
Biggest error in Leo's metaphysical understanding

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This community that Leo built is deep within a deadly (literally) trap that I will uncover, perhaps leading some of you out of it. Not saying he's doing it intentionally, he's just confused. 

He's got some things right, like solipsism and that God is Love.  

His pitfall, though, is attributing the creation of the universe to the same loving God. A perfectly loving creator could only create perfect love, and the logic of that is as sound as it gets. Some of you have experienced God's true creations through deep psychadelic trips. The author of that experience and this universe differs.

Attributing God as an author to this universe is a deadly mistake because how will you escape this mad illusion if you believe it's God's will for you? And if you don't - you wil literally suffer and die, again and again, until you grasp that a perfectly loving Father would never send his Son to such a place.

Leo saying that you simply don't see the larger plan is his way of tricking himself and you. Notice that he doesn't know the plan, he just hopes there is one. If you use your own head for a moment, you will see that this world isn't evolving towards love, it has been and always will be the same psycho planet. All the worldly pleasures that you experience are put in place only to entrap you, making you chase those breadcrumbs of love until you decay and perish. Your deepest pleasures, like relationships, food, whatever, will turn around and inflict the largest pain. Where is love in that? It's so funny hearing that this is a love simulator from a person who suffers constantly, as basically everyone else here, depending on how well they distract themselves from their pain.

Notice that Leo never actually tells you the larger plan. The plan that is supposed to maximize love is never explained, you only believe that it is there, even though your direct expetience, again and again, for thousands of lifetimes, shows you otherwise. He might drop an abstract idea on how it works, but he really doesn't know, since there is no such plan. Didn't he tell you to look at your experience to find truth? Well, look and evaluate - is it full of perfectly loving experiences, bliss, pleasure, or the opposite? If you saw all the pain and suffering you experienced for the last thousand years - you would be disgusted at the idea that there is a meta plan of love. There are some better and some worse lifetimes, if you are living a better one now, that doesnt mean all of them were like that. And even the good ones are only relatively good, not absolutely.

One of the dangers of psychadelics is that they make you believe ideas you brought with yourself into the trip, and how many of you brought the idea of a loving meta plan into your trips, hence cementing that idea in your minds?

Long long ago Gnostics and Valentinians realized that this world in not the creation of a God, but of Demiurge or a Demon. Jesus in A Course in Miracles says the same, if you are able to comprehend that scripture, although he calls the creator of this world ego instead of demiurge.

To understand the reason behind the creation of the universe, feel free to read the Dissapearance of the Universe by Gary Renard, it's just an explanation of ACIM, but a very clear one. You can tell Leo never read it, or he wouldn't be talking the way he is. It will transform your thinking if you study it, I promise. It's the only book you need. I've read all the books from Leo's booklist and none of them come even close, actually, all of them are full of falsehood. And isnt it funny that ACIM is the only book Leo never really read from his booklist? You can't just jump to the workbook, as he did, since the text has all the juice.

Only one genius throughout known human history figured out the reason behind the creation of the universe. Read those two books, they will enlighten you.   

That's all, folks. I doubt anyone will actually change their mind, but it doesn't matter. Only one has to understand it, and he does. 

Oh, let's say you do open your eyes and want to escape these endless psycho dreams, here's the only method to do so: let go of everything this world has to offer, simply sit in your room and be still. Let go of all thoughts, choose silence again and again and you will come back home. It's that simple. Remember, enlightenment, heaven, God, Self, is not perfectly visible now only because you are constantly doing things to cover it up. When you stop doing everything - it will happen. It takes some time, like up to a year of perfect non-doing, but that is a cheap price to pay, since you sacrifice endless pain for endless love. 

I'm open to any arguments against what I wrote, since when you clearly see what is true, you can run circles around people who are confused, even though they might not be capable of seeing that. Now I'm done. 



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@CoolDreamThanks let's humor you for a second - if you believe a being "other" than God created the universe, isn't this a direct contradiction of Oneness - which is the same as Solipsism or Aloneness with a capital A, or Infinity, or Love?  Ponder that for a moment.  But in order for you to actually realize all this, you must first realize no self, or that the self you believe you are is illusory.  Sitting and doing nothing can help with this, but self inquiry is really where the rubber meets the road.

Also your Love is biased so it is not Infinite Love.  Infinite Love loves ALL of itself.

Edited by Inliytened1


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9 minutes ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

To understand the reason behind the creation of the universe, feel free to read the Dissapearance of the Universe by Gary Renard, it's just an explanation of ACIM, but a very clear one.

GOD is the Ultimate Author, end of story.


 Now I'm done. 

No you’re not :P

I AM Godzilla

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1 hour ago, Inliytened1 said:

@CoolDreamThanks let's humor you for a second - if you believe a being "other" than God created the universe, isn't this a direct contradiction of Oneness - which is the same as Solipsism or Aloneness with a capital A, or Infinity, or Love?  Ponder that for a moment.  But in order for you to actually realize all this, you must first realize no self, or that the self you believe you are is illusory.  Sitting and doing nothing can help with this, but self inquiry is really where the rubber meets the road.

Also your Love is biased so it is not Infinite Love.  Infinite Love loves ALL of itself.

@Inliytened1I've never said Oneness isn't true. But that one can change his identity to an egoic one and create from it. God became an ego and then created. It's the same One, sure, that's obvious, not stating otherwise. Just like people now operate from an ego (or the belief in duality), so then, at a higher metaphysical level, God became an ego, but then ego had power, hence the ability to create a universe. 


When I say he became an ego, I mean God believed in the idea of seperation, of there being someone else, besides oneness, and when he believed in it, at that level, he created the experience of it, which resulted in fear, guilt, and then the universe was built to hide and project that guilt. 

Demiurge, demon or ego is just a confused, scared God that created the universe to hide from his error and the subsequent guilt. It's complicated. Read DU to grasp it.

Also, the no self relization you are talking about is something I experienced and realized long long ago. You are talking as though you are above me, but you have no idea. Self enquiry is just choosing silence, which I mentioned in my non-doing part.

Edited by CoolDreamThanks

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His biggest error is really simple (although the way he justifies it to himself is probably more complex): He still fundamentally thinks that reality is dualistic. And as a consequence he thinks that something exists beyond the absolute. 

Hence deeper awakenings, hence more insights into the absolute, hence understanding the absolute forever, etc.

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16 minutes ago, Osaid said:

His biggest error is really simple (although the way he justifies it to himself is probably more complex): He still fundamentally thinks that reality is dualistic. And as a consequence he thinks that something exists beyond the absolute. 

Hence deeper awakenings, hence more insights into the absolute, hence understanding the absolute forever, etc.

@Osaid No he doesn't. He's perfectly clear that God is One and Absolute. One dreamer dreaming. His infinity of Gods vid is there only to confuse people. 

Unless you mean that he thinks there is something above infinite, perfect love in it's various expressions. In that case, I would agree that he is imagining various nonsense, like alien consciousness or whatever.

Edited by CoolDreamThanks

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53 minutes ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

@Inliytened1I've never said Oneness isn't true. But that one can change his identity to an egoic one and create from it. God became an ego and then created. It's the same One, sure, that's obvious, not stating otherwise. Just like people now operate from an ego (or the belief in duality), so then, at a higher metaphysical level, God became an ego, but then ego had power, hence the ability to create a universe. 


When I say he became an ego, I mean God believed in the idea of seperation, of there being someone else, besides oneness, and when he believed in it, at that level, he created the experience of it, which resulted in fear, guilt, and then the universe was built to hide and project that guilt. 

Demiurge, demon or ego is just a confused, scared God that created the universe to hide from his error and the subsequent guilt. It's complicated. Read DU to grasp it.

That's a nice story - reminds me of the Similarillion by Tolkien.  God created the angels but one fell (Melkor, mentor of Sauron) into darkness.  And then Melkor created the Universe that we see here.   I think it's more like God dreamt up everything instantly - because Infinite intelligence requires no back story.  And then in order to experience his own creation he had to deceive himself - because all of creation is in fact deception.   So he forgot he was God and immersed himself into his own dream.  In order for the dream to mask itself as reality, it had to include deception and "evil".    And God as a finite being wanted to experience fear and shame and guilt.  He wanted to feel what it was like to not be God.  Not out of selfishness but out of a Mind thirsty to experience all possibilities  . So this requires fooling yourself.  But the universe is not an error because of Infinity.  It cannot have any errors without inflicting those errors on itself intentionally and then forgetting it did so.  

Edited by Inliytened1


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42 minutes ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

He's perfectly clear that God is One and Absolute.

He is not clear, otherwise he wouldn't be imagining this:

42 minutes ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

he is imagining various nonsense, like alien consciousness or whatever.


Edited by Osaid

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46 minutes ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

Unless you mean that he thinks there is something above infinite, perfect love in it's various expressions.

Yes, that's what I mean. He will deny he is doing this because of cognitive dissonance, but he is conflating degrees of consciousness with Truth/God.

Edited by Osaid

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1 hour ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

Oh, let's say you do open your eyes and want to escape these endless psycho dreams, here's the only method to do so: let go of everything this world has to offer, simply sit in your room and be still. Let go of all thoughts, choose silence again and again and you will come back home. It's that simple. Remember, enlightenment, heaven, God, Self, is not perfectly visible now only because you are constantly doing things to cover it up. When you stop doing everything - it will happen. It takes some time, like up to a year of perfect non-doing, but that is a cheap price to pay, since you sacrifice endless pain for endless love. 

Finally someone who is actually awake on this forum .? 

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12 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

That's a nice story - reminds me of the Similarillion by Tolkien.  God created the angels but one fell (Melkor, mentor of Sauron) into darkness.  And then Melkor created the Universe that we see here.   I think it's more like God dreamt up everything instantly - because Infinite intelligence requires no back story.  And then in order to experience his own creation he had to deceive himself - because all of creation is in fact deception.   So he forgot he was God and immersed himself into his own dream.  In order for the dream to mask itself as reality, it had to include deception and "evil".    And God as a finite being wanted to experience fear and shame and guilt.  He wanted to feel what it was like to not be God.  Not out of selfishness but out of a Mind thirsty to experience all possibilities  . So this requires fooling yourself.  But the universe is not an error because of Infinity.  It cannot have any errors without inflicting those errors on itself intentionally and then forgetting it did so.  

@Inliytened1 The universe itself is not an error, it's here to mask the initial error of belief in duality at the highest metaphysical level.  It's like this: at the highest metaphysical level you believing in duality is like betraying God and then feeling guilty and afraid that he will punish you, because you really think you seperated your connection from him. At first you were playing with the idea of seperation, but then it felt like it actually happened and you felt guilty to have done it. Then you created this universe and made people act out against you so you could project that internal, now unconacious guilt onto them, so now they are guilty, not you! How does that help? It minimizes the guilt, but does not get rid of it. That initial error is so complex I cant really explain it without reffering you to a book I mentioned. 

Anyway, I actually agree with the metaphorical story you mentioned. I've heard that Tolkien's stories have quite the spiritual depth to them.


11 minutes ago, Osaid said:

Yes, that's what I mean. He will deny he is doing this because of cognitive dissonance, but he is conflating degrees of consciousness with Truth/God.

@Osaid Oh then I agree 100%, it's like his intellect turned against him. 

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11 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Finally someone who is actually awake on this forum .? 


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3 minutes ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

@Inliytened1 The universe itself is not an error, it's here to mask the initial error of belief in duality at the highest metaphysical level. 

Nonsense.  At the highest level of Consciousness- Divine Consciousness  - there is no duality or separation.  


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1 minute ago, Inliytened1 said:

Nonsense.  At the highest level of Consciousness- Divine Consciousness  - there is no duality or separation.  

There isn't, but you can trick yourself into believing that there is.

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1 minute ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

There isn't, but you can trick yourself into believing that there is.

We don't say here that reality isn't a self deception.  It's a giant self deception of the highest magnitude.   But that is by design.   It was not created under a self deception - it IS the deception.


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4 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

We don't say here that reality isn't a self deception.  It's a giant self deception of the highest magnitude.   But that is by design.   It was not created under a self deception - it IS the deception.

Yeh I get it, that's my main issue, basically. If it was self-created, purposely, then I propose that the life we are living now would be magnitudes better. If I had the ability to design and I was perfectly loving, there is no way I would subject myself to this level of abuse. And if we consider that it was going on for thousands of lifetimes, with forgetting inbetween them - why? 

Instead, it would be like this: I have no idea why, but everything is going so smoothly, there is no pain, only pleasure, love, beauty in my life. How come? Am I actually God and did this to myself? 

But this life we are living now is hardly like that, is it? Are you not open to the possibility that the self-deception actually occured and caused psychological pain at the metaphysical level, before the creation of the universe? 

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29 minutes ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

it's like his intellect turned against him. 

Of course, that is what it means to be unenlightened.

Experience turns to memory, memory turns to identity, and the ego nests itself in nice and cozy.

Once the chemicals which forced his brain to perceive reality a certain way wear off, the baseline state has to metabolize the experience in one way or another. And of course the ego is patiently waiting there in the baseline state, waiting to eat up the psychedelic experience.

Edited by Osaid

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1 minute ago, CoolDreamThanks said:

But this life we are living now is hardly like that, is it? Are you not open to the possibility that the self-deception actually occured and caused psychological pain at the metaphysical level, before the creation of the universe? 

Reality emerges from the void and creates itself in an evolutionary way, from the most basic complexity to higher levels. For life, abuse is not something negative because it really does not exist. It is life abusing itself to mold itself, to grow in complexity. The recipe for this must be perfect, nothing should be missing or left over. really this experience, now, is the infinite manifesting. It is not a deception or anything like that, it is what the infinite is in this cycle, and its desire is to be more. purer, broader, more transparent, more divine

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I certainly appreciate how much we can bash Leo on here (to a certain degree).

Imagine publicly protesting how much Jesus, the Pope and Roman Catholics sucks in Vatican City. I’m sure all their loving facades are flying out the window if you were to actually do that.

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