
What is LOVE?, or: Why we have to go to war

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6 minutes ago, vibv said:

They did extremely important groundwork for the spiritual evolution of humankind.

The truth is that for me personally the reading of these people or other spirituality is of absolutely no use to me, I have never found a useful spiritual reading, on the contrary, they all settle the self, they make it heavier. That doesn't mean that I don't consider his openness legitimate, the same as that of Leo, whom I don't really understand, but I don't underestimate him either.

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A humble approach is to realize that you’re at war with yourself.

Stop looking to others as the source of your suffering. Or even looking up to them as the cure for your suffering. That is still immaturity. Notice yourself doing this, but keep contemplating into the nature of suffering as you are suffering.

If you find that examining fear is too overwhelming, ground yourself in the present moment by observing sensations in your body, without judgement.

The goal is not to achieve a calm body and mind, but to acknowledge and accept it as it is. This is important, as it teaches you that you don’t need to be a particular / preconceived way to be present with yourself. 

Then go back to facing your fears.


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47 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

It can be stable? example osaid says that once you become enlightened it is forever. I don't see it that way, having a moment of no self is extremely difficult for me. I have to force it with meditation and intention since the inertia of the mind creates what I call the self, which is like a bubble, or a sensation of center. There is a receiving center of experience and that is me. to drop the self is to eliminate the center. existence remains but there is no reference point, and there is no need for control. At this point the past/future temporal sequence is eliminated and the interpretation of the moment ceases, the mind is emptied of content and only the now remains, which has no limit and here the true nature of reality is manifested. but there is a problem, it is very difficult to contain the mind that is going to try to interpret this, and in doing so, you return again to the bubble of mental flow that creates the appearance of a receiving center of experience. Once you have managed to open the now completely, you can do it again, but in my case the mind immediately tries to capture the scene, understand what this is using the concepts of infinity, creation, cause/effect, etc. The flat mind, beyond a few minutes, generates enormous pressure towards habitual functioning, the inertia of a lifetime. Each opening makes future openings easier, and in normal experience there is a transparency, the infinite is just below the experience, but my ambitious nature tells me: dive to the deepest, dissolve completely using whatever medium, drugs , meditation, etc. Not to understand what is this, but to see. But who wants to see? The self, right? It's very easy to enter in wrong paths 


Long enough time in that state you are training in will open the window for the shift towards Realization. You already perceive the facets of the elephant quite clearly and unmistakenly (Infinite, no concepts, Reality itself, unmistakenly,...).

Long enough burning of all remnants of the separate self/ego-clouds in clear brazing Sun of your Empty Pure Impersonal Infinite Nature will clear the last clouds away.

And when "you" rest in that and need to do nothing (because who would do it) to maintain these Awakened Impersonal Infinite Nondual Awakened States of Awareness, then suddenly it can become totally clear.

The last remnants of the separate self are very very subtle, way more subtle than concepts or I-feelings. They need to get seen as object and transcended/cut off again and again. Its like learning a high-speed search and reckognition task of not looking through these filters/lenses/centers, but seeing them moving in True You. When its pure enough, the shift will happen.

When you have gone this path, you know and have learned how to cut off/transcend/let go of all these clouds, all filters of the separate self. That is why the realization is accessible sobre later. You know (automatically) how to produce nondual awakened states but cutting off the filters.

What can help at that stage is for example the practices of the Mahamudra-System stage 3, Yoga of One Taste (One Taste= Nondual), and 4. Stage of Nonmeditation (Where any doing/doer/Activity is and be dropped and the nondual awakened state can still be maintained. In this stage 4 the mind continuum ripens so that the big shift towards Enlightenment can happen. Afterwards the access to the Infinite or Awakend Nondual Awareness is quite  stable, depending on the practice done before. It is very lovely "there". Already when approaching it it is so blissfull in these nondual states. In that bliss the ego-contraction dies/dissolves, because it is clearly seen and felt as contraction in the head, unpleasant and making nonduality localized again.

I have written quite a bit about the Mahamudra stages of Nonmeditation Yoga and Yoga of One Taste. Maybe you find that interesting: Yoga&author=Water by the River"Yoga of One Taste"&author=Water by the River&sortby=relevancy

Edited by Water by the River

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4 hours ago, Water by the River said:

The last remnants of the separate self are very very subtle, way more subtle than concepts or I-feelings. They need to get seen as object and transcended/cut off again and again. Its like learning a high-speed search and reckognition task of not looking through these filters/lenses/centers, but seeing them moving in True You. When its pure enough, the shift will happen.

Yes, It is very difficult to understand how the self creates the distortion, there are layers of deception that must be deciphered. It's like a natural process, once the chain reaction starts, it continues to slowly disintegrate layers. 

4 hours ago, Water by the River said:

have written quite a bit about the Mahamudra stages of Nonmeditation Yoga and Yoga of One Taste. Maybe you find that interesting: Yoga&author=Water by the River"Yoga of One Taste"&author=Water by the River&sortby=relevancy

I will check, i have never done a systematic practice but who knows

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A thought: The miracle of Language is not only what you can transmit with it – but even more so what you can not convey.

Edited by vibv

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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Let's see,

I am everything.

Everything is me.

Pure consciousness  has no self-awareness

I am pure consciousness looking back

I have self-realization

And I am pure consciousness

The seeker, and the seer.

Everything is that.


In the Sufi Tradition, the soul is sometimes thought of as a mirror for God, but one which can only reflect the Divine accurately if it is polished. “Polishing the Mirror” or “Polishing Rust Off The Heart” remain common metaphors for moral and spiritual development within Sufism. 




Edited by Sir Oberon

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On 6.10.2023 at 3:44 PM, Water by the River said:

The last remnants of the separate self are very very subtle, way more subtle than concepts or I-feelings. They need to get seen as object and transcended/cut off again and again.

I know it's a difficult task but can you try desribing some of such very very subtle remnants?

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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3 hours ago, Arthogaan said:

I know it's a difficult task but can you try desribing some of such very very subtle remnants?

Ok, I try. But be aware this is extremely difficult to do it in a monological form via text, and hardly complete. Good news is: At that stage the path shows itself to itself if one just continues with the right meditation/awareness techniques. The illusion-mechanisms pop up one by one. If applying a good understanding of what will show up, the process can be fastened. It is like adding a blow-torch to the burning down of the illusion-building.

So, here we go:

  • Any thought implying I/me.
  • "I-feeling"
  • any understanding you have ("I" understand)
  • any doubt ("I" doubt)
  • all of it
  • very subtle and fast forms of feeling separate. Or thinking that. Very fast & very subtle. Way faster than a thought elaborated over several second. Tenths/fractions of a second... Speed of awareness is crucial, that is being trained here And strength of awareness, to be able to also cut off core separate-self identities and suffering/resistance.
    • Reckognizing that, not getting hypnotized by that, cutting it off by looking into its nature (empty consciousness).
  • and since its very hard to tell the difference if a thought-arising is laced with individuality/separation/identity: Cutting off all of them, just for training. Yet, one can at other times also maintain ones awareness during practical daily life/thoughts.
  • And memory of the past: It is being imagined right now, appears as complete "chunk" out of Infinite Consciousness/Being, and then gets elaborated in thought (which is very slow compared to how it emerges "fully" formed. That is truly a mindf*** when your awareness gets fast enough to spot for the first time how the complete past emerges immediately as "whole block" and then is slowly elaborated, fooling one to believe one is that "I" having this memory and thoughts. You see then how each any anything is just emerging to fool oneself. That is an aspect that Leo emphasizes with his concept of God-Realization. The past is radically imagined right now, there is no past. There is only an Infinite Formless eternal "Field" modulating itself to give the appearance of a past. Same for the "future". You don't have a past, You are an Infinite Vastness that is able to make up the past on the fly, and then have thoughts/feelings-arisings that "believe" that. Yet, that Infinite Vastness/Being CAN UNDERSTAND, and so it can understand that the past is imagined on the fly here and now. That is a major understanding/building block of Enlightenment, or seeing that separation from it all (separate self) is just an imagined arising within oneself.
  • One is not a human, but the Infinite Vastness/Being (which is luckily also always here, aka immortal/eternal, can't go anywhere infinite Nothingness with nothing outside of it) imagining a human and all its elements moving/appearing within itself.

So it is

  • Duality gone (visual field nondual) -> Nondual
  • boundless infinite (boundary of the field is gone) -> Infinite
  • solidity of "external" visual field is gone, replacing solidity with mere groundless lucid appearance -> imagined illusion/lucidity/non-material, mere imagined empty hologram like appearance.
  • time is gone (as described above, past imagined right now) -> always here, never not here Infinite Mind/Being. Eternal, immortal, absolutely fundamental, all is appearing and arising in it, always.
  • space is gone (imagined IN the infinte vastness of True Being)
    • -> space doesnt exist outside, space is imagined in oneself, the vastness of Infinity (which is not 3d space), and there is no 3D-space (or any space at all, non-euclidian, 4D, whatever) possibly existing outside of your Infinite Being. No outside. Infinite. All there is. Space is not self-existing outside of ones own nondual infinite being. It is imagined by it.
    • What is behind your face? "beyond" the visual field. Not (3d-)space, but the Infinite (Being).
    • -> spaceless, dimensionless, infinite. Containing all possible dimensions and realms, high and low.
  • all of that is imagined/constructed/manifested right here right now in ones nondual True eternal Being, Infinite Consciousness/Being. -> A mirage/illusion appearing in ones Infinite Being, giving rise to the illusion of a human life within it.

Another way to say that is:

In Pointing out the Great Way, Brown is one statement: If everything 

  • (1) all appearance of the world/visual field is seen as mere appearance (empty) hovering lucid and hologram like in Infinite Vastness (that can still be stage 3&4 Thisdell with separate-self well and alive, and that is why that is accesible via psychedelics) AND
  • (2) each and any thought/feeling arising/"internal" mindstream event (including everything one believed oneself to be, I-feeling, I-thoughts, the whole history, the whole asking what is Reality/True Being, ALL of it) is seen as empty arising in Infinite Being/Nothingness/Consciousness.

which means that ones mindstream is then conforming to the enlighened mindstream, or close to how Infinite Reality really is. Then Enlightenment can happen. But it can't be forced, since that would be thoughts with a thinker identified with them, with I-feelings, wanting something. Infinite Being/Consciousness has to understand itself, with no artifical activity/separate self trying to force it.

  • At that point, the properties of the mindstream above can be automized, and this automatic meditation/mindfulness can be protected ("mindfulness without [artificial activity]"), element (1) of Nonmeditation Yoga, see Pointing out the Great Way, Brown). 
  • One doesnt't focus on anything (which Daniel Brown calls particularizing). This picking out something specific with attention (particularizing, the fastest process of the mind, way faster than thinking) is what creates Duality, or better disrupts the original nonduality. Instead, one watches how particularization happens, and transcends that in a way that the boundless nondual unity with/of the visual field is not interrupted. Element (2) of Nonmeditation Yoga, "do not take to mind".
  • and then maintains and waits in that state. Meditation and Mindfulness in these awakened nondual states does itself. Enlightenment can't be forced, because who would do the forcing? Instead, the Infinite Vastness/Being can understand/realize itself (or its True Nature) when conditions are exactly right. That is then Enlightenment. Bye bye illusion-human, hello Infinite Being/Reality "having" a human,.

Making the mindstream conform to the enlightened mindstream so that Enlightenment can happen is very important, because that part can  be done by intelligent and informed practice. And that is why an efficient system is way faster, more efficient for most than and way more pleasent than a brute force approach like

  • sitting an staring at the wall (brute force method), concentration or Koan-style.
  • more likely to work than betting on just by having the right Karma and enough of the mere-appearance-infinite-character of the visual field and thought/feeling space in place already (Ramana, Anamanda Ma), and then some contemplation based on the already very much conforming mindstream

Only those who needed to walked the steps can tell about the steps. Those are on top can mainly tell about how the properties of the roof are/what Truth is, but its more difficult to talk about steps that didn't have to be taken/climbed because they were already in place.

The low success rate of the Enlightenment-endeavours in my perspective is due to mostly using brute-force-methods (which need lots and lots of willpower and pushing through negative emotions on the pillow) with no clear map of the steps of the path and the lots of cul-de-sacs of the path, or prodigy-approaches of telling about nature of True Being, but not offering a method path for average-gifted persons (Ramana for example).

So, conforming to the enlightened mindstream mainly is:

  • (1) Visual Field nondual, mere appearance, "hovering" in Infinite Vasteness/Infinity, being manifested/imagined right now
  • (2) every thought arising/feeling arising is seen as emerging out of True Being/consciousness, made out of it, moving in it. Especially all thoughts/feelings relating to I/me. Feels impersonal, no separate indiduality found in any of that.

And based on that the separate self (what one thought oneself to be) can be realized as mere flow of colours/appearances/feelings/thoughts (which have a very coherent and well made structure/Gestalt, and therefor are extremly hypnotizing and seem believeable) appearing in Oneself (Infinite Being), including the whole past, and that one IS the always here Infinite Eternal Field of Being/Consciousness. And the former separate-self is like the tree-picture in this wikipedia-article (below): A representation for something that appears (the tree), but has no independend existence apart from True Being (which is the nondual infinite eternal vastness of Being right here and now, with the body and mindstream having no different priority or separation from all that is). A well made illusion. The picture of the tree concept doesn't point to a real tree outside of consciousness (an object), but to shapes/colours of an imagined trees within Infinite Consciousness, not to real trees that exist outside of Infinite Being, self-existing/indepdently existing outside of consciousness. There are no trees, just the concept of them, and some imagined colours/forms/sensations giving the Gestalt of an appearance of atree. Same way, there is no human/separate-self beyond the appearance-Gestalt, and the concept pointing to such an imagined self-existing entity. There is only Infinite Being, not the human (which only appears in Infinite Being).

There always ever was, is and can be the Totality of (true) Being, self-aware, perceptions perceiving themselves. Either with reflective-self-consciousness arising (like normal human mind stream), or just mere awareness of the Totality without the self-consciousness part, perceptions perceiving themselves. Aware, but not separate. The non reflective-pure awareness of this vast field/being is more fundamental than the temporary appearing self-consciousness (with I-feelings I-thoughts). The Awareness is the Sun, the reflective (self-) consciousness (I-feeling, I-thoughts) is the reflected light of the Sun on the planets.

Basically, its replacing ones old mistaken identity (imagined false illusion separate-self) with the correct identity, Infinite timeless/eternal (always here) Being. The flow of the human mindstream with its practical thoughts and so on happen within Ones True Being. One has a human, but is not only the human. Thoughts or feelings of separation are known to be illusion.

When that shift happen, this realization is always available by just reaching out, or immediately always present. The visual field IS mere appearance and lucid/hologram/groundless, it IS infinite, eternal always here. Thoughts and feelings ARE just floating in it, made out of it, and "it" is onself, nondual. And that can be felt all the time or by just checking/moving attention there. It can never really be unseen. Reality/True Being understands itself. It is beyond doubt, unshakable, deathless/immortal always here. And that is the kicker: One/True Being is literally immortal and infinite. Not the ego, but True Being with its nature of Awareness. One can never die, and nothing outside one self can truly threaten one, because there is no outside of oneself. Seriousness and danger is replaced with laughter and security.

Resting in True Being generates bliss, even when approaching it in Thisdells stage 4. Its a self-reinforcing positive feedback loop: Cutting off thoughts, field nondual, bliss flows. Literally. And that reinforces the stability of Nondual mere appearance visual field even more. Awakening enchances awakening. Suffering/resistance to what is no longer grips in any form since a long time. If it moves within ones being, is seen and let go. Would the inherent bliss of True Being ever be exchanged with grasping for being an ET seeing more of manifested reality, but suffers because its not enlightened? (more on that later).


That is a "hard" shift, it is not just thinking differently. It is for sure not "I am God and imagine all reality", which is just cosplay. It is Reality understanding itself, Infinite Being waking up to itself. What can do the understanding of that? Reality/Being/Infinite Consciousness. Waking up to its True Nature. That last shift is knowing what one really is, and that understanding/realization runs over a short period of time. Waking up. Happens only once. And is final. Is beyond doubt (since these would only be more thoughts/arisings moving within Reality and subsiding into it). The shifts/Awakenings leading towards it go over a longer time, many years.


And then of course there are infinite forms of manifestation, ET n+1, with vastly more understanding of the relative manifestations, basking in their understanding of the imagination process, different dimensions, higher realms, non-euclidian space, completely other alien manifestation realms. Humans look like ants compared to that for sure. These beings have been reported since millenia, in all cultures, all times. Reality-creating and maintaining Gods (Brahman, Shiva, Vishnu and endless other names for them).

But it is the same True YOU, the only Being or Awareness in existence. The same being. There is nothing outside of it. No other (being, God, alien). And one can have an unenlightened ET, not having realized what Reality really is. Beings of higher realms are not necessarily enlightened. That tale is as old as the spiritual traditions. Although many of these beings of higher planes are enlightened. An unenlightened ET (which by definition has separate-self-elements not transcended/seen through in real time, which are by definition nothing other than the elements resisting the now, or suffering in other words) is a rather sad and suffering figure compared to a being who has realized its True Infinite Being. Calling the lower higher, and the higher lower. Whose modus operandi is that again?

But lets not end too serious: It is all an illusion-game, "nobody" really gets lost forever, and Maya smiles lovingly on all not-really-(self)-existing-but-just-appearing children of Reality, humans and ETs alike. Although it can appear & feel very real & serious.

Selling Water by the River

Edited by Water by the River

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@Water by the RiverWow, that was a fucking ride. I think I got enlightened just by reading that. Of course not, because I'm still a separate self and still engulfed in this illusory world, even though I understand that it is just illusory and I'm not this entity I so very much am identified with. I have seen through a lot of the illusion which is just our ideas of Reality and am beginning to recognize the Self only through recognizing what I'm not and the process of elimination. 

I cannot find the small self, though, no matter how hard I try and jokingly say to myself all the time "self, I cannot find you, where are you". I'll sit there and go within and all i notice is this "thing" that's there at all times just present in the background. When I was much younger, I remember I used to say to myself "what is this thing that just jeeps following me around everywhere I go". Now, even when I look back at my past and seeing it in the mind's eye, it just seems like nothing really happened, like I can't put myself there, I can only recall the circumstances but having no recollection of me actually being present. Half of my past i can't even remember and my siblings are having to constantly remind me of so and so and this person and that person; and no, I'm not developing dementia. 

Your post was really had me going and was a joy to read. For some reason, I'm obsessed with this "thing" whatever it is, and my curiosity is only expanding more and more to the point where, even if I try to stop finding out more, my engine won't hit the brakes. It's like it's the one driving me and I'm just in the back seat being driven.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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On 10/4/2023 at 3:41 PM, Breakingthewall said:

Then why the word love? 


Seems like you didn't enter the highest level, and that's why it was apperant from your previous posts about reality like i've said before. Love=  is just a frequency/vibration/awareness or the energy your abide in.  This energy that you abide in feels like an insane amount of high heat that is simillar to love. Have you ever experienced a person coming close to you, or you coming to a person and feeling this heat/love energy? That is a low level of energy or what you truely are when you're abiding in yourself or your energy at the highest level. Because when you abide in your own energy, that is basically the only thing.

Edited by Jowblob

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1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

I cannot find the small self, though, no matter how hard I try and jokingly say to myself all the time "self, I cannot find you, where are you". I'll sit there and go within and all i notice is this "thing" that's there at all times just present in the background.

Yes, you can't find it because True Self has no location, it is nonlocal, centerless, boundless and infinite. The whole infinite nondual field/vastness.

What can be found

  • are (bodily-) sensations/feelings like a center/solidity,
  • imposed limitations, imagined boundaries of the visual field (imagination of boundary with somehow somatic sensation of boundary on top),
  • and a lot of thoughts/feelings/concept of being human.

Yet, all of that can be seen as an object, arising IN ones consciousness, floating in Infinite Being.

But there is no short-cut. It needs practice and seeing into the nature of all thoughts (emptiness/consciousness, which makes them dissolve and cut off) and into all bodily solidities/centers has to be done again and again, since the Gestalt of the illusion reassembles itself very fast. Neti Neti, not this, not that. Or not only this or only that.

It takes a long time to get to nondual states (Thisdell stage 3), where a felt fast spaciousness open up and nonduality (still with a murky self left) starts. Good news is: Beginning here bliss starts flowing when in these states just by being in them, and the path becomes truly wonderful. That is beginning freedom.


Frank Yang described his Enlightenment when his two last items that didn't conform to the enlightened mindstream were realized (after a long time of removing pretty much everything before, Roger Thisdell stage 2&3&4):

  1. all bodily sensations parading as a center or solidity were gone and dissolved (head, chest,...). Just vast spaciousness without a center.
  2. the cluster of sensations/thoughts claiming to be the watching all meditation-process of shutting off each thought-arising were seen as also mere clusters of thoughts. 

Basically also for him the crossing over to Enlightenment, or understanding True Infinite Being/Reality/Consciousness happened when the mindstream conformed to the enlightened mindstream. Then Infinite Being/Reality awakens to its True Being in that perspective/being/mindstream.


1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

jokingly say to myself all the time "self, I cannot find you, where are you"

Good. That is the thorn with which to remove the thorn. But also notice that this thought ""self, I cannot find you, where are you" is again a thought (or a cluster of thoughts/sensations/feelings) claiming ownership/identity, which creates another illusion-identity. But it has to be done like that, until that is automized. Then one switches to automatic meditation (Nonmeditation-Yoga).

Bon voyage ^_^

Selling Water by the River

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4 hours ago, Water by the River said:

So, conforming to the enlightened mindstream mainly is:

  • (1) Visual Field nondual, mere appearance, "hovering" in Infinite Vasteness/Infinity, being manifested/imagined right now
  • (2) every thought arising/feeling arising is seen as emerging out of True Being/consciousness, made out of it, moving in it. Especially all thoughts/feelings relating to I/me. Feels impersonal, no separate indiduality found in any of that.

Thank you for such a detailed answer. Like really - Namaste :x

I am maintaining that for most of the day. I would even say that it is my new default state after a shift I had 2 days ago. It is really obvious when I am walking or sitting or standing. But I am not sure what happens when I focus on some activity like checking my phone or reading something. Even writing these words I can hold the nondual visual field. But When I want to read something or I check my phone the focus collapses from panoramic to just  the object of attention. And I am not sure how much separation is there when this collapsing happens. In a way there is just activity of reading happening without ideas of me doing it, but on the other hand when I come out of this reading activity there is a sense of "oh - i was not fully dissolved while reading". Any comment on that?

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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4 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

cannot find the small self, though, no matter how hard I try and jokingly say to myself all the time "self, I cannot find you, where are you

It's a difficult matter. This whole issue goes beyond controlling thoughts, it is largely a matter of energetic configuration. I bet Sellinwater, if he wants to, can spend a year meditating 6 hours a day before having the slightest opening, but can you? I don't, that's for sure, not even half an hour a day, I can't act for discipline.

where do I want to go? to psychedelics. Now I can meditate without a problem, but I had to break patterns with the force of chemistry, and it was hard work, but not disciplined. Without psychedelics, very few people will achieve anything, that's my opinion. psychedelics don't take you to the end but at least they open you up enough to start

Edited by Breakingthewall

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49 minutes ago, Arthogaan said:

Any comment on that?

The ability to hold the boundless infinite nondual Awareness will grow. In Pointing out the Great Way it is called Postsamadhi Meditation.

This boundless infinite timeless Awakened Awareness (as Daniel Brown calls it) is impersonal, or Awareness in at by itself. It is not necessarily individual consciousness, but awakened nondual boundless impersonal consciousness. Non-separated, non-personal. Awake.

With Nonmeditation Yoga, you can let Awakened Awareness hold the view and do the meditation. "You" just get out of the way. Same holds for daily activity. Awakened Awareness is more intelligent than normal ego-consciousness, since filters & lenses are removed. Daniel Brown once said: "I let Awakened Awareness do it (I think in the context of that statement writing a book), and I just get out of the way." That is how it feels.

Reading and analytical thinking is about the most difficult activitiy while keeping mindfullness/Awakened Awareness, but it can be done.

  • "The reappearance of the mind's spontaneous relative activity at this extraordinary level of practice [Nonmeditation Yoga] brings continuous supreme bliss (bde steng). Because mindfulness/recognition now has its own force (shugs), it goes on by itself without any effort whatsoever." 
  • "At this final stage awakened wisdom [Awakened Awareness] spreads rapidly so that all possible emanations of the mind become the embodiment of awakened wisdom. The term emanation ofnothingcaptures both the relative and the ultimate dimensions of truth, respectively. All the mind's relative activity becomes the play (rol du) of the always-here mind. Where ordinary thoughts and perceptions once were, "only the great fire of understanding burns" (TN, p. 536)."
  • "Blended practice occurs when you are forever mindful of the real nature/clear-light mind throughout the four behavioral conditions. (TN, p. 547)"

Pointing out the Great Way, Brown


Daniel Brown, Video below, starting 57min 40 sec:

  • Map 2: On stabilizing Awakening [or Awakened (Nondual) Awareness] 
  • Map 3 would be to Liberation / Enlightenment.
  • Map 1 is to Awakening/Awakened Awareness.

In my opinion, and that of Daniel Brown, the most sophisticated meditation/training system on the planet. Daniel Brown has received the clearance from Menri Trizin to translate all the previous secret teachings, including Tummo/Energetic Inner Fire Yoga with or without consort, Treckö and Togal (Visionary practices to get rid of the solidity of the visual field), dark retreat, dream yoga, and so on and on. And lots of other really unique techniques that neither Zen nor Theravada, nor any other tradition, have.

and the result:

The timeline to Enlightenment. Done correctly with energetic practices added a few years...


Edited by Water by the River

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26 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

It's a difficult matter. This whole issue goes beyond controlling thoughts, it is largely a matter of energetic configuration. I bet Sellinwater, if he wants to, can spend a year meditating 6 hours a day before having the slightest opening, but can you? I don't, that's for sure, not even half an hour a day, I can't act for discipline.

where do I want to go? to psychedelics. Now I can meditate without a problem, but I had to break patterns with the force of chemistry, and it was hard work, but not disciplined. Without psychedelics, very few people will achieve anything, that's my opinion. psychedelics don't take you to the end but at least they open you up enough to start

Psychedelics are an awesome tool. If combined with meditation its the path of the future.

Just psychedelics without meditation (on the pillow or off the pillow) can become a case for the


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17 minutes ago, Water by the River said:

The ability to hold the boundless infinite nondual Awareness will grow. In Pointing out the Great Way it is called Postsamadhi Meditation.

This boundless infinite timeless Awakened Awareness (as Daniel Brown calls it) is impersonal, or Awareness in at by itself. It is not necessarily individual consciousness, but awakened nondual boundless impersonal consciousness. Non-separated, non-personal. Awake.

With Nonmeditation Yoga, you can let Awakened Awareness hold the view and do the meditation. "You" just get out of the way. Same holds for daily activity. Awakened Awareness is more intelligent than normal ego-consciousness, since filters & lenses are removed. Daniel Brown once said: "I let Awakened Awareness do it (I think in the context of that statement writing a book), and I just get out of the way." That is how it feels.

Reading and analytical thinking is about the most difficult activitiy while keeping mindfullness/Awakened Awareness, but it can be done.

  • "The reappearance of the mind's spontaneous relative activity at this extraordinary level of practice [Nonmeditation Yoga] brings continuous supreme bliss (bde steng). Because mindfulness/recognition now has its own force (shugs), it goes on by itself without any effort whatsoever." 
  • "At this final stage awakened wisdom [Awakened Awareness] spreads rapidly so that all possible emanations of the mind become the embodiment of awakened wisdom. The term emanation ofnothingcaptures both the relative and the ultimate dimensions of truth, respectively. All the mind's relative activity becomes the play (rol du) of the always-here mind. Where ordinary thoughts and perceptions once were, "only the great fire of understanding burns" (TN, p. 536)."
  • "Blended practice occurs when you are forever mindful of the real nature/clear-light mind throughout the four behavioral conditions. (TN, p. 547)"

Pointing out the Great Way, Brown


Daniel Brown, Video below, starting 57min 40 sec:

  • Map 2: On stabilizing Awakening [or Awakened (Nondual) Awareness] 
  • Map 3 would be to Liberation / Enlightenment.
  • Map 1 is to Awakening/Awakened Awareness.

In my opinion, and that of Daniel Brown, the most sophisticated meditation/training system on the planet. Daniel Brown has received the clearance from Menri Trizin to translate all the previous secret teachings, including Tummo/Energetic Inner Fire Yoga with or without consort, Treckö and Togal (Visionary practices to get rid of the solidity of the visual field), dark retreat, dream yoga, and so on and on. And lots of other really unique techniques that neither Zen nor Theravada, nor any other tradition, have.

and the result:

The timeline to Enlightenment. Done correctly with energetic practices added a few years...


How is that possible that in my 8 years spiritual journey I never heard of Daniel Brown - he seems phenomenal. All these techniques that he describes in a video- is it included in the book?

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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3 hours ago, Water by the River said:

Psychedelics are an awesome tool. If combined with meditation its the path of the future.

Just psychedelics without meditation (on the pillow or off the pillow) can become a case for the


I'm meditating more and more and using less psychedelics, but reading your description of enlightenment, I would never have aimed for something like that, I don't think that's my path but who knows. my compulsion is to openness, to break barriers, to life. maybe it's the same? Anyway, I prefer not to have ideas in mind, no stages or enlightenments, one barrier at a time, one step each day. There is no goal for me to reach, there is shit that bothers me, and I try to remove it, and it may be that at a given moment it stops bothering me and I stop breaking walls, we'll see. But now another thing appears, the beauty, the glory of existence. It's another motivation, a positive one, I recently changed my push from scaping from the negative to searching the positive. Now I realize how much shit was in me and really wasn't a easy path, but I guess it's like that, often much worse, for most of living beings. Life is hard right? Difficult to understand why it's how it is,  but one thing is indubitably: it's fascinating 

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