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Turquoise level global civilization.

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I have been trying to imagine a Turquoise level civilization since before I knew about spiral dynamics.  However SD has helped me understand how it can be achieved. In attempting to imagine what it would look like, I believe we can look to history for insight. For example imagine all of the most amazing architectural buildings you've ever seen. Churches, capitols, universities,  mansions etc. Now imagine them being inhabited by people with an indigenous mindset. As in harmony with nature, life, humanity etc. Now imagine that humanity was at this stage less than 300 years ago. But after relentless wars and rewriting of history, we have all forgotten our true potential.  This is why I think the old world theory is important.  So that we can remember what we lost, and how to restore it better than it was.

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Let's set the stage to be somewhere around 2150 AD.

It will be a communal culture with heavy psychedelic usage. Not all of you will be working. Few people who choose to work can do it independent of location. It will barely be over 20 hours a week or something. Plenty of people will be living together in concentrated blocks. There will be a lot more social time and people will hang out together.

There will be clean air and parks for children to play in every corner, All information pertaining anything will be readily available on your device. Large AI models will be running locally on your own device that can be trained for any task. There will be a few dystopian societies in the equator region, but people will not try too hard to change it since they understand that it is not possible to bring about such changes.

Power will be decentralized and govt will be offered as a service that offers protection against bigger forces. There will be small local governments popping up in all the city centers where being Yellow will be the least of all requirements and those running for power should prove their competency in multiple skill sets. All people in power of the local government bodies will be young people and the larger government will be ruled over by 170 years old patriarchal figures ( @Leo Gura, probably) who are running operations on other planets and the governance of the local bodies to ensure they do not become too tyrannical. There would be hiring sprees for people interested in multiplanetary positions. 

The local governments would have immutable power over the matters concerning their own governance. Punishment for wrong doings will be months of seclusion in a luxurious villa where all you needs will be met and people will love you for no reason. Your punishment would include mandatory therapy and psychedelic trips with specialized drugs. 

There would be a lot of emphasis on art and writing. Intellectually original work will be valued and will be used for being hired into visionary positions for crafting new elevated goals for mankind.  There will be dedicated suffering centers for people who want to empathize with the life of people in the dystopian centers around with world where people are still being exploited for various tyrannical reasons. The majority of the population is now centered in the  flatlands of Europe/Russia. The rest of the major cities of the world are under water or too hot to live in.

I hope that is a good enough description.  

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I will try and answer this from my turquoise part, which is a reach in my current state. 

Turquoise is all points in time. Structure is a foundation to steady spiritual experiences and allow, but not as an absolute anchor to define it by. There are various structures that enhance life, geometries, and ways of designing structures that are beneficial to those who use them. It is a cumulative calming effect to live in these structures and make them part of us. Also, electricity itself is designed in a way that is unhelpful to the natural fields in the body, and although I am not an electrical engineer apparently there are other ways to design power systems.

Connection to the earth being normalized in daily life, rather than afterthought of it just existing somewhere beneath the concrete. Spiritual concepts such as the fields generated by the body, and spiritual rituals (helpful behaviors each day) being taught more readily with less fear about how they will affect someone and more guidance for what an individual can experience. Teaching turquoise concepts at universities, learning to approach it for leadership and wisdom, and integrating its concepts slowly and calmly over time. Maintaining that structure and collective support so that turquoise concepts are steady and not like being out on a limb alone. Love being a primary focus, because aiming beyond a stage is a way to arrive at it. You can't skip stages but you can see them, and by doing that collectively it highlights that stage for all who look. It'll be in focus at least, and many of the steps (blocks) to get there will be observed.

Local cultures being cultivated again rather than discarded or resisted. This is a very tricky concept to discuss, but the connection with the land requires a cultural shift to at least encompass the locality and the immediate environment we live within. Making it a part of ourselves, owning it but not as property, really owning its stewardship and the relationship we have with it. Someone explained it as larger and larger bubbles or bodies around you. Starting inside deepening the integration and connection to you, your divinity or recognition of the eternal self, then the resulting emotions/psychology of your experience, then your body, your immediate environment, then the local community, and up from there. The earth has a voice if you listen to it, it's immense.

I am not fully turquoise by a long stretch, it is only a part of me, and I haven't engaged it for some time. So hopefully others will continue to add more, I am reaching for what we don't have here. I hope it helps. 

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3 hours ago, Reignforest said:

Now imagine that humanity was at this stage less than 300 years ago. But after relentless wars and rewriting of history, we have all forgotten our true potential. 

What have you been smoking?

No society has ever been even close to Turquoise and won't be for 100s of more years.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura This is why I am asking people to look into the old world theory.  Also to have an open mind in that this will not be taught through compulsory education pushing the main stream historical narrative. But to summarize,  according to history nearly every brick and mortar structure in America was built in the 1800s. The first photo of any town shows it already completely built,  every building and road. Within one to five years after kicking out the natives. Usually within one year. With horse and buggy people. These buildings are so elaborate we cannot recreate them today. I have been in construction over 20 years, the architectural feats are impossible to say the least. Also these structures have miles of underground tunnels connecting each other. Without any proof of construction on the historical record.  They are made out of a superior form of concrete we lost the formula for. I could go on but I sincerely suggest you look into this topic yourself.  

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@Bobby_2021 Your ideas are surprising on point for how the old world probably was. Only currency wasn't necessary and mananging the climate of the planet would be about as difficult as planting next year's crops.

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This isn't going to be in any history book. We have to look at photographic evidence and determine whether it's valid or not. I wish I could figure out how to post pictures. I don't have the answers but the chances of our history being true as it is written is very small.

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I was really hoping this community would have an open mind enough to see past the veil of deception.  So here's another example.  I grew up in a small town called Eaton rapids.  It's also called the island city bc its surrounded by rivers. The city is held up by large concrete walls. It has 7 bridges of stone,steel and concrete. It has multiple brick and stone mansions, 2 large cathedral churches, 2 humongous factories. One has been abandoned since before I was born, the other converted into apartments.  The natives were kicked out in 1830. By 1834 the town was founded and the fist photographs show all of downtown already built, both sides of the road. How could this have been accomplished in 4 years. With a population of 500 in 1860. So this is just one small town. But every town has a similar story in the same time period. Oh yeah it was also famous for its mineral water until the town burnt down. A reoccurring theme in history. But again in the photographs it shows every building made of bricks.

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