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Question about the Hero's Journey

4 posts in this topic

After re-watching Leo's video I got this recommendation which I also found very interesting 

I was wondering if you could always tell which stage you're in? For example I'm not sure if I'm in the "finding a mentor" stage (#4) or the "transformation" stage (#8). It kinda depends on how you look at it in my situation. If you count online mentors or not also changes it a little, and if you're pursuing multiple things in your life. 

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I wouldn't take it too literally.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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You maybe have completed one heroes journey but then in another area of life you will start a new one or you are already in the middle of it. Or you have multiple heroes journey throughout different stages of your life.

The heroes journey is all about transformation and the way in which humans usually deal with it.

It's also very much tied into story telling and culture. And you will find it in movies like



-Lion King

-Star Wars

-Lord of the Rings


Watch this video, it will make it easier to asses in which chapter you are in right now.


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3 hours ago, universe said:

You maybe have completed one heroes journey but then in another area of life you will start a new one or you are already in the middle of it. Or you have multiple heroes journey throughout different stages of your life.

The heroes journey is all about transformation and the way in which humans usually deal with it.

It's also very much tied into story telling and culture. And you will find it in movies like



-Lion King

-Star Wars

-Lord of the Rings


Watch this video, it will make it easier to asses in which chapter you are in right now.


Oh wonderful, thank you so much. I'm currently facing old fears from a completely different angle and from much higher consiousness than before. What it comes down to is I'm seeing a huge vision for myself and not taking the fear too seriously, which allows me to accept the hero's call.

Transformation seems to happen in my most challenging periods, but this is different than before, this time it's consious. 

This morning I was worried about my situation and then I just started laughing and laughing because I recognized the feeling that something big was about to happen. I recognized it because it's happened before, but this time I'm so self aware, consious of my manifesting. 

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