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Real World Activities That Improve Concentration

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Feel free to contribute any ideas you have for activities that one might end up doing that would improve one's concentration.

My example is practicing guitar. When I practice guitar in a certain way with a metronome and set rhythms, I feel like my concentration is significantly better afterwards and gets better with time. During the practice session I am intently focused on being as in sync with the metronome as I possibly can be. Quality of timing over quantity.

It is possible to play guitar in a noodley sort of way. It may even be precise and technical, but it doesn't necessarily improve ones concentration. But I feel like this method does, and I notice it for a time after the session.


Edited by Colin

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Cooking. Creating soup and sandwiches. Concentration and focus into it.

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I think good old reading books is also a nice method to increase concentration. A nice "side effect" is the valuable information or entertainment. Also, but this is maybe controversial, I like playing competitive online games like Starcraft 2 or Heroes of the Storm. Usually it requires a great deal of concentration and focus to play against people who are not braindead.

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Tantric sex.

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And God in them

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I like to practice concentration or more precisely mindfulness with almost everything I can. While eating, reading, having shower, talking to someone or simply observing people. It can be fun and you'll become aware of things you earlier couldn't see. 

Mindfulness can help you with concentration. 

I posted a video earlier which talked about focus. Here, 


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