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Sedona Method

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Just had a ridiculous breakthrough experience with the sedona method. The method finally clicked in my head and I was able to apply it successfully. It is almost as if my ego was playing little tricks to try to get me to not use it successfully.


Allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling in this moment. Ask yourself each question and answer it honestly. Even if you answer "hell no, not in a million years" that is correct. Repeat as many times as you desire. Don't make yourself answer it any one way. Just be honest with yourself.

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I also have had success using this method, especially on the sneak up and suck you in thoughts and emotions.

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@Robert66 It is weird, I learned this method a few years ago and extensively studied it. I read the book , watched the movie and took the course, though I didn't do most of the work book. And for some reason the effectiveness slipped past me. But, I am doing it now. and am having multiple powerful releases. I guess I wasn't ready at the time. And I have learned a lot since then. Cool to hear that there are others getting use out of it!

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It definitely works. The trouble is that you gotta remember to apply it, again and again and again and again.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 minutes ago, Outer said:

What about The Work?

Gary Weber, an enlightened master recommends The Work/Sedona method together with self-inquiry, as Ramana Maharshi teaches, also yoga or some physical practice alongside it.

That sounds like an awesome combination! I have a similar background story with the work. I Studied it extensively, read all the books on it, watched many videos, but wasn't able to make it effective for me. Maybe when I go back and try it again I will be able to get more success with it.

I have yet to try Ramana Maharshi self inquiry.

Edited by Colin

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@Outer Sure, those are all great techniques. That combination is helping you with spiritual purification which then frees you up to go deeper into self-inquiry.

The reason most people don't do existential investigation (self-inquiry, contemplation, mindfulness, etc) is because they are too intoxicated by their lifestyle, emotional states, addictions, distractions, works, and chasing material goals. So anything you do to reduce your intoxication will bolster your existential investigating. This means that even very basic lifestyle changes, like cleaning up your diet, can be significant if you're really serious about seeking Truth.

In fact, I would say that 99% of people don't reach enlightenment simply because their diet is wrong. The details matter in this work, and although they seem minor, lots of minor stuff adds up into a huge impediment.

How are you going to get enlightened if your meals put you to sleep, for example.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura  I think this may be my favorite video of yours. It snapped me out of a lull. I go through periods where I know all of these things are distractions, then unconsciousness and their siren song lure me back in. Great great video.


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@Leo Gura I mention Tom Campbell a lot on this forum, but he describes eliminating sugar, caffeine, and alcohol as absolutely vital to the consciousness work that he does. He describes it that most people are living life in a fog and don't even notice until they eliminate specifically sugar for  months at a time.

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@Outer In reviewing The Work I am noticing that it is a little too complicated for my tastes at the moment. I adore the simplicity of the sedona method. Have you personally benefited from either of these techniques?

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Dont stick. Inner cells flow stay in that constant create your version as you vibrate. Branch out dont stay with in the mind. 

Or your good knowing what you know?

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