
'The biggest problem with society is men'.

84 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, mr_engineer said:

Together, we can do this, we can eradicate this disease from our society. 


Just stand up to someone when someone hates on men and ull be fine 

And also stand up for women's rights, lgtbq, minority rights just the same ?

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1 hour ago, Jacob Morres said:

And also stand up for women's rights, lgtbq, minority rights just the same ?

They will have to stop saying bullshit like 'the biggest problem in society is men' first. 

I'm going to actually be selective with the women, lgbtq, minority individuals whose rights I stand for, for this reason. They do not deserve my support if they say shit like this. 

The price-tag of my support is that I get treated with basic human decency. I hold the people I associate with and support to a higher standard than this. I'd suggest we all do this. If you're not doing this, you're a simp. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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@mr_engineer I am curious why are ypu so afraid of being viewed of as a simp? Why do you mention it in literally every post? Simp, simp, simp, simp. It's all you are talking about 

What if I am a simp, should I be scared?

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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10 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

@mr_engineer I am curious why are ypu so afraid of being viewed of as a simp? Why do you mention it in literally every post? Simp, simp, simp, simp. It's all you are talking about 

What if I am a simp, should I be scared?

A simp will be permissive of women's dysfunctional behavior, he will enable it. A simp will internalize man-hate just to suck up to women. 

The issue here isn't 'being viewed as a simp'. The issue is being a simp! 

I am not telling you to be scared of being a simp. You yourself will face consequences for it. Consequences like women using you in the friendzone, women shaming you to your face and you taking it, women bullying you and walking all over you. So, if you're fine with those consequences, you have no reason to be scared. 

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@mr_engineer I see. Never had anything like this happen to me. No worries then.

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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3 hours ago, mr_engineer said:

I recommend you stop being a simp. 

How are you going to inspire anyone here to follow you in this crusade against the "evil feminists" when you act like this towards people who are just trying to help you, with a trollface profile pic? Not a very smart way to go about it, is it?

Edited by Kid A

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7 minutes ago, Kid A said:

How are you going to inspire anyone here to follow you in this crusade against the "evil feminists" when you act like this towards people who are just trying to help you, with a trollface profile pic? Not a very smart way to go about it, is it?

You were not being helpful, you were undercutting the message I was sending. It is benevolent feminism, where you try to send the message that 'It's supposed to help men'. 

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8 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

You were not being helpful, you were undercutting the message I was sending. It is benevolent feminism, where you try to send the message that 'It's supposed to help men'. 

I'm sorry. That was not what I meant. What I meant is that your problem is not that feminists hate men (and therefore you). Your problem is that you hate feminists and it's causing you a lot of suffering. I was like this some years ago and it's the worst part of my life to think back on. It was truly hell. Luckily it didn't take too long for me to realize I was wrong and get over it.

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@Kid A The video I shared in the OP is proof that they do, in fact, hate men. And they have infiltrated all of the major institutions. 

The result of this is that everyone is confused about their role in society. Everyone is lost and clueless. And that is because the whole 'equality' message hasn't worked out. And now, we're seeing what's really behind the 'equality' message. It's not well-intentioned. 

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@Leo Gura

On 9/25/2023 at 10:03 PM, Leo Gura said:

@sholomar You guys love to strawman left leadership. However, actual left leadership is rock solid:


What is Rock solid about this?

1. The lawsuit against Big oil.

What exactly do you expect to see the changes that are happening? Big oil produces lots of oil for your car and the common man's car so that they can get to work. Yeah they lied about some numbers. So what? What is fundamentally of substance that changed? Nothing.

"Oh they stopped us from years of taking action"

What action were you going to take? Carbon taxes on the common man or increased fuel prices. Waging war against the big oil is stupid. We should find real source of real energy. Nuclear energy would be a good start.

Big oil is not producing oil to burn it for fun. They are selling it to the general public and they should produce more oil as soon as possible.

One thing that Auto makers should do is to bring down the size of cars and make it more efficient. They could also stop taking money from the auto makers as lobbying. 

All the workers rights protest is good. No doubt about it. 

2. "China is the problem."

Bullshit. Per capita emissions from China are tiny compared to what cars emit from the US. China has the biggest railway system in the world. US could take lessons from China. This is a bullshit attem to shift blame to other countries as if they are the problem. Also China is the manufacturing hub of the world. The products used in the entire world is manufactured in China, one of the biggest consumers being the US.

So get real. China is dumping huge emissions into the atmosphere to produce products to be consumed in the US. Your iPhone for example.

You cannot consume goods produced in China and blame China for emissions  producing goods. 

God the blind side of west is appalling. 

The average person in China barely puts out any emissions. This becomes even more bleak once you count in cumulative emissions over a long period of time. 


The problem is the CAR DEPENDENCY & CONSUMERISM of US citizens. 

Take lessons from China and build more railways lines and move away from Car dependence. 

3. China can and has taken better action than US to mitigate climate change.

Which is why they built 6 million new housing units to solve the housing problem by 2025.

Why can't you accept that solving the housing problem requires that you build more affordable housing.

Build more houses. How is this more complicated? And this blabber mouth Gavin didn't even mention anything about building new houses. Nice.

Why? Because it's the wealthy liberal owners, who exchange lip service on equality, don't want to see the real estate bubble crash. That's the only reason why people cannot build more houses and families living in like $150k income living pay check to paycheck. 

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10 hours ago, mr_engineer said:


The price-tag of my support is that I get treated with basic human decency


I agree with that 

Just be careful that you don't let some people cloud your vision to like real social issues 

It'd be like saying you continue to fight for segregation in the 60s because a sect of the movement wanted black people to have the power over white people 

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On 25/9/2023 at 6:33 PM, Leo Gura said:

@sholomar You guys love to strawman left leadership. However, actual left leadership is rock solid:


He speaks well and wisely, I love him. I would suck his balls.

I prefer him to Biden for many reasons, age one of them. But I respect his loyalty too.

A great Democrat presidential candidate for the future, if he decides so.

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7 hours ago, Jacob Morres said:

Just be careful that you don't let some people cloud your vision to like real social issues 

I know what's 'real' and what's not 'real', thanks. If you're going to tell me that 'manspreading' and 'mansplaining' is 'real', I won't buy that. 

7 hours ago, Jacob Morres said:

It'd be like saying you continue to fight for segregation in the 60s because a sect of the movement wanted black people to have the power over white people 

This analogy doesn't apply here, because most black people aren't racist towards white people. That's not the case with feminists, though. Most of them hate men. 

I have heard feminists say time and time again that 'the biggest problem with society is men'. It's a very common thing for feminists to say (in real life, not just online). I just didn't see them get caught in 4k yet. 

If you ask most of them 'what has the average man done to hurt you', they won't have an answer. They're just acting out brainwashing. Like a terrorist organization. 'They're the enemy, we have to go blow them up'. They're radicalizing the next generation of women against men and we have to be prepared. 

The fact that they're allowed to say this in public, means that feminism has gotten out of hand and it must be controlled. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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6 hours ago, Hatfort said:

He speaks well and wisely, I love him. I would suck his balls.

I prefer him to Biden for many reasons, age one of them. But I respect his loyalty too.

A great Democrat presidential candidate for the future, if he decides so.

Make sure to thank him extra hard when he slaps you with carbon credit tax and flood your neighborhood with illegal migrants. 

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34 minutes ago, Jacob Morres said:

@mr_engineer  Do you watch Andrew tate? Some of your viewpoints are aligned 

No, I don't watch any redpill content. All of my viewpoints come from real life experience. And, the cancel-culture tactics that I'm using right now, I've learned from the SJWs themselves. 

If you have a vision for a better world, you have a God-given right to fight the people who get in your way. And to train yourself for it. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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40 minutes ago, Tanz said:

@Hatfort He broke his own rules during covid and had an expensive meal at one of the countries best restaurant with 12 people.

Badly done, as a governor, he was the first one who had to follow the health protocol and guidelines. It was recommended not to gather people from more than three households, and they broke that. Leading by example is important.

He admits the mistake, I can move on. I still love him, he is great.

By the way, I'm fine with him going to good and or expensive restaurants. That's okay.

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@Hatfort Of course its fine eating in nice places but having living in California, the condition of the State is also horrible.  I personally know multiple people who got mugged and their cars broken into.  Ramped theft and stupid laws that encourage them.

Breaking his own rules and eating in California's best restaurant is a metaphor of the state of California and the privilege's that he has. He was sorry he got caught.  

Edited by Tanz

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