
Reality feels magical at the construct aware stage.

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15 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Your Presence, of course :x

You think so? I'm not Sadghuru!

Describe a thought.

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@Bobby_2021 Wait till you reach the Alien Mind stage.

Now that's magical.


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Yimpa said:

Explaining while also considering their point of view? … whew, that’s a work of art.

If you consider their point of view, you will never explain. 

2 hours ago, Davino said:

what was the tipping point for you that made you stable in the construct awareness stage?

How did you really get the juice out of this stage?

There was no tipping point as such. Keep contemplating and devote more time to making sense of things. Ask what this (just anything, really) is and ponder on it. Ask what exactly is happening? What is happening behind the scenes? You will arrive at answers and keep contemplating on them. 

This will increase your awareness and then your awareness will surpass a threshold which will unlock construct awareness. Having a strong aversion to bullshit will fasten your progress. You will need construct awareness if you need some magic in your life and more things feel at control.  You would also feel deeply sorry for people who cannot get to this stage. Just like you feel sad for a dog trapped in a cage and you cannot do anything about it.

Life is just the self, playing with constructs. Nothing more. Just like kid in the beach playing by constructing sandcastles. All the drama in our life is surrounding the sandcastles we build. Hysterical when you think about it.

I doubted even if I want to stay at this stage even though I can sustain it consistently if I put in the work. It does not feel any human. You are a metaphysical being playing with your toys here. At the point of this writing, I am not construct aware. But I decided that I want to increase my baseline. Going back to the strategist stage is only going to magnify my suffering. Not worth it.

This is certainly more juice than I can handle. One of the "juices" that I can immediately think of is your superior confidence with women or interacting with people in general. Whenever I am nervous, I am only nervous at the mental construct I have made out of women and not the women itself. The actual woman itself is of no relevance anyway. The only interaction you are ever having is with the mental constructs that you have built up. This means that when you are fucking her and the mental construct of her is not online, you will not be able to cum. 

You are only cumming at the mental construct of a woman. All sex is technically mental masturbation. Everything is mental masturbation. So, it seems like there is plenty of juice at this stage. :D

I have also come to the realization that the entirety of my work is basically getting high off mental constructs. We are all building mental constructs and playing with it. And money is also mental  construct, without reducing it in any way.

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1 hour ago, UnbornTao said:

We should be careful not to conflate our understanding of a model with understanding what the model aims to represent. This is a subtle point that bears repeating.

But good work overall.

Nah never. First, I had construct awareness, then I remembered of that model once I heard and pulled it up to confirm my construct awareness. Then it all made even more sense.


48 minutes ago, Osaid said:

Interesting! Happy for you. Was there any specific event or something that caused this or made you realize it?

Nope. Just contemplation, awareness and trying to make sense of things.

Edited by Bobby_2021

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4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Bobby_2021 Wait till you reach the Alien Mind stage.

Now that's magical.


Wonder how that would be. 

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6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Bobby_2021 Wait till you reach the Alien Mind stage.

Now that's magical.


are you going to release an episode on youtube regarding alien consciousness before your course?

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37 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Bobby_2021 Wait till you reach the Alien Mind stage.

Now that's magical.


Oh yeah, would like to hear more about it. :D

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Was just reading in Religion of Tomorrow about how just reading about the stages can help you advance in them very quickly, just knowing what they are.

I find it really difficult to pinpoint where I'm at. I don't want to overshoot but I also don't want to play it short. Probably Green/Yellow 

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

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3 hours ago, BlessedLion said:

Was just reading in Religion of Tomorrow about how just reading about the stages can help you advance in them very quickly, just knowing what they are.

I find it really difficult to pinpoint where I'm at. I don't want to overshoot but I also don't want to play it short. Probably Green/Yellow 

Yup. Can confirm. Reading the paper over and over again and contemplating on it helps a ton. It saves you going off into tangents which leads to nothing but a bunch of bullshit. 


3 hours ago, Ramanujan said:

@Bobby_2021 how did u get in this stage . how much time were u in the strategist stage ?


Trying to make sense of things.

Questioning. What is it that I am doing? What is this?

Contemplation. Plenty of it. 

Awareness. You have to listen to the sensations inside your body, especially in your head. You can feel the ego struggling to make sense of things. 


I don't know. I am constantly worried about world problems like economy, climate change, geopolitics etc and trying to understand how organizations and complex systems work. None of it was making any sense while leading to plenty of suffering. Feels good to break out of it altogether. 

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20 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

If you consider their point of view, you will never explain. 

I’m literally at a loss for words… I understand what you mean, but trying to explain it logically right now is just… ahhhh! 

This is some telepathic communication wizardry haha


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10 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

Trying to make sense of things.

Questioning. What is it that I am doing? What is this?

Contemplation. Plenty of it. 

Awareness. You have to listen to the sensations inside your body, especially in your head. You can feel the ego struggling to make sense of things. 

For sure. The real test is contemplating while you’re at the very edge of your comfort zone. However, if you allow fear to win, then the greatest lessons cannot even present themselves to you.

The fear feels like dying; you’re scrambling for life to make sense of reality again. The thoughts and sensations can dominate you if you let it. But surrender to the experience, and you breakthrough / are reborn with an expanded perspective and reframing of reality. There won’t be any doubts if you did this correctly or incorrectly… it’ll just be WOW.

Doing this one time ain’t enough, though (as many assume). You’ll be presented with this opportunity over, and over, and over again, if you’re willing to accept the call. The good news is it gets easier, in the sense that you’ll have greater courage and trust in yourself.


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Hey just seeking a little advice on something, How can I reconscruct an existing unconsciously constructed concept or idea? So in other words im aware of a construct that i somehow created. Like i can tell it's something that is just in my head. How can I change or stop believing it to be an aspect of my reality? 

The idea is basically "thinking others can sometimes perceive a thought im having or feel an emotion im experiencing" 

I know sounds crazy or schizo like but I'm not for real. Its just that sometimes i feel slightly paranoid about certain contents of my thoughts here and there around people and I'm not a fan of people being able to tell how im feeling. I can tell ive unconsciously constructed that idea. How do I undo it? Lol.

Focus on the solution, not the problem

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19 minutes ago, Kamo said:

How can I change or stop believing it to be an aspect of my reality? 

Start by not needing to change or stop it. Your giving it more life by giving it any credibility to begin with.

This opens the possibility of your mind expanding and seeing new perspectives that would have otherwise not have been available prior.

Edited by Yimpa


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@Yimpa Yeah i have tried that. I used the "letting go method" before, worked for some time. Ill go back to letting it go then. Its tricky because its so random and is difficult not to let it bug me lol. Probably add more acceptance of it to not want to change it then. Thanks for replying. 

Focus on the solution, not the problem

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@Kamo Haha, thank you for also replying.

Sometime’s it’s not necessary to let it go; just let it be ^_^


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@Yimpa Well thats the thing. When something is causing you discomfort its challenging to just let it be. Ya know? lol. You wanna like correct the discomfort. 

It causes this subtle tension in my face and jaw sometimes. ? 

Focus on the solution, not the problem

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