
'The biggest problem with society is men'.

84 posts in this topic

That is pathetic.

However, now do the same interview at an American church. It will be worse.

Edited by Leo Gura

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It almost makes me want to ask them, in a condescending way 'Who hurt you?!' 

In all seriousness, though, it's not these kids' fault. The education-system is doing this to us. It's creating a worse world for men, by indoctrinating students with man-hate. 

If anyone here is an investigative journalist, please, look into this. It would be very helpful. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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I can't find any competent leadership I want to fall behind in either party. The problem is they all push "narraitives" these days which creates polarization, echo chambers, etc.   It's a human nature thing though. I recognize these are growing pains of the species, so I try to be sympathetic. In the end civilizations rise, and they fall. It is what it is. :)

My ego still loves the "dirty laundry" ... it's something I'm still working on. Feed that "pain body" as Eckhart Tolle would call it. There's nothing I can do about the geopolitical policies I think are going to decay nations, but I still like to talk about them.

Edited by sholomar

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@sholomar You guys love to strawman left leadership. However, actual left leadership is rock solid:


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@sholomar You guys love to strawman left leadership. However, actual left leadership is rock solid:


The guy is from the stone age, such people will go extinct sooner or later.


51 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That is pathetic.

However, now do the same interview at an American church. It will be worse.

The difference is, the church is dying, while this is an indication of the future.

Glory to Israel

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9 minutes ago, Scholar said:

The guy is from the stone age, such people will go extinct sooner or later.

You have no sense of historical context. Gavin Newsom very progressive. And he does so in a grounded, reasonable, and practical manner.


The difference is, the church is dying, while this is an indication of the future.

The next stage up from church is Green college kids.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I saw this video and I thought 'Well, at least, progressives aren't total monsters'. 

This is an example of how it's possible for good things to happen when smart minds are put to good use. 

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25 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You have no sense of historical context. Gavin Newsom very progressive. And he does so in a grounded, reasonable, and practical manner.

You really need to learn to properly read what other people write. My whole point is that he is grounded, reasonable and practical, because he grew up in the stone age. He has that groundedness because he developed through stage blue, orange and so forth in a healthy manner.

We don't have this type of development any longer, at least in a large percentage of the population.


26 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The next stage up from church is Green college kids.

There is a stage you are skipping, but sure. We know however that healthy evolution can only occur by proper development through each stage and an integration of those stages. This is why this old guy seems far more reasonable and grounded, because he went through each of the developmental stages.

Glory to Israel

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I hope no one makes some actually serious conclusions about the world based on a video like that. It is almost equal in information about college students views on these things as air is.

Not even a whiff of a representative sample, yet many of us will form their worldviews based on some clips like that... 

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-James P. Carse

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1 minute ago, Danioover9000 said:

Spoken like a true progressive woke person. 

*A man stands up for himself* 'No'. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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9 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

Spoken like a true progressive woke person. 

*A man stands up for himself* 'No'. 

   How does saying no make me a true progressive woke person?

   I'm saying 'no' because a man stands up for himself is the sum of his environments and other developmental factors, it's not just hyper individualism. Also because this thread is low quality stuff of nightmares, from trolling, to derailing the thread, and instigating a heated discussion, plus insulting me right now by assuming stuff about me. A disappointing just no.

Edited by Danioover9000

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1 minute ago, Danioover9000 said:


   How does saying no make me a true progressive woke person?

   I'm saying 'no', because this thread is low quality stuff of nightmares, from trolling, to derailing the thread, and instigating a heated discussion, plus insulting me right now by assuming stuff about me. A disappointing just no.

The world does not revolve around you and your feelings. Real people have real problems out here. 

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4 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

The world does not revolve around ME and MY feelings. Real people have real problems out here, ESPECIALLY ME!


Edited by Danioover9000

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Edited by MarkKol
Came across too aggressive

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1 minute ago, mr_engineer said:

@Danioover9000 Nice deflection. Doesn't work on me, I see through that shit. 

   I agree, nice reflection Casper, ghosted so bad you have no self image and esteem to look at in the mirror!

Edited by Danioover9000

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1 minute ago, Danioover9000 said:


   I agree, nice reflection Casper troll, ghosted so bad you have no self image and esteem!

When you challenge an NPC's ideology, this is the error-message you get. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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1 minute ago, MarkKol said:

America, the land of F̶r̶e̶e̶d̶o̶m̶ gender discussion.

All of these issues, Racism, sexism and men are mostly Invented by Americans to suffer in their own cubicle country.

The only times Europe had problems with Immigrants is when they legitimately caused problems like rape and muslims who had skewed views on women. Far from inventing 1000 genders and identifying with a toaster.

Just my 2 cents.

   WTF happened to your profile pic before? Now it's all blurry.

   Also there's way more than gender issues in America, gotta start talking somewhere.

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