
Biggest error in Leo's metaphysical understanding

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31 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

@CoolDreamThanks please post one more thing to leave your post count at 69.

Thank you!

You're asking the real questions xD

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

@CoolDreamThanks please post one more thing to leave your post count at 69.

Thank you!

My mind will go crazy if it's not at 70. I need to round off every fucking thing.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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10 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

My mind will go crazy if it's not at 70. I need to round off every fucking thing.

I think it is going to get stuck at 71.

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18 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

My mind will go crazy if it's not at 70. I need to round off every fucking thing.

Reminds me of someone in my neurodiversity group. Whenever we get called on during a round table discussion, this person always requests to be called on with an even number (e.g. he can’t be the 5th person to speak in the group, but can be the 4th or 6th).

I used to be judgy about this kind of behavior, but I’m less so now. I’m realizing that reality can play out in infinite ways, so it’s actually fascinating to see someone who views reality differently. Plus, I also have my own quirks as well so I totally relate!


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On 07/10/2023 at 1:46 PM, Marten98 said:

@CoolDreamThanks I get what your point of view is: The world created by ego is evil and we need to overcome it through spirituality/truth. I don't think it contradicts what Leo says. He always says that selfishness exists. The more selfless you become, the more godlike you are. The more selfish a person is, the more he acts like a devil. The result can be seen on planet earth (wars, starvation, business scams etc.)

You overcome this devilry by realizing truth. 

From what I understand it works like this:

We are in "earth school".

Most people incarnate are free souls with an intention to learn certain lessons. They need to take the curriculum as Ram Dass says.

Some more experienced souls incarnate to also learn some lessons but mainly to awaken others. If I were God, I'd cast myself down to darkness and separation in order to free myself from delusion and find out all over again that I am love/truth/all powerful. It's just so juicy to realize and fun to play.

Don't discredit Leo for his suffering. All the great saints suffered immensely. Dolores Cannon says in one of her transcriptions that the line for disabled/sick peoples bodies is longer and than the one for the normal ones.

Why is that? Suffering erodes your ego slowly and binds you to the truth. It's the best catalyst there is.

How I see my life purpose: I'm here to master my emotional state/frequency independent of circumstances. Help yourself and then help others.. or be the white dot in the YinYang symbol, i.e. the opportunity for truth in the dark. God isn't evil, there is always the opportunity to realize god.

Bashar and some others said it: Earth is hard.

So cheers to you brave bastards for coming down here. 

Sometimes I'm tired of this shit too and wonder why I was so foolish to incarnate here lol. God forgets quickly, the greedy motherfucker.


It’s interesting how we can only understand things based on what we ourselves constructed and labelled (schools, lessons, learning etc.)

From our perspective, it would ‘make sense’ but from the higher perspectives… oh boy it’s probably radically different.

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17 hours ago, Squeekytoy said:

How do you get your friends and family to let go of you?

Also how do you let go of work and still be self-sufficient?

EDIT: Oh wait I guess you're not planning on being self-sufficient. Still, any suggestions appreciated.

@Squeekytoy that's a good question. I will answer your question regarding finances as well, since I have a very glorious idea to share. 

Let's start with the friends and family business. 

Friends is easy and the letting go depends on how advanced they are. To advanced friends I say - I'm at a point of needing to immerse myself 100% into meditation, so we will meet after I reach my goal. You already know that enlightenment is the only real meaningful purpose. 

I've met an advanced friend after 1 year break and it felt like no time passed. I simply blew their mind on how much I advanced. Also, with one talk I changed the course of their life, making them realise that this world is nothing and they should dedicate themselves to awakening more fully. They were sort of on and off with spirituality at that point. 

For less advanced friends, I just tell them that I know they will find my decision strange, but try to see it as this: I have something so extremely important I want to reach that I would sacrifice everything in this universe to get it. I know not what the future holds, so we might meet a year from now or never. You know me, so you know that I am obsessed with spirituality, so yeah, I'm just diving into it much deeper.

If they are true friends they will always put your burning devotion ahead of their own attatchement and wish you good luck on your journey.  

Now family.. It depends how open minded and attatched they are. If you're in a rather spiritual culture like India, it's usual for children to go away on hermitages lasting years, so there it's easy. In the west, you might need to have a long talk explaining how it's your life's purpose. You might need to make a compromise to keep some contact, like a call a week or similar. That type of contact is insignificant when meditating, it won't hurt your progress and will allow you to not hurt your family.   


Finances - here is where the value of a perfect teacher shines. Leo would tell you to spend 20 years or so on building your life. But here's what my beloved master, the perfect teacher of God, Jesus, says in his book A Course in Miracles regarding money: 

You may wonder how you can be at peace when, while you are in time, there is so much that must be done before the way to peace is open. ²Perhaps this seems impossible to you. ³But ask yourself if it is possible that God would have a plan for your salvation that does not work. ⁴Once you accept His plan as the one function that you would fulfill, there will be nothing else the Holy Spirit will not arrange for you without your effort. ⁵He will go before you making straight your path, and leaving in your way no stones to trip on, and no obstacles to bar your way. ⁶Nothing you need will be denied you. ⁷Not one seeming difficulty but will melt away before you reach it. ⁸You need take thought for nothing, careless of everything except the only purpose that you would fulfill. ⁹As that was given you, so will its fulfillment be. ¹⁰God’s guarantee will hold against all obstacles, for it rests on certainty and not contingency. ¹¹It rests on you. ¹²And what can be more certain than a Son of God? (ACIM, T-20.IV.8:1-12)

I can attest with my life that if you choose awakening as your only purpose, miracles will shine the way towards your goal. Incredible things happened in my life just to give me freedom to immerse myself fully into awakening. 

Peace be with us. 🙏

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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2 hours ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

Finances - here is where the value of a perfect teacher shines. Leo would tell you to spend 20 years or so on building your life. But here's what my beloved master, the perfect teacher of God, Jesus, says in his book A Course in Miracles regarding money: 

You may wonder how you can be at peace when, while you are in time, there is so much that must be done before the way to peace is open. ²Perhaps this seems impossible to you. ³But ask yourself if it is possible that God would have a plan for your salvation that does not work. ⁴Once you accept His plan as the one function that you would fulfill, there will be nothing else the Holy Spirit will not arrange for you without your effort. ⁵He will go before you making straight your path, and leaving in your way no stones to trip on, and no obstacles to bar your way. ⁶Nothing you need will be denied you. ⁷Not one seeming difficulty but will melt away before you reach it. ⁸You need take thought for nothing, careless of everything except the only purpose that you would fulfill. ⁹As that was given you, so will its fulfillment be. ¹⁰God’s guarantee will hold against all obstacles, for it rests on certainty and not contingency. ¹¹It rests on you. ¹²And what can be more certain than a Son of God? (ACIM, T-20.IV.8:1-12)

I can attest with my life that if you choose awakening as your only purpose, miracles will shine the way towards your goal. Incredible things happened in my life just to give me freedom to immerse myself fully into awakening. 

Peace be with us. 🙏



Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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20 hours ago, Squeekytoy said:

How do you get your friends and family to let go of you?

I’ve let go of them. When you get so sick and tired of staying stuck in a system that no longer serves you, you will leave on your own accord and discover new ones.


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@CoolDreamThanks I feel your pain, I know what you are writing about and I can relate to it. However, the Devil is in the details of the narrative, which at its core, I assure you, is not solely your narrative. Let's start with what God is. God is, above all, Boundless, INFINITE, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. What does it mean? The fact that such LOVE allows all the processes - for solipsists - dreamed of within IT, to take place. Freely. Each Conscious Field, created within this UNLIMITED INFINITE SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS, which is Fractal Infinity, obtains, with the degree of its development, greater and greater degrees of freedom and naturally strives towards solving its boundaries. Although, does it actually end? I'm not sure. Since the process of self-discovery comes through experiencing contrasts, each of which contains the seed of its opposite, this means that at any stage of evolution, you can reverse your polarity. I would like to emphasize again that I am not sure whether this applies to the so-called FINAL. We are still in dualism, which we will experience for a long time, relatively speaking, but less and less. Let's relate this evolution to something we can imagine. From the atom through stars, molecules, planets, biological life in various forms, planetary systems, superstars, galaxies, and galaxy clusters. All these mirror images that we have here in the low dimension are reflections of the levels of evolution of the Inner Fields of Consciousness that are evolving - self-discovering through contrasts. Let us now turn to our mythology. Using the scale of objects in the Universe as we know them, let's compare them to Levels of Consciousness—pure fun of imagination guided by intuition. I will go straight to the level of consciousness that we can call devic or angelic with its internal gradation. It starts from the level of stars that give and destroy life within planetary systems up to galaxies and their clusters (archangelic, mahadevic level), where the vast majority of them contain the so-called nuclei of darkness - supermassive black holes that are the result of evolution with the opposite polarization sign. All this happens inside ONE UNIVERSE and can be considered an endless process of self-discovery and self-exploration.
Now about Earth. The narrative is that there is a dimension of the so-called Dark Fields of Consciousness - let's call them Fallen Angels, Demons, or whatever you prefer. This dimension absolutely does not exist against God's will, because UNLIMITED LOVE will never prevent anyone from doing anything, especially since it happens inside IT and is a temporary state from the point of view of UNLIMITED INFINITY. All those who have agreed to voluntarily incarnate here and take part in this human experiment are from the Spiritual Special Forces. The task is difficult. Illuminate the Darkness so thick in places that at the first attempts the volunteer immediately gets lost in the Darkness. It is important to realize that this Darkness has no real power over us. It cannot have it because as such it is completely drained of energy. The only thing it can do, and it is a master at it, is to sell you a fairy tale that you will believe immediately. The axis of every fairy tale is a person, a character that you believe you are. The entire system functioning here is the system of a fairy-tale world - from being a worthless, guilty sinner to suddenly becoming an omnipotent God.

Such a complex system of sticks and carrots that is supposed to keep you in this Dark Fairy Tale World as long as possible. When you wake up, you have two options. Get the fuck out of this "God-forsaken" place, or come back here and fuck up this illusion from the inside - by not fighting it. Because, by fighting it you make it real. Seeing it as irrationality. Ridiculousness. Abhaya Mudra - thank you I am fine:) By lighting it up and reminding others stuck here who they really are. Only in this way will we transform Human to He -She-Man:D. I feel deep in my heart this fairy tale that I am telling here now because it has drama and the beauty of self-discovery. A luminous seed in an ass as dark as a moonless night after black coffee.

Be brave, stay strong!

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32 minutes ago, Salvijus said:



One of my favourite parts of the course. It's been named in the ACIM community as "The Promise". Very inspiring. 💙

@Kuba Powiertowski at some point I did feel some frustration regarding the nature of the world, but I was soo glad to finally learn the truth, as it allowed me to let go of the illusion and dedicate myself fully to the Lord. 

Presently, I feel various levels of bliss and peace due to a lot of meditation, so there's no more pain or anything even remotely close to that, but thank you for the encouragement. ✌️

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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52 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

@CoolDreamThanks Damnit man that avatar is fantastic... xD

I can't disagree 😄  

Just keep in mind that "It is impossible to seek for pleasure through the body and not find pain." (ACIM, T-19.IV-B.12:1) 

Not long ago, whilst on shrooms, mdma and coke, I had a good time with a woman I met at a nightclub. The next day and for a week straight I got a serious backlash of pain, comparable to the amount of pleasure experienced, hence deepening my understanding of ACIM. 

When you really get that whenever you try to get pleasure through your body, you will shortly experience a backlash of pain, you will utter to yourself:

"The world I see holds nothing that I want." (ACIM, W-128) 

My dear brothers, let's turn towards inner peace, dedicating every single day and moment to God. Let's remove the blocks that obstruct inner light and return home at last. 🙏

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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6 minutes ago, An young being said:

I think he wants to boost his profile views.

I just picked a random image I liked from my computer. 

That is a good idea, I guess.

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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Just now, CoolDreamThanks said:

I just picked a random image I liked from my computer. 

That is a good idea, I guess.

Yeah, it definitely works! Even in a deeply religious / Spiritual/ anti pleasure forum! It may not work in a gay forum though.

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43 minutes ago, An young being said:

Yeah, it definitely works! Even in a deeply religious / Spiritual/ anti pleasure forum! It may not work in a gay forum though.

That Avatar would attract more gays than straights, especially transexuals. Don't see the gay community as disliking the opposite sex. They're not interested in sleeping with them, but they don't hate or dislike them. That Avatar would be a depiction of what it would be like to be that or look like that in a gay community and in the straight it would be what it would be like to be with that. Where it would especially be of interest? In the Trans community.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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8 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

. Don't see the gay community as disliking the opposite sex. 

Did I?:o



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If there is anything infinite in this universe, then it's the ability for people on this forum to go off-topic.  😄

Edited by CoolDreamThanks

Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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8 minutes ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

If there is anything infinite in this universe, then it's the ability for people on this forum to go off-topic.  😄

That's because people get bored easily talking about the same things again and again. For example, I have lost count of how many times people have discussed sollipism here.

Edited by An young being

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17 minutes ago, An young being said:

Did I?:o



No you didn't, and I can see how my statement to you implied that, but it was meant to be just a generalized statement nit directly implicating that you said that. My apologies. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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