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The Consequences Of Being A Object

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 The crucial aspect overlooked is that you assume you are an object. without inspecting what's True and even with lots and lots of inspection, and thoroughly failing to truly locate yourself you still assume that you are a object of some sort. 5:44 Genius of being ~ Peter Ralston. 

Its a very interesting notion to hear, that you are not a object. For most people it would seem to far fetched and would be dismissed straight away prior to any investigation. Not to mention that this is something not many can stomach. But the fear maybe unnecessary because if it is the case that you are not a object, then its all ready true and your still fine. 

Now we find our sense of self in a (inner world) to which we are only privy. This inner world consist of thoughts & feelings. And off course with the power of belief this appears rather convincing.

Take a look now, in your direct experience, do you feel like you are a object?

Of course if you have had a taste of the absolute you will know that you are not a object and in fact all the apparent objects infront of you turn into a sort of vibration of being. Suggesting a formless oneness of all things.

And with the belief of being a object whether some inner object residing in the body, or the body itself. Whatever you identify with is some form of a "object"  

And of course this comes with some consequences, first one that springs to mind is death. If you are a object you will die. And it really doesnt make a difference whether you believe you are not a object, when you are lying on your death bed probably won't give much comfort. 

This is why eckart tolle has been known to say something like " die before you die and realize there is no death " 

When you are not a object, like REALLY NOT A OBJECT! Then you will have no troubles of being insufficient in any way. You can not improve, you cannot be bad or good. Ugly or beautiful, right or wrong or whatever. Which if your honest with yourself these types of notions are probley what occupy your thought space a lot of the time. Comparing & contrasting with the apparent "other" worrying about how your not what you wana be and all this stuff that plagues the mind.

Well anyway best wishes in your investigations. :)



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