
How can I make $23k?

48 posts in this topic

Time is your greatest asset and it's on your side. Don't rush through life. I don't understand why there are these expectations to fix up your life reaching at certain age. This is the biggest stresser for most young people. You can start small and build up slowly.

Edited by Sandhu

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15 minutes ago, Sandhu said:

If you're looking to relieve your stressing feelings. I recommend you to go to this Subreddit . There, desperate people like us vent all the time.

I don't feel stressful. I just want to make money/a living. 

5 hours ago, Metanoia said:

Why do you need exactly $23K?

Why particularly $23k? 

I've calculated what I need and it's around that much : 

It's a little bit more. 

Edited by Sabth

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4 minutes ago, Sandhu said:

Time is your greatest asset and it's on your side. Don't rush through life. I don't understand why there are these expectations to fix up your life reaching at certain age. This is the biggest stresser for most young people. You can start small and build up slowly.

I know. But everyday, my time just went by like that. I could have worked 8hours a day and earn some money. But I didn't. 

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You're a Malaysian Girl. Right?

Authenticity, consciousness, Understanding, Learning, Art, Mastery

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1 minute ago, Sandhu said:

You're a Malaysian Girl. Right?


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This is what I've wrote that I want : 


I  want an only child. In the future, I may want, an only child~

Just one. Child. 

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People here can only give you some useful advice only. Be strong, Believe in yourself. No one here or elsewhere can take responsibility for your life. 

Authenticity, consciousness, Understanding, Learning, Art, Mastery

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12 hours ago, Sabth said:

I currently don't have anything to put on the education section because it's university. What university would look good on portfolio? 

An university education, even if it's incomplete means that you can follow more sophisticated instructions written on paper and that are communicated to you. It means that your search and organizing of information is more qualitative, consise and well formatted. Since there are many fields in university to study, I think if you are studying for profession or have that degree it's best you put it there if it's the same profession you are applying for.

Edited by Applegarden8

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27 minutes ago, Applegarden8 said:

An university education, even if it's incomplete means that you can follow more sophisticated instructions written on paper and that are communicated to you. It means that your search and organizing of information is more qualitative, consise and well formatted. Since there are many fields in university to study, I think if you are studying for profession or have that degree it's best you put it there if it's the same profession you are applying for.

Are you drunk? What are you writing? 

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54 minutes ago, Sabth said:

Are you drunk? What are you writing? 

If you can't give constructive feedback about what you didn't understand, I cannot provide constructive feedback about your original question.

Putting university experience or completion in your CV in education field is good and can help you in cases you are applying for a specific jobs and that this job is close to the field you finished your degree in or are still studying in.

For example, if you graduate as a food technologist then it's applicable for various other fields, not just food production, but ofc you will need training, but your job will probably provide it.

Can you please not insult people who are trying to answer a question you are asking?

Edit: OK, you didn't go to university, it's clear, should have replied me with that directly instead of an insult.


Edited by Applegarden8

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7 minutes ago, Sabth said:

@Applegarden8 I'm not insulting, I just didn't understand your writing. It's circular. 

If it's circular, it's because we are talking about the same topic and I am re-explaining something that was not even an issue for you which was not clear to me because it was mentioned in a different reply that you didn't go to university. I don't have a feeling that you are interested in a solution anyway. I am out of this thread.

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@Sabth @Applegarden8 is saying that just because you did not finish your university degree, does not mean you should not write it on your LinkedIn. A person with some university education is still "better" than someone with zero university education. Especially if, for example, the degree you did not finish is in the same field as whatever job you are applying for. If a person has studied even just one semester at university, it is still more experience than a person who has never been to a university at all. Therefore, if your future employer has to pick between you (with some university education), and someone with no university education, chances are they will pick you as you are more qualified.

Hope that helps.

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@Metanoia yea , but I think , I had no interest to work in that field....


But if I were to take a university course I would take it all over again>

Edited by Sabth

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That is not the point. The point is that you should add your university education to your LinkedIn because some university education is more than no university education.

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11 hours ago, sholomar said:

Where I live you can still get apartments for $500 to $800 a month while jobs are paying upwards of $20 an hour

wheres this?

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11 hours ago, sholomar said:

One reason I stay at the same job I do even though it's kind of a dead end is because it pays well, good benefits, and long breaks. Ultimately we all have to work to live it's a basic requirement of evolution. Try to find the highest paying job you can tolerate. Relocate if you have to. The cost of living can differ vastly in different Geographic regions.

Where I live you can still get apartments for $500 to $800 a month while jobs are paying upwards of $20 an hour in some cases depending on the job. 

Idk if that's a lot or not. I def want a well paying job in a low cost area so that I could save a lot. 

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The average income of Americans are $4953

While in my state it was $1053

That's why I see the income are so low when I look up online for job. 

But we're living just fine. 

The cost of living must be high too. 

Edited by Sabth

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Oh you're the same person I thought you're a different person.

18 hours ago, Applegarden8 said:

First you apply to various workplaces with your CV or create an Europass if you are in Europe or (LinkedIn is more general website where to create your template) to write and sort all the casual details, skills and work experience you have and export a CV from there. Just send it to the contacts of the companies you see they are looking for staff, and wait for a call to job interview. Just get trough an NPC series of job interviews and just make it clear that you seem responsible and willing to work and survive the testing period. Then just make sure you work attentively and are not the reason of problems. You can try suggest something to improve workflow in your company from time to time and just take responsibility and there you have it.

Well, what is your education and you have to look what jobs can be done with your education, I am assuming you have a non-specific high school education or maybe you are looking for a job not in your field what you graduated with in university?

Short answer.

You have to look yourself what is available in your area.

Then you have to get a casual photo and CV and send it to those companies or even if this is a public place like a cafe, you can ask, are you looking for staff?

Then take responsibility for your job, be in time, try to communicate, make sure you understand what needs to be done, even you can write what your manager asks you to do or what is the decision of something that we are doing differently now or to write some problem questions, topics for training or steps how to do somwthing down like in a small journal, you can really go a long way in this.

And make sure you get any Healthcare benefits, work insurance or tax cuts that your company offers, if they do because you are working.

I also agree with Leo, don't date ur colleagues, very risky.

17 hours ago, Applegarden8 said:

Page is not available to me, but it's also not for me to see.

You don't have to share everything, go to the internet and look for CV examples or youtube how to create a good CV. From linked in or Europass you are supposed to create or export a CV form and send it to your potential employers e-mail.

They can type up your education, but it's not to easy to find than to look what is in your CV and if needed verify that. It's not in their interests to look, you have to present already so they can check. Otherwise your employer will think you can't be bothered to communicate or don't care about getting the job.

BTW, my job asked me to get a copy of a segment of my degree to verify my education myself to them.


Edited by Sabth

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Get into a car crash. I was in one almost a year ago; since the other driver was at fault, I got that much money from their insurance company!

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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