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This is how to do a cold approach -video

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I don't know if it's staged or not ...but I found it interesting. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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This is cringey, my opinion is to keep them guessing your intentions till the first date. You want to ask a girl out the same way you would someone you don't want to fuck. For example asking your crush to "study" for the exam is better. During the study session you can say stuff like "I like you". 

Good luck out there. And remember to follow your heart not your dick. 

P.s. I think Steve Shapiros style is less intimidating and desperate. But that's just my opinion. Million ways to feed a cat. 

Edited by itsadistraction

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1 hour ago, itsadistraction said:

This is cringey, my opinion is to keep them guessing your intentions till the first date. You want to ask a girl out the same way you would someone you don't want to fuck. For example asking your crush to "study" for the exam is better. During the study session you can say stuff like "I like you". 

Good luck out there. And remember to follow your heart not your dick. 

P.s. I think Steve Shapiros style is less intimidating and desperate. But that's just my opinion. Million ways to feed a cat. 

How exactly do you do that to a girl who is a complete stranger you just randomly approached? She will just be confused or think you’re hiding your intentions out of shame or ulterior motives 

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@Someone here My impression was: He's talking to her now. But he is not actually interested in her. He is instead asking to meet some other time.

They are both there, now. She didn't say that she is in a hurry to leave. Her friend wasn't there, yet. Carpe Diem, man!

The thing is, he was interested in the number, that's it. It's like a boy who is interested in girls. But when he is actually talking to a girl, he doesn't really know why he should be interested, other than of course sexual activities.

To him, she's a trophy or a sex doll, not a person. 


Edited by mostly harmless

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3 hours ago, Raze said:

How exactly do you do that to a girl who is a complete stranger you just randomly approached? She will just be confused or think you’re hiding your intentions out of shame or ulterior motives 

My opinion and experience is to do it the same way you would ask a potential guy friend to hang out. Then escalate on the first date if you have chemistry and you guys are having fun.

Check out Steve Shapiros videos for ideas on how to be casual and vague. Whatever gets you laid is the best way however. 

Good luck, remember to use protection, and don't sleep with girls you you can't see yourself marrying. 

Edited by itsadistraction

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@itsadistraction You are manipulative dishonest who knows you are not something of value so you need to trick her.

Its like you ordering something online and you get a rock thats same what you are doing..

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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You should immediately notice the problem here: it's way too direct, which makes it feel awkward and cringey.

You gotta be more subtle and social about it.

If you just directly bulldoze a girl like that she will play along with you, but you will end up with a useless number.

Edited by Leo Gura

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2 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@itsadistraction You are manipulative dishonest who knows you are not something of value so you need to trick her.

Its like you ordering something online and you get a rock thats same what you are doing..

@NoSelfSelf not sure why put downs are necessary.  But Whatever works for you man. Rewatch Leo's pick up videos. You want to be subtle with girls and build sexual tension non verbally.

Basically everything humans do together is somehow about sex, so women already subconsciously can guess what your intentions are. You really think women are that clueless about what "coffee" or go upstairs "to meet her cat" means? 

good luck.

Edited by itsadistraction

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@Someone here It is so clear that he is being forceful and inauthentic. This is what the newbie stage looks like, eventually you gotta develop that cool. But props to him for learning and It's very hard to open a sitting girl.

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22 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You gotta be more subtle and social about it.

So in other words pretend like you’re not attracted to her at first? What about the fact that they already know exactly why you’re there the moment you start talking? Seems like being vague about it would just make you come off as dishonest.

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@Emotionalmosquito Obviously, if you approach her you're attracted, (don't approach girls you're not attracted to) but approaching doesn't mean you're sold on her because hopefully, you have high standards. You want to feel the girl out first and get to know her a little, maybe she turns out to be very lame.

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45 minutes ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

So in other words pretend like you’re not attracted to her at first? What about the fact that they already know exactly why you’re there the moment you start talking? Seems like being vague about it would just make you come off as dishonest.

God is being subtle with you because if it were to lavish you with all its love right away, you would probably go in shock and end up in the psyche ward. It's not about pretending or coming across as dishonest, but more about leading up to the climax. Even the act of sex itself has a progression. We know what you're interested in but even manufacturers try to entice you into consuming their products with fancy labelling. It's not so much the destination but the process of getting there. That's when it becomes an experience worth having.

Know thyself....

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1 hour ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

So in other words pretend like you’re not attracted to her at first?

No, you don't need to pretend that. You can just adopt a more social, playful frame.

Observe how extroverts start and engage in conservation. They do it from a social frame, not a "will you date me frame?"

This is an area of weakness for me too, but at least I know the difference.

Edited by Leo Gura

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8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

No, you don't need to pretend that. You can just adopt a more social, playful frame.

I was at the park yesterday and saw a woman studying by herself at a table (out in the open, not in a corner). She looked pretty stressed out when I glanced at her a few times. I didn’t approach because I felt like I would be violating her study session… yet in hindsight, another part of me is calling bullshit on that.

How would you have approached this situation, if you even would have?

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36 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

I was at the park yesterday and saw a woman studying by herself at a table (out in the open, not in a corner). She looked pretty stressed out when I glanced at her a few times. I didn’t approach because I felt like I would be violating her study session… yet in hindsight, another part of me is calling bullshit on that.

How would you have approached this situation, if you even would have?

Sometimes a girl is truly not in the mood to talk to anyone, in which case you let her be.

But most times that's not the case and you can start a friendly conversation.

Observational openers are some of the best. In this case you could have opened with, "Hmmm.... it looks like you're studying quantum mechanics and could use a break."

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 9/27/2023 at 6:35 AM, Princess Arabia said:

He probably edited out the no's.

I like when they keep them in, keeps it realistic.

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The funny thing about pick up is it isn't really a skill. If you do it enough you just become natural and can gauge when a vibe is good. Also, whether you're into the girl or not. These days i talk to a lot of women but end up not being interested in going further with most of them, it's almost like not having sex at all is better than having sex that i'm not fully into 

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

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2 minutes ago, BlessedLion said:

I like when they keep them in, keeps it realistic.

That's why these types of videos, to me, are useless to base our own life experiences on. They are staged, whether intentionally or not just from it being recorded in the first place. People are different on camera than they are in real life. 

Going up to a girl and starting the conversation with "I like you" and stopping there for a response is putting her in an awkward position.

Know thyself....

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