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Eidetic Memory,is It Possible To Learn?

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People with amazing memories have always fascinated me, Kim Peek was a mega savant and Had read and could recall more than 7600 books, he was a walking Google. How is this possible. With Kim it was at a cost, he was completely reliant on his father to even dress him, he could not function correctly in society, could remember everything. A cruel twist of fate. But can we all get access to this ability. I read somewhere that if you locked yourself in a pitch black space and had a book open with a template around only a small phrase in the book. You then shone a torch or lamp on the page then immediately turned it off again, this would leave a residual glow of the words just floating there for you to see, they would quickly fade, and as they did you repeated the process for half an hour and for thirty days, and amazingly you would develope an eidetic memory. I tried this for about a week and gave up, mostly because the light I was using broke and didn't bother myself to get a replacement. I did feel that there might be some merit in this process, and if there is anyone who has completed or has any insight to developing this amazing ability that would be great. I am fully aware of memory palaces and other techniques, I can memories a deck of cards and have devoted a lot of time in building up my 100 names and numbers which is very useful, but the Kim peek mind is the holy grail. So thanks for any input

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Well, you're right in calling it a holy grail. Information isn't everything but if it can be at your fingertips so easily... monstrous. I can imagine I'd get my story research and self-help books through a lot faster. Not only that, but having such a vast repository of events and experience- especially for an author- is quite alluring. Back to reality. You seem to have  a fair bit of experience in this area of savants and learning these kinds of hyper-mental skills. And you seemed to have caught on to something even if it's not the elusive and holy eidetic memory. So I I have a bit of advice for you. Get another light. I mean , can you really let something this cool go? Report back to us after another three weeks. I must admit I am a bit skeptical, but if your telling the truth, even a minor improvement could be pretty cool. Especially considering how much of our lives are spent committing text to memory. 

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Please stick with it for thirty days,if it works you will know for sure and so will we .But if it doesnt we will have one less phony technique to deal with 

"Everything in moderation, including moderation."-Oscar Wilde

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1 hour ago, J. M. Wigglesworth said:

Well, you're right in calling it a holy grail. Information isn't everything but if it can be at your fingertips so easily... monstrous. I can imagine I'd get my story research and self-help books through a lot faster. Not only that, but having such a vast repository of events and experience- especially for an author- is quite alluring. Back to reality. You seem to have  a fair bit of experience in this area of savants and learning these kinds of hyper-mental skills. And you seemed to have caught on to something even if it's not the elusive and holy eidetic memory. So I I have a bit of advice for you. Get another light. I mean , can you really let something this cool go? Report back to us after another three weeks. I must admit I am a bit skeptical, but if your telling the truth, even a minor improvement could be pretty cool. Especially considering how much of our lives are spent committing text to memory. 

Lol you know that just crazy enough to to work, why didn't I think of that. And you are also right rito, It is worth another try, the brain is a weird and mysterious thing, and if it needs to gather information, but it only gets this split second see it and absorb it, it's possible it might adapt and rewire  itself to hold on to the information in the form of permanent recall. Did store here I come, give me the best torch you have. Thanks. I will report back five weeks, I am away this coming week.

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