
Psychedelics are spiritually useless (LSD, DMT, mush)

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I have easily done 50 LSD and mushroom trips over the last 5 years.

I realize that everyone's mileage may vary but I'd be surprised if all of you on here are having all of these mind blowing insights on psychs that you claim to be. I really don't think they are the best tools for the job. I really wanted to believe that LSD and mushrooms would give me greater access to insight. Even not too long ago I believed that I was taking the shit as part of my spiritual practice. But then I got honest with myself. I just really love taking psychs. LSD especially, for various reasons. I like them, but I'm not getting anything out of them spiritually.

What finally led me to the conclusion that psychs are not all they are cracked up to be is that I have more insight while I'm meditating or going on walks. I also find it difficult to to concentrate when I'm on psychs. There is so much going on in sense consciousness that it's hard to stay focused. To be present. If I can't achieve the same level of silence that I do in meditation, then to me, psychs have no spiritual purpose.

I'm probably going to take some heat for this thread, but I think it's time people get real about why they're taking them. People take them because they feel good, or because they are interesting, or because they think they're a magical substitute for growth earned through life challenges, achievement, non avoidance, commitment, courage, kindness, etc.

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What you are failing to take into account is that psychedelics affect people very differently.

For example, DMT simply doesn't work on 5% of the popluation. This is clinically demonstrated.

If psychedelics affected you like they affect me, you would spiritually shit your pants from 1 LSD trip. It has nothing to do with feeling good. In fact LSD is not pleasant for me. It feels like gross.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura No not failing to take anything into account. I even said "everyone's mileage may vary". But, I will remain skeptical about the benefits that anyone claims.

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36 minutes ago, mrPixel said:

But, I will remain skeptical about the benefits that anyone claims.

Of course you're skeptical. They just don't work on you.

This issue is deeper than you give it credit.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@mrPixel They lead me to states of conscious that are way beyond ordinary.

Way beyond ordinary.

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I have so many spiritual insights from shrooms etc

even the first time i took them, but it‘s hard to integrate and even remember

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Try other psychedelics.

I know someone who had similar experiences to you and tripped balls on just a little bit of weed.

Plot twist: Waldo finds himself.

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2 hours ago, mrPixel said:

they think they're a magical substitute for growth earned through life challenges, achievement, non avoidance, commitment, courage, kindness, etc.

Clearly you’ve never had a challenging psychedelic experience where avoiding becomes nearly impossible, and you must be committed to being courageous and kind to yourself if you want to achieve immense spiritual and personal growth.


Edited by Yimpa


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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It feels like gross

I know what you mean by this, lsd can sometimes feel like a very dirty "sweaty" chemical, the body load near the end of a trip can feel very "grimy" and unpleasant

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I don't like the LSD bodyload. Other psychedelics are better for me. But this will vary from person to person. You gotta find what fits you.

Edited by Leo Gura

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't like the LSD bodyload. Other psychedelics are better for me. But this will vary from person to person. You gotta find what fits you.

yeah, I personally love lsd despite this. Its got such a creative fluid headspace which is great for me because I'm a very creative person, blasting music through some good headphones while coming down is some of the best times I've had in my life, definitely one of my favourite psychs. The duration of it is the only thing that bugs me. A big dose can feel like I'm tripping for 14 hours sometimes, your completely drained by the end of it.

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

For example, DMT simply doesn't work on 5% of the popluation. This is clinically demonstrated.

Whose work or what papers are you referring to in this sentence?

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Your observations are accurate. 

It’s way harder than it seems.  I learned this when I went to the Amazon to do a plant diet for two weeks.   A real shaman will do a plant diet for thirty days.  He will go to an isolated spot in the jungle and take powerful plant medicines to purge and purify his body and mind.  He will be vomiting every day for 30 days.  Only at the end of thirty days, will he take the ayahuasca.   His preparation is the equivalent of an intensive meditation retreat. 

Also, in the West we have the additional problem that we are left-brain dominated.  Your brain is being damaged when you look at a computer screen all day.   We are extremely unbalanced in our perception.  We have to learn to perceive again with our senses and the right brain.  One way to do this is with a Dark Retreat.  That is where you live in total darkness for one week.  A damaged receiver can't receive.  

The element that is missing is detoxification – of both body and mind.   Taking a magic pill that works without any effort is pure fantasy.



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1 hour ago, Girzo said:

Whose work or what papers are you referring to in this sentence?

Rick Straussman

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't like the LSD bodyload. Other psychedelics are better for me. But this will vary from person to person. You gotta find what fits you.

Do you think learning to tolerate the unpleasant bodyload is part of the process or is it better to use another psychedelic? I ask this because shrooms always make me feel a bit sick/nauseous and some people say this is also something to embrace and not resist. 

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24 minutes ago, Farnaby said:

Do you think learning to tolerate the unpleasant bodyload is part of the process or is it better to use another psychedelic? I ask this because shrooms always make me feel a bit sick/nauseous and some people say this is also something to embrace and not resist. 

I'm a believer in finding the best fitting chem.

Edited by Leo Gura

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42 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I'm a believer in finding the best fitting chem.

That has to be MDMA :D have yet to try some of the other classic ones though.

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It's like shopping for shoes.

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You've only tried 2-kinds of psychedelics, which are LSD and mushrooms. Why the hell are you mentioning DMT? You haven't even tried it. Then, you also have to consider genetics and that it's 'simply not for you.' Take DMT for 30 days straight and then come back. If that hasn't changed you, stick to meditating and crossing your legs. 


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On 1.10.2023 at 10:02 PM, Leo Gura said:

It's like shopping for shoes.

Are there that many research chemicals out there? I thought there were only a handful like shrooms, lsd (pretty much the only beginner friendly ones), dmt, salvia, 5meo dmt, 5meo malt and ones that are very related to them and then like a few completely different ones in research chemicals. 

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