Princess Arabia

Why Do People Curse God.

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Why do you think we do this. Is it out of frustration, ignorance to what God is or a cry for help. I used to do this. I didn't curse God, but I used to say there is no God or there can't be a God with all that is going on in the world. This was a long time ago; and it was when I used to think God was some separate entity looking down upon us and allowing all this shit just to judge and burn us in hell. 

I have realized so much since then, and now I know that's not the case. I see, though, that a lot of people still don't understand what God is, nor do they recognize themselves as Source and so they blame God for their suffering and call God all sorts of names. This is probably more common than we think, but some don't have the courage to come out and say what they really feel.

I've noticed since the absence of Hokykael, that this has become more verbalized; and I'm seeing it more and more as if Holykael was like the spokesperson and now he's gone, the energy needs to stay alive so more and more of us are taking his place. Maybe more subtly, but, non-the-less, it's still there and expanding. 

Why do you think people see God as this evil monster, literally, and blame God for their suffering and worldly problems in life instead of aggressively trying to understand what God is and it's essence and why things are happening the way they are happening. Would love to hear your thoughts on this. I myself am still trying to come to grips with this and why is there so much perceived suffering in the world; but as time goes on, I'm getting a better understanding of this because deep down there is a thirst for understanding this part of Reality that I have not totally personally integrated with yet as it is easy for me as an Empath to feel other's pain and suffering and sometimes take it on as my own which then manifests sometimes into conflict, misunderstandings and emotional triggers.




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Is simple, God is an unconscious motherfucker, look at the compulsive unconscious thing it has created with humans. I curse him to see if it wakes the fuck up.

The curse of God is being unconscious.

Look at the ukraine-russia war. That's God being unconscious.

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1 minute ago, Javfly33 said:

Is simple, God is an unconscious motherfucker, look at the compulsive unconscious thing it has created with humans. I curse him to see if it wakes the fuck up.

The curse of God is being unconscious.

Look at the ukraine-russia war. That's God being unconscious.

Ok so you're not blaming the God, as in the God Head. You're seeing the filtered God, the illusory God, the distorted energy God, the God that isn't who we truly are. The veiled God. Not in it's pure form. But isn't that a perception and if the perception was changed you wouldn't see those things. Make me understand. 

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3 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Ok so you're not blaming the God, as in the God Head. You're seeing the filtered God, the illusory God, the distorted energy God, the God that isn't who we truly are. The veiled God. Not in it's pure form. But isn't that a perception and if the perception was changed you wouldn't see those things. Make me understand. 

God can get into different states of consciousness. When you sit to meditate or do yoga and close your eyes and you get into that pure silent orgasmic light that's God being conscious.

But those are little times. Most time God is running around shitless scared and doing unconscious shit. So basically God is asleep in its own dream. 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Why do you think people see God as this evil monster, literally, and blame God for their suffering and worldly problems in life instead of aggressively trying to understand what God is and it's essence and why things are happening the way they are happening. Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

I have a love-hate relationship with God. In fact, I curse God regularly. xD

Why? Because I know nothing is random. Every human, animal, event, situation, plan, system, spiritual teacher, molecule, cell, etc. is manifested or materialized according to God's will. Every form of suffering or ugliness such as child abuse, rape, cancer, depression, self-murder (suicide), murder, ALS, HIV, Hashimoto disease, anxiety, down syndrome, corruption, exploitation, war, bipolar disorder, the natural cycle of animals eating other animals for survival, etc. exists because God wills it. Only a bastard can design such shit.

I understand my perspective and perception are limited; hence, I don't see the grandest scheme of things. But my human perspective and perception are all I have. I must honor them. I even intuit that such horrors I mentioned are needed for the highest good and beauty. God is unlimited, hence it's perfect. If there's a perspective which is faulty, it's mine, not God's. I understand these things.

But in the end, I must honor my limited perspective and perception. As I have said, it's all I have. I feel doing so is actually more genuine than pretending I have access to God's unlimited perspective and see perfection in all the horrors of this dream existence.

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Holykael is the most honest ego and simultaneously the most dishonest ego. Every ego wants to be God. Currently the number one thing egos chase is money due to survival purposes and after that relationships and sex. 

If you notice those three are usually the most complained about with physical health taking up the 4th place spot.

The reason there are so many complaints is because they do not know love. All of this conflict is inner turmoil that has not been resolved.

All egos on this planet will be faced with suffering of some kind and unless you work to overcome your judgments you will suffer your entire life. 

Anyone who has done extensive study on the rich and the affluent will discover they are not immune to this suffering. Before I entered spirituality I noticed this.

So the biggest lie that everyone believes is that your happiness or lack thereof is based on how well your survival is going. This is the first lie that literally runs majority of people's lives so they chase physical comfort. 

It's sad that this lie has been able to be pushed so effectively. But think about this....America's wealth collectively has increased. But according to opinion polls and mental hospital reports the population suffers from more depression, and suicide attempts than earlier in their history when poverty was more widespread.

In fact it seems the middle class enjoys more healthy levels of satisfaction than the poor or the very rich. The poor mainly suffer due to poor physical health and the rich suffer with the fear of losing what they have built, and boredom with the riches. At a certain point some start to feel empty inside due to not being able to quench their excessive greed.

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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because reality is ruthless. We are soldiers of evolution, engaged in an intentionally difficult game. in which you have irresistible impulses that are going to be thwarted, such as the impulse to survive. powerful attachments that will be broken, such as the attachment to your body or your mother. everything will be tested, beaten in the forge, balanced, in order to take the next step and continue creating.

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4 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

I've noticed since the absence of Hokykael, that this has become more verbalized; and I'm seeing it more and more as if Holykael was like the spokesperson and now he's gone, the energy needs to stay alive so more and more of us are taking his place. Maybe more subtly, but, non-the-less, it's still there and expanding.

Nice observation and yeah I think that's how the collective psyche works. There are certain themes and someone embodies it, if that person leaves or dies it is in the pool again and wants to be embodied by somebody else.

Until someone that embodies those energies solves it and sets the bound energy free. Those emotional knots are bound energy, like matter is bound energy, too.

Edited by vibv

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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4 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Is simple, God is an unconscious motherfucker, look at the compulsive unconscious thing it has created with humans. I curse him to see if it wakes the fuck up.

The curse of God is being unconscious.

Look at the ukraine-russia war. That's God being unconscious.

That's your assumption, because you think that that is evil and shouldn't exist. I challenge you to open yourself to the possibility that God's design is so intelligent that you need more understanding to see that it is in fact not evil, but part of perfection.

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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19 minutes ago, vibv said:

Nice observation and yeah I think that's how the collective psyche works. There are certain themes and someone embodies it, if that person leaves or dies it is in the pool again and wants to be embodied by somebody else.

This is pretty much why I made this post. I'm very observant and will notice the small details. Holykael was speaking on behalf of some and since he's gone, others have been taking the wheel. His energy was so strong, that it didn't need much "back-up" (so-to speak). The collective psyche is very much influential: and if one isn't careful of what one consumes, it can have an impact one way or another on what they adapt as a belief. That's usually if you're operating on a low-consciousness level anyway, even though not necessarily the case.

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2 hours ago, jimwell said:

But in the end, I must honor my limited perspective and perception. As I have said, it's all I have. I feel doing so is actually more genuine than pretending I have access to God's unlimited perspective and see perfection in all the horrors of this dream existenc

Why do you feel you have to honor what you know to be limited. Why not try to transcend them. Afterall, these limited beliefs and perspectives aren't who you truly are so you are just honoring falsehood. Saying it's all you have, is you consciously putting limits upon yourself and celebrating your limitations while saying you are stuck because it cannot be any other way. 

You don't have anything, you are becoming, and then are putting limitations on what you can become by saying all you have are your perspectives and not only that, but are honoring them. It will be hard to change your views on things if you've honored your previous views since we become identified with them, and now we become stagnant and stuck until we are forced to change them.

How I see it is for me to acknowledge that my perspectives are limited, understand that I'm seeing Reality from them and that they are responsible for my experiences, not to identify with them, try to raise my consciousness so that my perspectives can broaden so I can see Reality closer to how it really is.

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7 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Why do you think we do this. Is it out of frustration, ignorance to what God is or a cry for help. I used to do this. I didn't curse God, but I used to say there is no God or there can't be a God with all that is going on in the world. This was a long time ago; and it was when I used to think God was some separate entity looking down upon us and allowing all this shit just to judge and burn us in hell. 

I have realized so much since then, and now I know that's not the case. I see, though, that a lot of people still don't understand what God is, nor do they recognize themselves as Source and so they blame God for their suffering and call God all sorts of names. This is probably more common than we think, but some don't have the courage to come out and say what they really feel.

I've noticed since the absence of Hokykael, that this has become more verbalized; and I'm seeing it more and more as if Holykael was like the spokesperson and now he's gone, the energy needs to stay alive so more and more of us are taking his place. Maybe more subtly, but, non-the-less, it's still there and expanding. 

Why do you think people see God as this evil monster, literally, and blame God for their suffering and worldly problems in life instead of aggressively trying to understand what God is and it's essence and why things are happening the way they are happening. Would love to hear your thoughts on this. I myself am still trying to come to grips with this and why is there so much perceived suffering in the world; but as time goes on, I'm getting a better understanding of this because deep down there is a thirst for understanding this part of Reality that I have not totally personally integrated with yet as it is easy for me as an Empath to feel other's pain and suffering and sometimes take it on as my own which then manifests sometimes into conflict, misunderstandings and emotional triggers.




The less able you are to be “causative effect” the more the “effect” causes you to be less able. When you are unable to do something, face something …  The more your resist having something happen to you… You blame it on everything and everyone and especially God.

It is simply a reaction… a manifestation of losing at the game of life.

It is an admission you are failing.

It is a dramatization of losing… a show. Like dropping a bag of potatoes on your toe and cursing and swearing because of the pain.

That is all.

There is an imbalance of happening to something and it happening to you.

Another way of looking at it is you resist controlling something or being controlled by something and resist your natural ability of creating the creation.

YOU(Source) cannot resist.

Instead, you put something to resist or something that resists in order to have an effect… to have a game.

Here is another way of looking at it. You get a family with a lot of money or “are privileged” like the Kardashians and watch them on tv, dream up all kinds of conflicts and drama and problems.

To resist you have to resist seeing all of the pieces of a situation. You have to blame somebody or something. You must have all sorts of miscommunications. You must have a fixed viewpoint of right and wrong. You have to assume a judgmental viewpoint and insist you are being “right”. You must decide somebody hurt you. You must hold on to the past. You must decide to have blinders on. These blinders can be called resistance.

What you resist, persists and the less of “YOU” exists.

Resistance isn’t necessarily bad. It is how we entertain ourselves. It is only bad when we decide we are not willing to have it... don’t want it. Can’t have it. When it severely limits our freedom of choice and we consider that it will affect our survival or happiness.  Then… GOD DAMMNIT!!!!

That is the only thing that you really objected to you know… your lack of choice.

A person has to really get this down on a personal level, before they can understand it on a country or planetary level. Otherwise, they won’t understand the suffering of humanity and all lifeforms. And they won’t understand it. And they will assign blame to God, or anything or everything else they can blame. And they will dramatize. OH, what a performance they make! What a delightful show they perform! What a soap opera they dream up!!!

I just sit back, enjoy the movie and marvel at all of the silliness they dream up and amuse myself with the entertainment. For God has infinite potential for creativity and imagination. That is not to say I am not playing my own role and goals for contributing for humanity… It is I can also assume a viewpoint of being a spectator as well.

“Your most basic freedom is the freedom to assume a viewpoint.”

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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21 minutes ago, Ajax said:

The less able you are to be “causative effect” the more the “effect” causes you to be less able. When you are unable to do something, face something …  The more your resist having something happen to you… You blame it on everything and everyone and especially God.

It is simply a reaction… a manifestation of losing at the game of life.

It is an admission you are failing.

It is a dramatization of losing… a show. Like dropping a bag of potatoes on your toe and cursing and swearing because of the pain.

That is all.

There is an imbalance of happening to something and it happening to you.

Another way of looking at it is you resist controlling something or being controlled by something and resist your natural ability of creating the creation.

YOU(Source) cannot resist.

Instead, you put something to resist or something that resists in order to have an effect… to have a game.

Here is another way of looking at it. You get a family with a lot of money or “are privileged” like the Kardashians and watch them on tv, dream up all kinds of conflicts and drama and problems.

To resist you have to resist seeing all of the pieces of a situation. You have to blame somebody or something. You must have all sorts of miscommunications. You must have a fixed viewpoint of right and wrong. You have to assume a judgmental viewpoint and insist you are being “right”. You must decide somebody hurt you. You must hold on to the past. You must decide to have blinders on. These blinders can be called resistance.

What you resist, persists and the less of “YOU” exists.

Resistance isn’t necessarily bad. It is how we entertain ourselves. It is only bad when we decide we are not willing to have it... don’t want it. Can’t have it. When it severely limits our freedom of choice and we consider that it will affect our survival or happiness.  Then… GOD DAMMNIT!!!!

That is the only thing that you really objected to you know… your lack of choice.

A person has to really get this down on a personal level, before they can understand it on a country or planetary level. Otherwise, they won’t understand the suffering of humanity and all lifeforms. And they won’t understand it. And they will assign blame to God, or anything or everything else they can blame. And they will dramatize. OH, what a performance they make! What a delightful show they perform! What a soap opera they dream up!!!

I just sit back, enjoy the movie and marvel at all of the silliness they dream up and amuse myself with the entertainment. For God has infinite potential for creativity and imagination. That is not to say I am not playing my own role and goals for contributing for humanity… It is I can also assume a viewpoint of being a spectator as well.

“Your most basic freedom is the freedom to assume a viewpoint.”

Wow. Amazing perspective and powerful insight. Makes sense, and I also suspected it had to do with control at some level. Thank you for this explanation and it sheds more light as to the nature of why this is. 

Know thyself....

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18 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Why do you think we do this.

'Cause it's fun! At least from God's perspective. ;)

God is having an absolute BALL pretending to be a human who is wringing his/her hands while cursing God. Oh, the drama! Oh, the heartache! Oh, the pathos! Isn't it exiting? It's the best show in town, and you're sitting in the front row!

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People around me don’t really curse god

at least i don’t hear it

most of em don’t believe

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2 hours ago, PurpleTree said:

People around me don’t really curse god

at least i don’t hear it

most of em don’t believe

On this Forum they do.

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3 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

'Cause it's fun! At least from God's perspective. ;)

God is having an absolute BALL pretending to be a human who is wringing his/her hands while cursing God. Oh, the drama! Oh, the heartache! Oh, the pathos! Isn't it exiting? It's the best show in town, and you're sitting in the front row!

What about when they curse the Devil? I know the Devil isn't real, but I'm just saying ...

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You answered your own question in your post. Because they see God as something other than them doing things to them. When you realize you are god you cannot curse it anymore. When God is a man in the sky it isn't close to you and it feels like some diety fucking with you. But when we move God to our hearts it no longer is that, it is a diety suffering with me because it loves me

Edited by Hojo

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