
Women have an unconscious love for men.

16 posts in this topic

Isn't it obvious? Just look at all they do for us and look how shitty some dudes are to women. 

Of course theres some terrible people in both genders but most women have an uncontrollable urge driven by evolution to hook up despite the risk of pregnancy and abuse, and rape. 

The more you respect a person the more you will be respected. This goes with relationships becuase women are people too. 

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2 hours ago, itsadistraction said:

.Of course theres some terrible people in both genders but most women have an uncontrollable urge driven by evolution to hook up despite the risk of pregnancy and abuse, and rape.


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2 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:



this is comedy, not real life. Homicide isn’t the top cause of death for women.

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7 hours ago, Raze said:

this is comedy, not real life.

No shit, Sherlock. xD

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You’ve got it sooo backwards, my friend. 

Women only love us based on what we can provide and our performance as a man. They care about our status, our intelligence, (intelligent, high status men meant better survival in the past) they care about how many other women want us. To back this up, try wearing a wedding ring a few nights out and compare how into you the ladies are vs when you aren’t wearing one. You’ll be shocked. Good luck finding a girl that doesn’t think you’re a total freak for not having much or any social media presence. Now does that sound like a deep, soulful form of love or does it sound shallow and materialistic as hell? 

If women are by and large these wonderful creatures, why is it so many of them divorce rape us and demand tons and tons of alimony/child support and deprive us of spending time with our kids then not give a single fuck about our suffering when we end up in absolute financial ruin and suicidal depression or in jail for failing to make the ridiculous payments?

Heres an article to show you what really matters to most women. Imagine a financially stable business woman gets approached by a Starbucks barista guy. Then imagine a wealthy businessman meets a Starbucks barista girl. Which scenario do you think is more likely to lead to a relationship?

Men are the true love junkies. We love our women so fiercely we would do anything to protect them. We love and honor their minds, spirits and every last molecule of their bodies from scalp to sole. The intoxicating effect of their affection would be a schedule 1 controlled substance if it were to be put in pill form. From personal experience, I can honestly say the very few instances where women have given me positive attention and affection were so mind numbingly blissful the only thing that exceeds it is a powerful psychedelic experience of universal oneness. 

Women simply do not love us back with that level of intensity. They aren’t built that way. The first half of my post proves it.


Edited by Emotionalmosquito

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15 hours ago, itsadistraction said:

Just look at all they do for us

We literally built everything from the ground up and all the modern luxuries of today for them, and now they’re trying to say they don’t need men. Watch the Barbie movie.


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Is this a parallel topic to my original topic of women might have unconscious hate to men? xD

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Correction of the title ?

"Women have an unconscious love for playing with men."

And from the absolute prespective:

"You have an unconscious love for playing with yourself."

Edited by FourCrossedWands

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15 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

Women only love us based on what we can provide and our performance as a man. They care about our status, our intelligence, (intelligent, high status men meant better survival in the past) they care about how many other women want us. To back this up, try wearing a wedding ring a few nights out and compare how into you the ladies are vs when you aren’t wearing one. You’ll be shocked. Good luck finding a girl that doesn’t think you’re a total freak for not having much or any social media presence. Now does that sound like a deep, soulful form of love or does it sound shallow and materialistic as hell? 



wait, so you mean they don't want to date an unmotivated, unorginal, sheep loser? Wow, what a bunch of bitches... It's almost like they pushing us to be better versions of ourselves....assholes! Would you date a woman and love her uncondtionally if she was 300 pounds, didn't clean or cook, and was not feminine?

I agree with you on your statement about a womans affection being a schedule 1 drugs, but they DEF love relationships and romance more "purely" than we do. They think and care about this stuff way more than we do, and all they really want is respect and love, some guy to be their rock. Women are amazing creatures and a gift to us.


Where is all this toxic mindset coming from?

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Love is the urge to be together for no reason at all. There isn't a reason.  There is no shortage of love, just a willingness to demonstrate it. 

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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@BlessedLion This week a woman conffessed to me: "men do love romantically/can love the woman just as she is. Women can love, but as long as he is providing/he is bringing high value to her".

And this makes perfect sense. I´ve had relationships with 2-3 women that psychologically we matched perfectly, I started to love them as they were, they couldn't though, because I was not bringing enough value for their standards.

For women you are just a transaction, women literally can not love men, with their imperfections and see the beauty on it. They don't have that skill. Is just survival for them..

Also when you realize this something deep dies inside you and you accept and realise you will never ever get love from a woman. It was a nonsensical effort from the beggininig. 

@Emotionalmosquito Well said!

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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19 hours ago, Tenebroso said:

Women don't love men. At best they love men's desire for them.

This /thread , woman start loving when man shows desire in almost all the cases

Edited by Jowblob


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20 hours ago, Tenebroso said:

Women don't love men. At best they love men's desire for them.

?Is this really true? 

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