
Why Pursue Transhuman Consciousness As a Human?

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I'm so grateful for this community and the fact that I can ask questions like this here! Excited to hear everyone's thoughts.

@Leo Gura has been mentioning "alien" and "transhuman" states of consciousness that can only be accessed by psychedelics and cannot be locked in as a baseline state. What makes it a good strategy to pursue more and more temporary experiences of alien consciousness, then? Why not explore human consciousness while we're living as humans and then go explore other levels of consciousness once we're not human anymore?

Don't get me wrong, I love psychedelics, and I think they can have a very profound impact on the level of human consciousness that we CAN sustain in a natural state. But Like… if transhuman consciousness is what you're after… isn't the best strategy to just stop being human lmfao??? Isn't it an odd goal to chase something that, by definition, can't be fully attained by a human? Why not master the human realm of consciousness instead of being really bad at transhuman levels?

Of course, I mean this analogy with all due respect, but I thought the big reason why people don't do heroin is because the ecstasy it produces can never be sustained and it makes the rest of life feel pretty damn bland. So does that not happen when pursuing temporary states of alien consciousness too? It sounds incredibly frustrating for anyone who values consciousness to attempt to sustain a transhuman level of consciousness that can only be experienced for short periods. It sounds like that pursuit would make you have a lot less gratitude for your life and human levels of consciousness. 

I would love to hear everyone's thoughts! :)

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You're not human. You're a multi-dimensional alien that lives beyond time.

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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Our job here is to transcend humanity.

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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15 hours ago, Argonaut said:

Of course, I mean this analogy with all due respect, but I thought the big reason why people don't do heroin is because the ecstasy it produces can never be sustained and it makes the rest of life feel pretty damn bland. So does that not happen when pursuing temporary states of alien consciousness too? It sounds incredibly frustrating


However, once you discover alien consciousness, you will realize everything else is silly nonsense.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Thank you both @vibv & @Leo Gura!! Aren't there always higher levels of consciousness though? Aren't there levels that make alien consciousness look like silly nonsense?

If I was born as a frog, human levels of consciousness would seem incredible and make me feel like frog consciousness is ridiculous and stupid. But it would kinda be a shame if I spent my entire life as a frog trying to have glimpses of human consciousness instead of living it up as a frog while I can, right? Why not eat hella bugs, sing my frog heart out, and live the most immaculate amphibious life possible? Then, I would assume consciousness could play whatever games it wants after that! It could go be a human, an alien, or anything else! Let me know if that example makes sense lmfaooooo.

Again, I only go back to this analogy because it's useful, but heroin addicts prioritize temporary drug-induced pleasure over all else, and many of them die because the human body has limitations on how many drugs it can sustain. And if you prioritize temporary drug-induced consciousness over all else, aren't you also incentivized to push the human body to the point of real damage? If this human thing is all silly nonsense, why take care of the body?

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@Argonaut Yes, you could kill yourself.

Do whatever you want. If you want to be a frog, be a frog. Most folks here choose to be spiritual rats.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura sorry I didn't mean to press you on this one! I really appreciate your responses! 

I guess one final follow-up I would love to hear your thoughts on is how this works when we're old, feeble geezers. If we live regular human lives, there might be a good 20 years at the end where it would be a lot more dangerous to take psychedelics (not the best for 75-year-olds to trip balls I would assume). So do you feel like you would be able to fully appreciate 10-20 years when you're old and can't experience transhuman consciousness? 

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2 minutes ago, Argonaut said:

not the best for 75-year-olds to trip balls I would assume

Be careful with your assumptions.

6 minutes ago, Argonaut said:

So do you feel like you would be able to fully appreciate 10-20 years when you're old and can't experience transhuman consciousness? 

I don't know.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Worrrrdddddd thank you so much @Leo Gura. By the way, if you were a frog, you'd have the best gah damn frog song in the whole pond, sir. Lmfao seriously though thank you for everything.

@vibv & others, welcoming your thoughts! 

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I know someone who is 62, tried psychedelics like 5 meo dmt/malt,5 meo mipt, lsd, keta and so on for the first time and his trips are all better than my trips. He has breakthroughs all the time and is total amazed by the beauty and love and intelligence what he sees. 

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I suck as a human. Always have. Like, really. I’m ass at being a human! 

When I stop focusing all my attention on human games and instead on higher truths, that’s when I feel more authentic with myself. And everything around me also magically is more authentic. Makes you wonder how that’s possible ;-)


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When it comes to these things (exploring the highest heights vs. becoming the fullest human vs. doing both at the same time), there are no shoulds. Ask what you want, at the deepest and most sincere levels. But of course, generally don't harm yourself or other people.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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The next step for evolution from a human is mental.

This is to evolve into an alien mentally by seeing you are a psychic alien in a human body 

Edited by Hojo

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I've entered and had glimpses of transhuman with DMT but not without suicidal consequences. So, I had to stop taking DMT for some time. Consciousness is not a game and should be taken seriously.  

Edited by Pudgey

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To scare off your family members. Seriously, they stopped badgering me with their religious and idealized fantasies about me when I countered them with my out-of-this-world consciousness experiences.


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Psychedelics are a huge help in opening your mind to mystical states, but if you are smart you will not get stuck in them. You will realize that they are misleading, that they have a fake component. and that you can achieve the same or more openness to mystical states of great depth without needing them.  if you are smart enough. Psychedelics are like the small wheels on a bicycle, at first they are necessary, then they are a hindrance. I still use them, but more and more they seem indifferent to me. Today, for example, by meditating for an hour I have achieved a state of infinity superior to what I achieve by vaping 5meo until my mouth tastes like bleach after having taken LSD two hours before. much cleaner, pure, perfect. . This does not mean that in a couple of days I will do some psychedelic again. A week ago I did salvia, twice, and felt absolutely nothing. very strange! That same salvia two years ago took me on the roller coaster of madness. expired? It would be sad if psychedelics stopped working, but if in exchange I can get infinite depth without them, well, better I guess. although psychedelics are pure beauty, LSD and mushrooms are wonderful. Thc is deep, salvia is a challenge, courage is needed. DMT is just medicine, a mean to achieve open states that you can achieve without them, a short cut very useful

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On 10/1/2023 at 11:12 PM, Hojo said:

The next step for evolution from a human is mental.

This is to evolve into an alien mentally by seeing you are a psychic alien in a human body 

this resonates with me!   I always felt like a "conscious /energy being" in a human body experiencing planet earth

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On 10/3/2023 at 9:24 PM, Pudgey said:

I've entered and had glimpses of transhuman with DMT but not without suicidal consequences. So, I had to stop taking DMT for some time. Consciousness is not a game and should be taken seriously.  

Suicide can and will be recontexualized profoundly. You start to understand what suicide more openly and without judgement.


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Pure heroin doesnt kill you if you always take the right dose. 

It's the dirty street Heroin and cookiness of junkies which gives them an overdose. You never know how pure the street Heroin is. 

However the pleasure of heroin dec lines over time so that you take heroin just to prevent withdrawal effects. 

My advice: Never ever take Heroin.

I dont know about alien consciousness, if it declines over time

Edited by OBEler

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@OBEler At some point, if you take enough psychedelics, you will get a glimpse of transhuman consciousness. By definition, transhuman consciousness is abilities and powers outside of normal human levels of consciousness. And surely, I've glimpsed this on Ayahuasca. Just take note that there is a difference between Transhuman Consciousness and Alien Consciousness. Transhuman is still 'human' and alien is radically not. 

Transhuman consciousness can be considered anything supernatural/paranormal but at a much higher scale (essentially, states that are higher than human, but still feel 'human' - which can be paradoxical in a way). For example, summoning and conversing with entities, combined with other glamorous supernatural powers can be considered transhuman consciousness, whilst on psychedelics. But, there are much higher states than that, surely. 

Alien Consciousness would be, by nature, at a much more radical degree than none came across. It's a completely non-human version of consciousness, above even that of transhuman. So, we shall see what's in store for us soon from Leo's course as we are still in blind. 

Edited by Pudgey

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