
One-sided videos about Chinese collapse

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17 minutes ago, rnd said:

All in all, what is you're unhappy about? @BlueOak

What is it you want to save the world from? Or whom? And what does all this have to do with China, Russia and BRICS?

Save the world? You are still on the moralizing. Why? Is it easier than admitting that the world is a selfish place, and your country is no better or worse than anyone else's?

What am I Unhappy with ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ That


You don't understand or won't admit BRICS is half of the problem. Justifying suffering by suffering is a spiral, and on a global level it's a world war.


Cooperation leads to a better outcome than competition.

Edited by BlueOak

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18 minutes ago, rnd said:


Why not save the world from the US and Europe instead?

Nobody with the view of saving the world from them is helping the world. They are helping themselves.

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What is your suggestion for how separate entities driven by self-interest and different ideas can coordinate better for the greater good? So that one-sided or biased views like those in the video are not released, or so that states cooperate with each other without focusing exclusively on their own interests. In other words how to solve the well known multipolar traps?

In regards to Zeihan, I've been watching his content regularly in recent months, and while it's obviously biased towards America, he is an author and content creator with a specific audience, it's still insightful to get one side of the picture and there is value if what he reports.

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4 hours ago, sheep said:

In other words how to solve the well known multipolar traps?

What's that? Such well known that I've never heard of it :D @sheep


4 hours ago, sheep said:


What is your suggestion for how separate entities driven by self-interest and different ideas can coordinate better for the greater good? So that one-sided or biased views like those in the video are not released, or so that states cooperate with each other without focusing exclusively on their own interests. In other words how to solve the well known multipolar traps?

No idea. I'm not unbiased either. Why would I look at him from above to then help him overcome his biased, in my opinion, views?
One should evolve on his own.
 And I might change my opinion, or say one thing and do the other :D

If you read my comments here of 1...3 years ago, you'll see that I was throwing shit at China. China isn't innocent, nor is Russia. But one should notice all evil that US and Europe commit too.

Edited by rnd

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How is one whole country going to collapse just like that?

China is a very careful country and Chinese are very vigilant and has reserves (Stockpile of dry foods, water, supplies for years and years). 

So I am thinking you are saying China's economy will 'collapse'. Even so, Chinese's economy will still go on maybe at negative growth but things will still go on. Even the full blown covid lockdown did not crash their economy by much. So what can cause their economy to collapse completely?

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On 30/09/2023 at 7:21 PM, rnd said:



Seemingly smart and trustworthy guy.  However, what all of the videos such as this one about Chinese collapse, which is "about to happen this time with 106% probability", miss or rather ignore is the fact that China may not only have some problems, but it also has had successes.

Which of the two have had a greater impact?


Why won't you guys mention that Chinese RMB has doubled its global market share as the trades in USD dollar diminishes? Still small share, though.

More and more countries call for ditching dollar switching to either RMB or local currencies.

Why won't you mention that China has archived a great success in the Middle East with Saudi Arabia and Iran? How about the Huawei's chip breakthrough? How about the fact that UnionPay has overtaken Visa in global debit card transactions?  China is in BRICS which has recently overtaken G7 in terms of GDP.

Besides, the problems in the Chinese economy not only arise, but get resolved too. Such videos won't mention this.



Why won't the successes of China be mentioned then? Because these aren't the things that the listeners of a channel would like to hear about. Without taking them into account, though, an author will be creating videos about immininent  collapse of China till the end of his life, beliving in its own narrative, yet a collapse may never occur.

Maybe because most of the world population dislikes China and loves such videos. We need to know what their friends or their own people think, wait, they don't have YouTube do they?

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free tibet babyyy ?




(wow i’m so brave on the world wide web hihi)

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8 hours ago, An young being said:

Maybe because most of the world population dislikes China and loves such videos. We need to know what their friends or their own people think, wait, they don't have YouTube do they?

Which "most of the world"? Western Europe (not all of Europe), NZ, AU, UK, JP and US - are the ones. They all constitute around 50 countries which is 25% of all the countries in the world. Their population is around 1bln which is 1/8

1/4 and 1/8

The minority of the world, you mean?

Edited by rnd

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14 hours ago, rnd said:

Which "most of the world"? Western Europe (not all of Europe), NZ, AU, UK, JP and US - are the ones. They all constitute around 50 countries which is 25% of all the countries in the world. Their population is around 1bln which is 1/8

1/4 and 1/8

The minority of the world, you mean?

We can't take China's population into account, because they can be biased because of national pride. That reduces 1.4 billion from the total. Indians or India too don't like China. So add another 1.4 billion. So, it's more like 2.5/6.5. 

Also, the YouTube population consists mostly of Indians, Americans and Europeans.

Edited by An young being

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9 hours ago, An young being said:

We can't take China's population into account, because they can be biased because of national pride.

Correct. But then add to the sum Russia instead, which I hadn't counted first.



 Indians or India too don't like China. So add another 1.4 billion. So, it's more like 2.5/6.5. 

Some don't, some do
Both countries are in BRICS and trade with each other. They aren't enemies, although they've had some  territorial tentions.
India isn't with USA, nor with China completely. Nor is it against them. It's open to and trades with both.

Overall, this still isn't "most of the world", not even a half of it.

Edited by rnd

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8 hours ago, An young being said:

Also, the YouTube population consists mostly of Indians, Americans and Europeans.

USA, India - yes.
Europeans - no.

Find stats somewhere.

And I've mentioned in initial topic that that the dude talks not the truth but rather what its audience would like to hear.

Edited by rnd

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3 hours ago, rnd said:

Find stats somewhere.


Add all the western European countries in the YouTube viewers list below and it will come to third place.


3 hours ago, rnd said:

And I've mentioned in initial topic that that the dude talks not the truth but rather what its audience would like to hear.

That's the same point I was also inferring. The youtube audience mostly consists of Anti-China viewers, so they obviously get more views and support. We won't be able to know the other side, because Chinese themselves are not allowed to use YouTube.

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21 hours ago, An young being said:

Is there an atricle about "Pro-Chinese sentiment" there? Why not? Such sentiment exists in India in some way.

Why would you believe Wikipedepia when it comes to China, for instance? China doesn't write it, nor does India. Who controls the Wiki? The editors from the US and the West. Therefore, every fact that's against China will become blown out proportion. Every neutral fact will be interpereted against China. And every fact in favour of China will be neglected or mentioned briefly as something to be ignored.

Moreover, it's benefical for the US and West to try to make India and China bark at each other.

Wiki is sutable for studying more or less neutral topics, not geo-politics.

Edited by rnd

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1 hour ago, rnd said:

Why would you believe Wikipedepia when it comes to China, for instance? China doesn't write it, nor does India. Who controls the Wiki? The editors from the US and the West. Therefore, every fact that's against China will become blown out proportion. Every neutral fact will be interpereted against China. And every fact in favour of China will be neglected or mentioned briefly as something to be ignored.

Can you share any other neutral sources which shows sentiment regarding China in major countries? If you can, I am happy to look at it.

1 hour ago, rnd said:

Could be.
But  the Eastern Europe is mostly neutral or in favoure of China. Therefore you can't generalize all of it.

I am not talking about which country supports China and which doesn't. I am merely telling that YouTube is mostly occupied by haters or neutral people on China.

1 hour ago, rnd said:

But there's no Russia there, although YT is popular there. And in other stats Russia is present.

Even after including Russia, Pro Chinese YouTube viewers will be significantly lesser than anti Chinese viewers in YouTube.


1 hour ago, rnd said:

 Such sentiment exists in India in some way.

India is a big country and everything exists there, but such pro China sentiment is minuscule compared to the neutral or anti Chinese demographies. 

1 hour ago, rnd said:

Moreover, it's benefical for the US and West to try to make India and China bark at each other.

India is willingly a part of the quad for some reason, don't you think? India tries to maintain good relationship with all the countries in the world, including China, but China keeps poking India openly, so that's a mistake of China and not the West.

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9 minutes ago, An young being said:

India tries to maintain good relationship with all the countries in the world

What about Pakistan?




and recently Canada


are you in favour of Modi?

Edited by PurpleTree

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20 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

What about Pakistan?




and recently Canada


are you in favour of Modi?

Hatred against Pakistan is due to terrorism and territorial sovereignty. Regarding Canada, there are many facts still unclear. The tensions will de escalate soon in my opinion.

Regarding Modi, I love his patriotism, developing good relationships with other countries, and also bringing new policies that are sometimes revolutionary, but I don't like his party for being authorative and being islamophobic.

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4 hours ago, An young being said:

Can you share any other neutral sources which shows sentiment regarding China in major countries? If you can, I am happy to look at it.

I don't have one. And I'm too lazy to look for any.


4 hours ago, An young being said:

India is willingly a part of the quad for some reason, don't you think? India tries to maintain good relationship with all the countries in the world, including China, but China keeps poking India openly, so that's a mistake of China and not the West.

Yes. But being in QUAD on its own doesn't make India an enemy of China, does it? Likewise Türkiye being in NATO alone doesn't make it an enemy of Russia, and even wise-versa. Likewise, Türkiye and Greece as the members as NATO are rather enemies.
Likewise, even a possibility of the UA joining NATO makes it --  its regime -- an enemy of Russia because there're other factors too.

India's membership in QUAD is, I've heard, nominal.

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