Chrissy j

How To Stop Arguing

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I always feel like I need to express my opinion and side of things when I see something I feel isn't right in a person's opinion. But something about that seems fundamentally flawed to me. I can't accept others opinions when they are wrong. I can totally be open to new good opinions an example being Leo. I tend to be pretty open with that. But I tend to have to argue with opinions that are wrong because of ignorance or when I can see a flaw in them. Any ideas to get me to stop this ideological battle? Thanks

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I think this is same for everyone. You can just fuck those people. If they are having wrong opinions, then let them have them. Let them salivate in their own ignorance. Doesn't matter. Why are you spending your energy in trying to correct those who are wrong. Isn't that foolish on your part to try and explain them. This is a needless need in you. You feel attacked unnecessarily. You are giving too much importance to things that don't matter. 

Your work is to believe in yourself and follow your path and not worry so much about the world. If you are convinced that you're right, why do you care what others think. Why do you feel the need to defend yourself ? 

Be an observer and let it pass. When you realize people are spewing foolish advice and opinions, you gotta leave them and let them languish in their own mess. No need to either defend yourself or care too much for them. 

Give up this habit. You can't keep arguing forever, can you?  

One simple trick - when you spot a flaw in other's opinions, just ignore them. Think they are being ignorant and foolish and move on. And if you don't do it, then you'll be the foolish one. 

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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@MochaSlap this is what the ego does. Its in our nature. We are the center of the universe and everything needs to be as we picture it in our mind. And everyone needs to agree with our opinion. Our ego demands it. 

You can either keep relating and attaching to this part of your ego or not. 9_9

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communication happens on an energy level, a subconscious level. 
if you want to help people you will not try to shoot them down and prove them wrong at every turn. 

understand that you are constantly vibrating an unique energy, you're in constant communication with others. 
Others can sense every one of your intentions subconsciously. 

What is your intention when you talk to others?
Do you send out inviting waves of ''your opinion is completely fine, I see no issue with it, but I think this new perspective could possibly help you, you can take it or you can leave it, either way it's fine''
This is a very inviting and loving to actually help people. It's all in your intention. 

If you're sending out waves like this : ''you're wrong, and I know what's right, you need to listen to me if you want to be better, and if you don't something critical will happen in your life, you won't advance, I'm right so you absolutely need to take my perspective.''

Do you see the difference? the energy in the second part is completely dominant, it's not inviting, and it doesn't leave room for free will.
In the first example you let the person chose. 
both intentions are an invitation to a new perspective but in an entirely different way; 

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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Just let people have their views and opinions. Most of the time it is of no consequence to your life anyway. If it becomes harmful in some way, then that may be the time to challenge it. But otherwise, just let it be. It's not your job to go around 'correcting' people to your own paradigms.

Worry about your own life and be busy creating it such that you don't have the time or inclination to concern yourself with other people's lives. It seems to me that people who have the time to correct, criticise and judge and argue with others, aren't busy enough looking inward at their own life and their own business.

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.”  - Lao Tzu

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@MochaSlap You have to understand everyone is different in the way they think and interpret information. People's perceptions are different and constantly changing and it all comes from growth of understanding and belief. 

For example, as a health expert, I can tell you the secret to cure cancer is diet and a medical professional can tell you the cure to cancer is medication because it is scientifically proven - who are you going to believe? 

Sometimes it is a person's strong belief system in what they believe to be true, makes it right and a fact to that individual person. As a life coach myself, I can say "coaches are more effective in mental health, than doctor's". Doctors will tell you "coaches aren't experience in medicine, what would they know". It all comes down to personal belief and what you think is right and true to you. 

There is a way to express your opinion and thoughts about any given topic without coming across as arogant, ignorant and mr I think I know everything and your opinion is crap. There is also a way to express your views and back it up with evidence, without sounding like I'm right and your wrong. It all comes down to the art of communication and accepting, everyone has a right to their own beliefs and opinions and you don't always have to agree with what other people say but merely appreciate their view and you can just think to yourself 'I don't believe that person is right or what they are saying is true and that is okay, because I believe and know....'.

You just need to be open about the way you look and perceive things. 

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Conscious deep breathing before responding has helped me in the past.


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The ego plays a big role as well. proving other person wrong becomes usually the dominance game where rationals go away and emotions come in play. No party wants to be the ridiculed one especially if peers are involved like a political debate. Wars have been wagered just for this simple reason. If Stalin listened to his advisers, third of his country would not get decimated by advancing Barbarossa before he put his blindfolds down. 

Beware of this, apply mindfulness to your discussions and don't let yourself fall into unconscious emotional state. Let other people be right and even go as far as making them feel important. They will like you for it even though they quite won't understand why. And if that doesn't ring right with your self agenda....well you're gonna suffer for the rest of your life for this thing.  

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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I would love to suggest you a really good book to read on the matter: "Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most". 

This will help you a lot :)

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