even on a shitty diet. Comparing anything with a standard western diet of a standars western drone human is kind of a low bar to set, certainly.

5 hours ago, M A J I said:

Cause if people found out about this, your entire corrupt western educational, healthcare and medical and pharmaceutical systems will eventually cease to be and go bankrupt. This is why they control every mainstream science and information you receive. An intelligent fully activated human is dangerous to a system who relies on slaves, you are still living in chains, only difference is they swapped the chains for the coin so you think you are free.

The system doesn't care about a few crazies who decided to become frutarians LOL if anything, consuming raw carnivore diet is far more threatening because you not only have to kill animals to get it (and ideally the wild ones since they are the healthiest, but of course that's not really an option) which there are very limited ammount of them left and there are too many humans. You'd also go against the slave brainwashing of society which wants to basically just eat enough calories to not die, instead of actually caring about your optimal health and actual well being. There's a reason why steaks are the most expensive items in restaurants while vegetables and fruits are dime a dozen LOL

5 hours ago, M A J I said:

There are many people who went carnivore and seen some results because they cut out the complexity of their diet and gave something closer to a simple diet that allowed their body to function better than consuming 150 different foods, flavours and chemicals a day which it was never designed nor evolved for, at least with meat they have some evolutionary history

They mostly seen results because they did not ate enough quality meat and quality animal products and they were malnourished, the ones who ate the standard meat from the supermarket and overcooked it did not get much from it. Still better than eating no meat or animal products at all tho.

5 hours ago, M A J I said:

yet many of them revert back to vegan fruit-based or re-introduce fruits and vegetables

Press f for doubt.

5 hours ago, M A J I said:

I can bet you will feel worlds better than meat, after the detox-phase passes.

There should be no detox phase whatsoever, that's complete nonsense. If you're lacking something in your diet and you start consuming the thing your lacking, you should start seeing noticeable positive differences in your appearance and have consistently positive blood tests. "Detox" is just a code work for toxic. Because fruit is largely unnecessary and therefore toxic.

5 hours ago, M A J I said:

Unlike these petty comments, I know exactly what I am talking about. I have spent the last 15 years exploring everything i possibly can as to why most humans on earth are zombies. I have 100 books and thousands of hours of research and self-experimentation to back up everything I say. I had laid it all out a while ago and year after year the truth continues to prevail, why? because its the undeniable truth and the evidence speaks for itself.

It's perfectly possible to delude yourself no matter how much "hard work" you put into something. Just so you know. 

5 hours ago, M A J I said:

God created everything perfect as it is, nature was the direct example of gods crystalized thought materialized and manifest, he produced an abundance of fruit and living foods for man to eat, and man lived in perfect health and harmony with the creator.

This just sounds like religious nonsense

Yes, the rest of the post is also full of subjective claims and religious nonsense. Best of luck with your diet anyway

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1 hour ago, Schizophonia said:

Where i am rapeseed oil is extracted the same way olive

This should be physically impossible. You can't cold press edible oil from rapeseed.

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1 minute ago, RendHeaven said:

This should be physically impossible. You can't cold press edible oil from rapeseed.

In Sweden you can buy “cold pressed rape seed oil”

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6 hours ago, M A J I said:

made 500+ videos

link? :)

6 hours ago, M A J I said:

Its very simple, purify your vessel is just that, fasting, eating mostly organic fruit and fresh living foods, cleansing the system long term, taking purifying herbs, following nature and natural therapies, exercise, grounding, sunshine, sweating, cold-therapies, plant medicines, purging

So basically a healthy lifestyle practised by thousands of westerners with a few extra bits and bobs. . Nothing ground-breaking there 

6 hours ago, M A J I said:

You felt terrible because its called DE-TOX

Its always detox with you people isnt it :D Everything is detox and if youre not detoxing your swimming in your own soup of acids and mucous...something like that? 

6 hours ago, M A J I said:

When done successfully, this changes the entire DNA from carbon to silicate-matrix 5th strand DNA activation or 5D body. Since then I have been able to do things I couldn't do before and harness elemental powers and abilities I only could access as a young child, and although I have drifted much from such a pure path and got mixed up with other things, and may not be the best example now. This is in a nutshell how to start to purify your vessel and return to human-nature / order.

Would you care to show us some of those "elemental powers ". As an ex gamer I'm imagining fire bolts, throwing ice spears, invoking thunderstorms  that cant be it :)

6 hours ago, M A J I said:

Most people are still animal, not my issue, I state what I see.


6 hours ago, M A J I said:

Unlike these petty comments, I know exactly what I am talking about.

God, the arrogance of your statements tho,  disgusting. No wonder everybody challenges you. You make it sound personal, like a slap with a wet towel. Each comment more patronising than the one before. 

Edited by Michael569

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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