Princess Arabia

Healthy Foods/Recipes/Products Mega-thread

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Read Return to the Brain of Eden: Restoring the Connection between Neurochemistry and Consciousness and EdenBound: Healing Disease with Fruit and Other Plants. The two books go into all that you need to know about the natural human diet and lifestyle, and how we've been mislead our whole lives so humans do not tap into their full potential and break-free from the enslavement.

Its really common sense, unfortunately most people are so heavily brainwashed that the disorder needs to be corrected to be able to see clearly and make the connections. Then again, only when you purify your vessel and experience what it is to feel truly alive and sober, it all starts to make sense. Most people don't even realize, even many plant-based eaters who rely heavily on cooked foods, grains, flour and processed junk, that they are far from being truly sober and what being a truly alive human actually feels like. its a lot of work to regenerate the body but its totally worth it when you do. You can experiment with yourself, just for a few weeks try live on purely tropical and organic fruit, you will feel worlds better than any other diet, and that's because its in your DNA and biology. We evolved this way for far longer than we evolved with meat, grains and vegetables.


Edited by M A J I

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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Please do not listen to that guy. Most fruits contain nothing but sugar, some contain a few petty vitamins but it's not like you wouldn't be able to get them from other sources. This is the type of diet you can expect to die on the quickest (followed by a more general vegan diet of course)

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9 hours ago, M A J I said:

Its really common sense, unfortunately most people are so heavily brainwashed that the disorder needs to be corrected to be able to see clearly and make the connections. Then again, only when you purify your vessel and experience what it is to feel truly alive and sober, it all starts to make sense. Most people don't even realize, even many plant-based eaters who rely heavily on cooked foods, grains, flour and processed junk, that they are far from being truly sober and what being a truly alive human actually feels like.

For someone pretending to be above the common herd of mortals, notice how much judgement you pass onto others. A truly loving person does not talk like that.

Most people this..

Most people that

Most people that and this..

What does "purify your vessel" even mean. 

At least start offering something practical for once. Record bunch of videos. Show us the way then. Start a channel and demonstrate what you talk of. 

I.mean record yourself doing 20 effortless pullups or run a mile under 4 minutes or i dunno, show us the divine health you talk of. Hammer 100 pushups without a break... whatever 

Otherwise eating Durians and Mangos for most of us in January is completely unattainable.W

e've had people like that here many times over and over.  Acidity, toxicity, alkaline fruit diets. This forum has seen it all. 

Perhaps its you who need to mature to something most would consider attainable.

And yes, i mostly understand what you talk of (to some degree).

I followed Robert Morse and John Rose, i almost became Robert's practitioner.

I bought the herbs, the teas, the tinctures and did a 3 week grape cleanse with his protocol, cost me tons of money... Result was the worst I've ever felt. Only abandoning all this felt like an actual growth.

And for the love of god, get over your superiority complex please. 

Edited by Michael569

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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2 hours ago, Michael569 said:

For someone pretending to be above the common herd of mortals, notice how much judgement you pass onto others. A truly loving person does not talk like that.

Most people this..

Most people that

Most people that and this..

What does "purify your vessel" even mean. 

At least start offering something practical for once. Record bunch of videos. Show us the way then. Start a channel and demonstrate what you talk of. 

I.mean record yourself doing 20 effortless pullups or run a mile under 4 minutes or i dunno, show us the divine health you talk of. Hammer 100 pushups without a break... whatever 

Otherwise eating Durians and Mangos for most of us in January is completely unattainable.W

e've had people like that here many times over and over.  Acidity, toxicity, alkaline fruit diets. This forum has seen it all. 

Perhaps its you who need to mature to something most would consider attainable.

And yes, i mostly understand what you talk of (to some degree).

I followed Robert Morse and John Rose, i almost became Robert's practitioner.

I bought the herbs, the teas, the tinctures and did a 3 week grape cleanse with his protocol, cost me tons of money... Result was the worst I've ever felt. Only abandoning all this felt like an actual growth.

And for the love of god, get over your superiority complex please. 

Trigger trigger chicken dinner :) Your perception is not my assignment. I speak what I feel and see. Love is not always confined to kindness and goodness. The Truth can also be harsh, brutal and sharp as a razer.

I have made many videos and posts, over 100,000 posts all over the internet and made 500+ videos. Its all there but that is not the point, the point is to Know Thyself and take responsibility to actually put the practice in to see the results.

Its very simple, purify your vessel is just that, fasting, eating mostly organic fruit and fresh living foods, cleansing the system long term, taking purifying herbs, following nature and natural therapies, exercise, grounding, sunshine, sweating, cold-therapies, plant medicines, purging... it isn't rocket science, all the information is out there, I don't have to answer every single person over and over again with the same thing, they need to get out of their comfort zones and grow up and DO THE WORK.

Study the books I mentioned above, read them, Read Mucus-less diet healing system by Professor Arnold Ehret, Read Mans higher consciousness byt Hilton Hotema, Read the Eden books I mentioned above. Apply the teachings, integrate, practice with your own body, experiment, see for yourself. I am not here to spoon feed you.

You felt terrible because its called DE-TOX. Imagine all the toxins stored up in your system for decades all coming out at once, it can be extremely taxing on the body and nervous system, if you were educated enough you would know you need to TRANSITION, and gradually cut things out. I gradually cut out meat and diary and processed foods after a year or two, went raw vegan for 6 - 12 months, then I cut out fats/nuts, then greens and vegetables then after fruit-only for a little while I went mono-fruit watermelon or grape or orange for a little while then straight into 9 day water fast then 5 day dry fast, and all at the same time I was spending time in nature, in a supportive environment, no computer or phone use, meditation and yoga, books and resting most of the time, connecting to god. Even then there is more purifying to be done, ultimately we need a clean environment / world.

When done successfully, this changes the entire DNA from carbon to silicate-matrix 5th strand DNA activation or 5D body. Since then I have been able to do things I couldn't do before and harness elemental powers and abilities I only could access as a young child, and although I have drifted much from such a pure path and got mixed up with other things, and may not be the best example now. This is in a nutshell how to start to purify your vessel and return to human-nature / order.

Healing to your pristine state does not happen overnight, its a long process, just think about how long you ate and lived the wrong way. Maybe if you went in the forrest and dry fasted for 40 days in a cave it could be quicker, but 99.99999999% of people will not be able to do that, they would literally die. Its not a superiority complex, rather a common truth. Most people are still animal, not my issue, I state what I see.



Edited by M A J I

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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5 hours ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

Please do not listen to that guy. Most fruits contain nothing but sugar, some contain a few petty vitamins but it's not like you wouldn't be able to get them from other sources. This is the type of diet you can expect to die on the quickest (followed by a more general vegan diet of course)

Why the fear? Fear it might be true? why not allow people to decide for themselves. Fruits contain nothing but sugar? This is where I know you know close to nothing about health, nutrition, science, nature and biology.

Fruit is loaded of phytochemicals, enzymes, amino-acids, vitamins, minerals and several other beneficial compounds rarely found in other food or cooked food that are destroyed in the process of cooking or de-naturing foods. Fruit is also H302 (structured / living) water full of (information) your cells need to function at their best. All "live" foods also contain (biophotons) light-particles which contain information via cosmic radiation, light-codes for DNA upgrades and enzymes which are required for the utilization of the said foods nutrients so the body doesn't have to prematurely age and over-work itself and produce them itself. Anytime you cook / denature foods you destroy all enzymes and biophotons AKA (LIFE) in the food so you are consuming (dead-nutrition), dense-matter. Fruit is the only food that becomes worse if you cook or flavour it, because its already perfected for you as GOD / Nature (Infinite Intelligence) created. Meat doesn't grow on trees.

And sugar in fruit has a entirely different function and utilization in the body than (processed sugar or white sugar) that modern health instills in your mind. No one has ever died or developed diseases of fruit, only when fruit was chemically-laded, genetically modified or mixed with other foods. in fact many people have cured incurable diseases with fruit-only diets, even diabetes. Yet Isn't fruit full of sugar? Yeah but clearly there is a lack of understanding of nature and human anatomy and biology. Nature is not designed to consume artificial chemicals, yet you can eat all the fruit you want and nothing bad will ever happen, why? because Nature is bio-compatible with Nature.

The longest lived and healthiest people I know and discovered hermits and yogis mostly live of wild fruit, nuts, seeds, berries and herbs are often far older and look far younger than your oldest people in the western book of records. Why you never hear about them? Cause if people found out about this, your entire corrupt western educational, healthcare and medical and pharmaceutical systems will eventually cease to be and go bankrupt. This is why they control every mainstream science and information you receive. An intelligent fully activated human is dangerous to a system who relies on slaves, you are still living in chains, only difference is they swapped the chains for the coin so you think you are free.

You've been brainwashed by the system, eat your meat and soon enough you'll be in heaven realizing fuck I didn't listen to that guy. There are many people who went carnivore and seen some results because they cut out the complexity of their diet and gave something closer to a simple diet that allowed their body to function better than consuming 150 different foods, flavours and chemicals a day which it was never designed nor evolved for, at least with meat they have some evolutionary history, yet many of them revert back to vegan fruit-based or re-introduce fruits and vegetables because they realize they are getting worse than before because meat wasn't originally designed for us. If you want something simple, eat some fruit, and leave all the other foods out, I can bet you will feel worlds better than meat, after the detox-phase passes. You will feel more alive than ever before, but its not an easy road especially if you been eating poorly all your life, you have to go through your darkness and purge all those toxins and trauma out of your system. its easy to eat meat, its like people who get high to feel good, no one wants to do the hard work and undo all the damage done. Its easy to numb and suppress ourselves with dense foods, but we will be limited greatly from our full potential, especially if we eat mostly meat and animal products and modern fake foods at the grocery store.

Unlike these petty comments, I know exactly what I am talking about. I have spent the last 15 years exploring everything i possibly can as to why most humans on earth are zombies. I have 100 books and thousands of hours of research and self-experimentation to back up everything I say. I had laid it all out a while ago and year after year the truth continues to prevail, why? because its the undeniable truth and the evidence speaks for itself.

God created everything perfect as it is, nature was the direct example of gods crystalized thought materialized and manifest, he produced an abundance of fruit and living foods for man to eat, and man lived in perfect health and harmony with the creator.

At one point man steered away from nature, possibly due to cataclysmic events, was forced out of the forest, ate the wrong foods, had to cook them to be able to digest them, destroyed and manipulated the natural systems, then diseases emerged and longevity and pristine health dissolved into the ether.

Maybe you can ask yourself these questions. Why is fruit the only food you don't need to cook to trick your taste buds to enjoy it by salting and flavoring and processing for it to taste good and appealing to your senses?

How come when they lock babies in a room 10/10 times they play with the animals and eat the fruit? Why don't they ever eat the animal? Maybe because babies are still pure and have yet to be conditioned on what to eat, and yet they instinctively know whats most natural and appealing to them. Even if they put vegetables in the room, they will still prefer the ripe and colorful fruit.

Why is fruit at ever dinner table and lights up peoples eyes when they see some fresh fruit on the table or being offered to them on a hot summers day? Why is fruit the only food to purify and cleanse the body while nourishing it at the same time?

Why did God say on Genesis 1:29 Behold, I will provide every seed-bearing plant and tree that will produce (fruit) and that will be yours for "food". Even in your religious texts, all point to fruit, especially in relation to the garden of eden.

I could go all day because I am an expert here, best be very educated before you start spreading misinformation with this mainstream out-dated false-science. All of these things have been busted long ago and covered over and over again.

Edited by M A J I

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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14 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

Everyone without exception will end up with problems if they eat too much of certain fibers, there are no beans or potatoes in nature.

That’s a pretty bold claim. I don’t know what you mean by “too much” because it’s not like someone even a vegan is eating only beans and potatoes they usually have a variety of food and some can eat like that without problems.

14 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

I trusted my senses, every time i trusted my senses i no longer had problems; And contrary to what one might imagine the senses are not pro junk food : Refined, poor quality, non-nutritious products will in fact be disappointing and if you contemplate enough, with enough delicacy, you will realize that it is limiting beliefs that trigger junk food compulsions, much more than pleasure. If you look at happy people, not particularly neurotic, they always choose refined, balanced food, rather than more "dirty" food.


That’s good you found something that worked for you. I’d say I agree here

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2 hours ago, M A J I said:

then I cut out fats/nuts, then greens and vegetables

I'm curious to know why you think fats(healthy fats, i.e.) and greens and vegetables aren't good to eat. First time even hearing this. Especially the greens and veggies. Fats and nuts are debatable but I've never heard of greens being unhealthy except for those on medication and can't eat kale or spinach etc. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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6 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I'm curious to know why you think fats(healthy fats, i.e.) and greens and vegetables aren't good to eat. First time even hearing this. Especially the greens and veggies. Fats and nuts are debatable but I've never heard of greens being unhealthy except for those on medication and can't eat kale or spinach etc. 

There’s a whole trend going around of carnivore and “animal based diet” that says greens are unhealthily because they contain plant defensive chemicals and oxalates etc …😹

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2 hours ago, M A J I said:

Unlike these petty comments, I know exactly what I am talking about.

Also, you don't have to put down others to make your claims. There's a difference when defending your claims directly and opposing a particular comment directly and just calling comments petty in general without itemizing it or being specific as to which one and why you say it's petty. It's all opinions here and nothing is set in stone and people are also free to do whatever they choose to their bodies. Suggestions are good, criticisms are also good but telling people their comments are petty and that you know it all seems a bit harsh and unnecessary.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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16 hours ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

Show me a study of people eating actually good quality meat that's at least semi raw so it conserves most of the nutrients that concludes people get heart dissease from consuming such meat. I'll wait.

@NewKidOnTheBlock Doesn't exist :)

It's Love.

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5 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

There’s a whole trend going around of carnivore and “animal based diet” that says greens are unhealthily because they contain plant defensive chemicals and oxalates etc …😹

I'm aware of oxalates especially in raw spinach but I believe for just about every food, we can find something in them that's questionable e.g fruit/sugar(even though it's digested differently) nuts/pectins (I believe it's called), seeds/toxicities can be found in some, legumes and beans/peanuts and cashews and kidney beans are considered toxic to the body, peppers, potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes are called nightshades and can be very toxic to some and cause inflammation, I mean the list goes on

. Not everyone reacts to foods the same way, and I believe it might be according to one's blood type and genetic make up. Just because one may react badly to one type of food doesn't mean we all do. Oxylates don't go too well with certain medications and I believe can be reduced by slightly cooking the food. Doesn't mean greens are bad. What about the cruciferous vegetables are they supposedly bad too. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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15 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I'm curious to know why you think fats(healthy fats, i.e.) and greens and vegetables aren't good to eat. First time even hearing this. Especially the greens and veggies. Fats and nuts are debatable but I've never heard of greens being unhealthy except for those on medication and can't eat kale or spinach etc. 

its not that they aren't healthy, in general they are, but as you cleanse and purify more they will weigh the body down and slow-down the rate of vibration at which the body oscillates. They will slow down the detox and healing process, and greens, although rich in minerals, lack the cleansing action of fruits and hydrating elements which we need more so. The other thing being, fruit is the only food that is karma-free and literally given by the tree as it falls to the ground, plants/greens have to be ripped from the ground or plant and harvested, and they often develop anti-bodies to protect themselves from being eaten and sometimes contain things that are not too good for us. Greens and herbs are more so medicines than they are food.

Nuts & Seeds are a denser form of fruit, although we only need a handful a week at most, avocado is another that is more mucus-forming but very nourishing. Coconut and Durian are also high in fat but their benefits and nutrient profile is very rich too.

Woman will naturally need more fats then men.

As you become healthier, you become more "efficient" the less you need, the better you feel.

Follow your Intuition ultimately.



I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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16 hours ago, Michael569 said:

I'm (pleasantly) surprised to see you include PUFA -rich oils which I recall you opposed mechanistically. 

Hey now don't give him credit for MY sophistry ;)

Anti PUFA stance is almost uniquely Jason & I.

Schizo is adjacent to us in the sense that he eats whole foods with animal fats but he's too chad for nerdy mechanisms.

Sad to see him slurping the canola juice though... oh dear

At least we all agree on whole foods.

It's Love.

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5 hours ago, Michael569 said:

I.mean record yourself doing 20 effortless pullups

Give me 6 months and I'll make it 30 :D

It's Love.

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In 2016 several doctors shared many findings proving that meat is one of the leading causes to heart-disease and that we can only absorb about 20% of meat protein and 80% goes into our bloodstream as we are not felines nor have the anatomy to properly digest and utilize such food. These doctors and their studies were wiped off the face of the earth by the pharmaceutical warlords. Same thing happened in 2017 when multiple doctors connected vaccines to autism. Its a corrupt world we live in and they control every scientific literature you can find, if you make trillions of dollars a year of sick people, you can basically control the whole world.

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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3 minutes ago, M A J I said:

In 2016 several doctors shared many findings proving that meat is one of the leading causes to heart-disease and that we can only absorb about 20% of meat protein and 80% goes into our bloodstream as we are not felines nor have the anatomy to properly digest and utilize such food. These doctors and their studies were wiped off the face of the earth by the pharmaceutical warlords. Same thing happened in 2017 when multiple doctors connected vaccines to autism. Its a corrupt world we live in and they control every scientific literature you can find, if you make trillions of dollars a year of sick people, you can basically control the whole world.

Haha looks like I'm dead

It's Love.

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3 minutes ago, M A J I said:

its not that they aren't healthy, in general they are, but as you cleanse and purify more they will weigh the body down and slow-down the rate of vibration at which the body oscillates. They will slow down the detox and healing process, and greens, although rich in minerals, lack the cleansing action of fruits and hydrating elements which we need more so. The other thing being, fruit is the only food that is karma-free and literally given by the tree as it falls to the ground, plants/greens have to be ripped from the ground or plant and harvested, and they often develop anti-bodies to protect themselves from being eaten and sometimes contain things that are not too good for us. Greens and herbs are more so medicines than they are food.

I thought greens got their color from chlorophyll and chlorophyll is an essential part of the life sustaining process. Also, food is medicine, in my eyes and there's really no difference, in my opinion. They are still taken internally. Idk, seems way too complicated to me. I'm not going to stop eating vegetables and greens because they're ripped and they don't fall to the ground naturally. That's just me. I can relate to animals being tortured and still have that fear inside their bodies and we consume that fear and all that, but not about the veggies and greens. Even if you're correct, and I'm not saying you're not, I don't see it that big of a problem to stop eating them.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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32 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I'm aware of oxalates especially in raw spinach but I believe for just about every food, we can find something in them that's questionable e.g fruit/sugar(even though it's digested differently) nuts/pectins (I believe it's called), seeds/toxicities can be found in some, legumes and beans/peanuts and cashews and kidney beans are considered toxic to the body, peppers, potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes are called nightshades and can be very toxic to some and cause inflammation, I mean the list goes on

. Not everyone reacts to foods the same way, and I believe it might be according to one's blood type and genetic make up. Just because one may react badly to one type of food doesn't mean we all do. Oxylates don't go too well with certain medications and I believe can be reduced by slightly cooking the food. Doesn't mean greens are bad. What about the cruciferous vegetables are they supposedly bad too. 

Yea exactly and the dose is important too so some compounds might be bad in large doses but nobody is eating enough to get that dose. And the way we prepare the foods changes the chemistry. 

Yea exactly some people are sensitive to some foods but that doesn’t mean the foods are bad. There are people that react to a lot of vegetables for example 

Some extreme people in the carnivore and animal based communities avoid vegetables all together pretty much except maybe avocado.

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27 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I thought greens got their color from chlorophyll and chlorophyll is an essential part of the life sustaining process. Also, food is medicine, in my eyes and there's really no difference, in my opinion. They are still taken internally. Idk, seems way too complicated to me. I'm not going to stop eating vegetables and greens because they're ripped and they don't fall to the ground naturally. That's just me. I can relate to animals being tortured and still have that fear inside their bodies and we consume that fear and all that, but not about the veggies and greens. Even if you're correct, and I'm not saying you're not, I don't see it that big of a problem to stop eating them.

You gotta do what feels right and works best for you, I am simply sharing my own findings and what makes most sense to me after years of experimentation. These days I am noticing the more simple I eat, the better I feel. Often I feel worse if i eat a salad with many different herbs, flavors and spices compared to a simple mono-meal like bananas or potatoes. If you think about it, we evolved finding a tree and eating until we are satisfied.

This is often why people initially feel better on carnivore-based diet, cause they are mostly cutting everything else out, until the negatives catch up to them eventually. Yet you can do this with one type of vegetable and feel even better, however fruit is always the best. I once lived on watermelons alone for a few weeks, I felt on top of the world, I was like a child, felt so high naturally and clean and clear in my thoughts and emotionally perfect.

I like chlorella for example for environmental support, radiation protection and heavy metal detox.I do nibble on some garden herbs too, but more for light nibbles and less for meals. I find things that don't have much taste to my liking indicates what is not serving me. Things like raw honey and bee pollen are exceptionally rich and beneficial too. I prefer hemp seeds over nuts in general.

Hope this helps :)

Edited by M A J I

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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3 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

Some extreme people in the carnivore and animal based communities avoid vegetables all together pretty much except maybe avocado.

I generally avoid vegetables (but no, I'm not carnivore since I eat rice and fruit).

But that's just my own idiosyncrasy. Most people should handle vegetables well.

Though, gun to my head, if I had to pick a "vegetable," I would happily rep root vegetables like carrots and onions.

Not a fan of leaves or stalks. They taste like shit and leave me gassy, groggy, and itchy.

I have a theory that nobody truly enjoys leaves and stalks.

Ya'll likely gaslight yourself into enjoy it by cooking/steaming, adding sauce/dressing/spice, etc.

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