
What does it mean to you to be 'good with women'?

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A lot of our arguments here have been stemming from a fundamental disagreement on this issue. So, I would like to give myself (and you) the opportunity to clarify this to yourself (and to us) - what does it mean to you to be 'good with women'? 

To me, this is what it means - to be able to spot women who are receptive to my love for them. 

When you have this definition, the biggest concern is to vet out those women who hate men. You have to hard-screen the self-proclaimed feminists for man-hate and you have to figure out why they hate men, so that you can run as far as possible from them. 

According to me, what is the point of dating? It is to find someone compatible, to enter a long-term relationship and start a family.

I think that this is most women's idea of dating. This is why (no offense to you who may have a different dating-objective), women probably frown upon guys who learn 'game' and whose goal is to 'get laid'. And this is what they will hard-screen for. And, this is why 'neediness' and 'desperation' would be a red-flag. Because, to their eyes, you're 'thinking with your dick, not your head, when you're evaluating compatibility'. Because, honestly, I don't see any other reason why neediness would be a red-flag. Women want relationships just as much as we do. 

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Jesus. I have never met a single woman who hates men.

Being good with women means not coming up with crap ideas like this.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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39 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Jesus. I have never met a single woman who hates men.

The entire 'I don't need no man' crowd hates men. 

I have met tons of women who hate men, actually. Maybe it's a cultural difference, but here, women are very vocal about it. One of them falsely accused me and another one almost ruined my future over it. Women who hate men will do nasty things to you and you want to run as far from them as you can. 

Being a loving human being does not guarantee success with women, you have to also be able to spot red-flags, vet out those women and find those who are receptive to your love. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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That's a really good definition actually 

> to be able to spot women who are receptive to my love for them. 

That could be a great pillar 

Edited by Jacob Morres

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Jesus. I have never met a single woman who hates men.

Being good with women means not coming up with crap ideas like this.

Thought you wrote "me". Lol it says "men". 


  • Feminist 

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2 hours ago, mr_engineer said:

When you have this definition, the biggest concern is to vet out those women who hate men.

If they hate men they'll vet you out for being a man, what's the point??

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13 minutes ago, actuallyenlightened said:

If they hate men they'll vet you out for being a man, what's the point??

Couple of points. 

  1. It's not just that you don't want to date them. It's that you want to have nothing to do with them, you want to get the fuck away from them in all contexts. They are really dangerous and manipulative women and they can wreck your life if you have any long-term relationship with them, personal or professional. 
  2. They're not fundamentally evil people. Some of them are well-intentioned. They rationalize the way they feel about men as 'I can fix him'. So, they will not vet you out, because they want someone to fix. They will stick around because they want to feel morally superior to you and they want other people's sympathy because they're 'putting up with you'. These are the worst kind of women to be in relationship with because they will destroy your moral self-confidence. There will be constant criticism, constant drama and constant fighting. Also, they will wreck your social image by talking shit about you behind your back, telling them that you're a 'narcissist, abuser, creepy', etc. Some of them will even falsely accuse you or divorce you and take all your money. 
Edited by mr_engineer

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@mr_engineer Think about how many misogynists are out there and have been throughout history. There's probably been more hate shown towards women by men than to men by women.

Think about how much men hate each other? Right now Putin hates Zelensky. Dems hate MAGAs.  Wars, murders, crime is all men hating on other men. 

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To be able to make woman comfortable around you

that they want to have sex with you

that they don‘t regret it afterwards and want to see you again

to not misuse it or mistreat them

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2 hours ago, mr_engineer said:

@something_else 'Man bad, woman good'. 

I didn't say man bad woman good, I said that you are living in a delusion.

I think that delusion comes from trauma, so I do sympathise with you. But maybe you should consider that your worldview is being heavily affected by a trauma that the majority of people have not experienced in their lives.

Edited by something_else

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The only reason you keep fighting this issue and are having negative feelings to what you're experiencing is because your soul knows it's not true. You are perceiving things from a conditioned mind and are being steered in the wrong direction with how you are interpreting these conditions. If it were true, you would not be having inner conflict with them. You wouldn't be having such strong negative feelings about it. You are equipped with a navigation tool by the Divine Source to show you where you are going wrong with your thoughts, feelings and perceptions called EMOTIONS (energy in motion). They are there for a reason.

The reason you keep posting (which is fine, just showing the reason) these kinds of issues is because your soul seeks for you to have resolution in these matters, DESPERATELY, because it sees where it is destroying you in other parts of your life and it cannot and will not rest until you've found inner peace in the matter. It is trying to steer you in directions that will be more for your highest good but you are showing resistance where this is concerned and it is screaming at you to listen to your emotional guiding system that was put in place because it can't bring you your desires if you are stuck in this place.

YOU ARE NOT LISTENING TO IT. Instead, you resist and keep fighting it. Reality is a mirror and it will fight you back. What you put out comes back. Let go of the resistance. You are not in control of what is happening. Things are just happening. Surrender to your need to change what is because Reality is changeless. Yes, things are in flow and forever changing, but not the true Reality. True Reality is Infinite Love and beauty. Our ideas of what Reality is is what's changing, which can be conditioned and distorted, and we live our lives from these distortions thinking it's Truth. 

We have the power to change them. You are given the right of passage to experience what it is you choose to experience. You make this choice through your beliefs and assumptions, attention and focus. Source doesn't see things the way you see them through your distorted filter and since you ARE SOURCE, it feels bad, it feels conflicted. It's like you are trying to go to a particular place where Source/You doesn't want to go, but you keep insisting on going there - with your mind- since all is mind. So the energy flow is disturbed and causing you all kinds of emotional pain and you seek the other parts of you for help. Well here it is. Start to focus on the things you do want. Don't curse what is happening. Accept it and move with your mind to the place you want to experience. Envision it. See yourself surrounded with beautiful women who respect you and see yourself engaging in loving relationships with women. Stop watching those troubling things that you are watching and if they happen to present themselves before you, accept that it's a part of this Infinite Reality and move on. Don't fight it because you are asking for more because your attention is on it and since it's negative attention, you will experience more negativity. Your ATTENTION is your prized resource and it is priceless. It is how you are creating your Reality. Your feelings are what's steering you. So pay attention to what feels good and allow what doesn't to pass through you and eventually those circumstances will dissolve itself back into the Ocean. You keep throwing pebbles into the ocean and stirring it up then you complain about the ripples that follow. 

This is long and I could have ignored it and move to the next post. But something in me chose to write this to you, and since I'm through fighting with you on these matters because I'm only fighting with myself, this message came through. Now it's me talking. I just had to relate this to you because I was led to. I am here to try to help humanity the best I know how and I saw a cry for help. You may ignore it and keep fighting because you are Source and you have the choice to do that. Take it for what it's worth and I will welcome the rebuttals and excuses for why I'm wrong and don't understand. It's not up to me but up to you at this point. You are not understanding how you're doing it to yourself and generating those feelings from within and interpreting them through your filters, but hopefully this message will begin to steer you in the right direction back to home where peace resides.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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You're narrowly focused on the subject of hate. Many people might show you love and still act shitty later in the relationship. You can't prematurely judge people on a whim. 

Get to know a person fully. Who they love or hate is irrelevant. If they're devoted to loving you, that's all that matters. 

Don't view the world so negatively. 

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What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@something_else @Princess Arabia @Buck Edwards Relax, I'm not going MGTOW. I have had positive experiences with women, for sure, I'm not hopeless with women. It is precisely because I am hopeful of finding the right person, that I think that these vetting-processes will be worth it in the end. I understand that there are plenty of fish in the sea and I am aware of certain dangerous realities surrounding certain types of women. So, the logical thing to do is to vet your options. That's it. 

In fact, I think that vetting for this stuff is more important than vetting for shallow shit like boob-size or whether she's a bubbly extroverted person. 

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And, I don't think that official stats will show you the full picture, or will be enough to show you the full danger of getting falsely accused. 

Any woman who is a people-pleaser is potentially dangerous. Because there are chances that she says 'yes' when she means 'no', she regrets it later on, she deflects that onto you, she resents you for it and one day, MeToo's you. And once she does that, you're guilty until proven innocent. Mainstream society will tear your image apart to shreds. 

All sex-crimes are 'guilty until proven innocent' by design. Because if someone complains against you, the authority-figure's question to you will be 'if she consented to you, why would she complain?!' 

Edited by mr_engineer

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40 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:


I am relaxed. I don't pay my mind no mind. Only when I forget, but I keep bringing it back and bringing it back and the more I do it, the more it relaxes. I already know who and what I am. Everything else is just a play not to be taken as facts only ideas, perceptions, perspectives and not Truth. If I abide in my conviction as Source where it is unbothered by the outer conditions, and practice that, my veils and perceptions will become more clear.

I am aware that my mind has been conditioned from past experiences and memories and that my faulty thinking is what's stopping me from seeing Reality as it truly is. All I'm seeing are the effects of my conditioning. I am the Source from which everything appears, and if I purify my lenses I will start to experience life from that purity. 

I get caught up from time to time in this illusory world and forget that it is my imagination where the true world resides. How I'm thinking and feeling in the present moment is setting the stage for what is to be manifested in my outer world. So in the midst of all this outer chaos, I am abiding in peace and tranquility and the only thing i have to remember is that my true nature is unbothered and that is how the mind starts to recondition itself because it starts to see how all of it's temper tantrums are just that, temper tantrums, not routed in Truth but falsehood and now it starts to take a back seat and let Source do it's thing through me. Maybe you need to relax and stop letting the mind control you and try to steer it in the direction you want it to go instead of believing in it's trickeries and self-deceptions. God is all there is and God is Love, anything else is fear, so align your thinking with that knowing and everything else will fall into place because anything that's not aligned with Love/Truth/God is all delusion.


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Attributes of being good with women- 

  • Non-neediness 
  • Being comfortable in your own skin/authentic/confident 
  • Not taking rejection personally 
  • Able to be light and playful
  • Treat them like a human not someone who you worship and equally not someone you look down on
  • Not pushy 
  • Able to be vulnerable and put yourself out there 
  • Being able to escalate smoothly, not too slow not too fast
  • Confidence but not arrogance, women can easily sniff out insecurity 
  • Be serious when required
  • Be able to handle your emotions, esp when potentially emotional situations arise 
  • Able to keep your frame 


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