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Why do you think my diaries are discarded?

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And my artworks? I put it in a luggage and it has been there for years and when I'm back after being forcefully put in a mental hospital, all of it was gone. And in the luggage, it was messy mixed with other things. Who do you think did that? 

I was, after the pandemic I distanced my sister and would refused a handshake from my father and everyone else. Basically, we had a home quarantine where everybody had their own separate room.

But then one day, my mom wasn't home (in another state) my sister was in her in laws. It was just me and my father. There was a guest coming and I was annoyed by it. I dislike the guest. He's coming from another state and somehow I could hear their every conversation through another room (my room) from the living room. I was not accepting of the guest. Especially when he said he was from another area. Out of annoyance, I want them to go back. So I was burning a cloth (a towel) and bring it in the kitchen. But my ceiling are really high and I've played with fire before burning things. I did that with the intention that they would go home. But fast forward I remembered them holding my hands. I spit a lot to their faces in disgust. The guest guy and my father. 

And at one point , the guys mother too are holding me. They are evil.  

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