
Enlightenment Is Relaxing

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You're already perfect in every way.
It may have taken you many lifetimes or just one, who knows, to start seeing the truth behind the illusion of the mind. 
And it was no coincidence, all your doing up until now brought you here, to this open-mindedness you have. 
And that's fine, it's not about getting there, it's about the journey. 
The world is perfect as it is, the universe is infallible, it's infinitely intelligent. 
Society is perfect as it is. There's nothing wrong with it and there never was.
There's nothing wrong with people who aren't self-actualizing. 
To be enlightened is to start seeing beyond pain and suffering. Beyond life and death, beyond duality. 
See beyond ''I'm at this stage and she's at this stage, he's there and I'm here, I'm above he's below..'' 
Everything is inherently neutral.Meaning everything is fine.Everything is perfect. 
The resistance you feel towards the state of society, towards your own state is guidance.
The bad feelings are merely guidance to where you need to go. That doesn't mean there's something inherently bad going on. 
Bad feelings guide you to good feelings which guide you to new places in your journey as an immortal being. 
To be enlightened is to see as the universe sees, death and suffering, the things we resist the most, have their place in the universe otherwise they wouldn't exist. 
You may not be able to understand why these things have their place in life, because you're not at that spiritual level yet.
But you can imagine there could be a reason, you can be open-minded to the idea that there is a good reason.

This is trust, it's putting your trust in the universe. Trust that these things have their place in life, that everything has its place in life, from the most innocent child to the most violent murderer. You don't understand what the violent murderer is doing here, but you can trust. 
What's the meaning of a violent murderer in a cosmic play where everyone is immortal? maybe we don't know it yet
But trust.
Trust is the bridge between higher self and lower self. 
It's being open to higher possibilities. infinite possibilities. 
You've learned so much on your journey so far. 
Until you've actually reached the spiritual state where you can merge with all that is, with the universe itself,which will be in a journey as long as eternity, you're gonna have to be able to deal with the fact that some things you won't be able to know their meaning but that doesn't mean you should judge them, you should trust in infinite intelligence. 
To judge something is to judge yourself;. The judge is the one being judged. To judge is to separate yourself and bring duality into your consciousness. 

To get back to the main point, you need to have trust in every ''issue'' you seem to have in your life. 
This trust will allow you to relax.
You may have heard that spirituality is not about seeking or chasing, or achieving a new state. 
You're already completely perfect, you're already divine.
So what's it about? It's about releasing constriction, the constriction of illusion.
The constriction in itself isn't wrong, the illusion of the ego isn't bad, but you may feel it's time to move to another part of your journey. 
I repeat there's nothing 'wrong' with not being enlightened, only someone's who's not enlightened would look down on people who are not. 

To enlighten is to release the chains, to let your deeper self flow through.
It's there, just waiting to burst out, but it's constricted by fear. 
That's why I call enlightenment an exercise of relaxing.
Relaxing all of your fears, so that you may flow naturally. 
It can only be done this way.
If you're already perfect as you are, there's no stage, no state to reach. It's important to realize how you're changing.
You're not adding to yourself,you're just trying to relax. 
Enlightenment IS this realization. There's nothing you need to do or change. 

As a result of this realization you will change, but you won't change because you're trying to reach a new state. 
You'll change because you'll naturally relax into yourself, you'll finally let go of all the stress of trying to be something you're not and reach bliss, reconnect with your fully natural self. 

So to recap it enlightenment is not about changing through actually changing yourself, it's about relaxing yourself.  a deep relaxation into deeper levels of yourself, you can relax yourself into a state of absolute magic and bliss...but for that you have to actually fully believe that you are fine and perfect just the way you are right now. this very second as you're reading this, you're already completely perfect and complete. 
And this is where the fight against the ego will come in, with millions of reasons as to why you're not fine. 

that's why fear is the ultimate enemy, your chains are made of fear. 
any thought, any idea, any concept that is making you feel like you're lacking something in your life is wrong,it's an illusion, a chain.
anything that is making you feel afraid is absolutely detrimental to your spiritual evolution, do not believe in fear. 
feel it, let it go, but don't believe in it. don't believe in ideas that make you afraid.
and if you fear something you don't understand, trust in the universe. 
you are completely connected to an universe of infinite intelligence....simply trust, there's no need for you to understand! you're effortlessly linked to infinite intelligence, trust, let go , relax, don't need to understand everything right now, just enjoy.
stop fearing, relax, enjoy. 


Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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I really really like this.  I printed it out so I can read it whenever I need the reminder!  What an easy way of putting things!  So perfect and true! :)

Examine what you believe to be impossible, and then change your beliefs.

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