
What is Light?

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What is Light?

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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Theorist apophasis ( youtube channel aka Ken) seems to have the answer if you can get over his arrogance and stickling for precise words. It makes it difficult to follow but as an avid photographer and studier of Ancient philosophies he somehow merged understanding of the two. He gets caught up in conspiracies allot which is a pitty for such a sharp mind but if you sift through the hundreds of waffling videos, you do find a good bit of knowledge in there. Good luck interpreting it. 

my own contemplation is that light is equated to awareness. You cannot see light itself but you can see what it illuminates or projects. In the material sense you cannot see light itself only what it reflects off.

another thing that I’ve heard said is that objects or mater are light in a standing wave. 

light itself being an ocean of unseen consciousness and manifesting being energy otherwise described as field perturbation modality ( disturbance in the still ocean or the creation of a wave). Can also be described as a thought in the stillness of an infinite mind. If god is described as light in many religions and light is equated to awareness, this can be thought of as the absolute ( the unseen light that is a still and infinite ocean of nothingness until it is disturbed)

walter Russell “ the secret of light” is a book that tries to describe light as a dielectric or two lights. 

im contemplating and trying to go deeper into this on trips but it’s not revealing any describable details yet or at least I can’t translate what I’ve experienced. 

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What is dark?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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40 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

What is dark?

Absence of light, therefor not a thing. There would only be gradations of light.

mentally, darkness would be the absence of any thought, idea or imagination, in other words an infinite void or the still ocean prior to consciousness, where the ‘prior to consciousness’ is the absolute. 

to me dark is peace prior to knowing. 

consciousness formed itself from this and became a pool from which to know itself( conscience > con= with, science= knowing)

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When I would do ketamine trips at a clinic, they told me to keep my eye mask on because light would be too stimulating or overwhelming.

I followed that rule religiously for the first 6 sessions, but on the 7th session I guess something deep within me really wanted to challenge that assumption. So near the end of the trip (when I was at the deepest peak I’ve ever been in), I ripped the eye mask and headphones off my face, completely unplanned.

I start experiencing the light from the room and the TV that’s right in front of my face (they use it to show calming nature scenery pre-trip). It was so intense, yet I was completely fascinated and dumbstruck by it that the only thing I could do in that moment was to be one with the light.

Then I started hearing a voice calling me… I don’t remember exactly what it said, but the voice was the most intimate voice I’ve ever experienced in my entire existence; it was from way beyond the physical and human dimension. 

The best description I have for what that voice was trying to communicate was this, “You are Love. You have always been here. You are Eternal Creation.”


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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

What is dark?

When the sun goes down.?‍?️

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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11 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

When I would do ketamine trips at a clinic, they told me to keep my eye mask on because light would be too stimulating or overwhelming.

I followed that rule religiously for the first 6 sessions, but on the 7th session I guess something deep within me really wanted to challenge that assumption. So near the end of the trip (when I was at the deepest peak I’ve ever been in), I ripped the eye mask and headphones off my face, completely unplanned.

I start experiencing the light from the room and the TV that’s right in front of my face (they use it to show calming nature scenery pre-trip). It was so intense, yet I was completely fascinated and dumbstruck by it that the only thing I could do in that moment was to be one with the light.

Then I started hearing a voice calling me… I don’t remember exactly what it said, but the voice was the most intimate voice I’ve ever experienced in my entire existence; it was from way beyond the physical and human dimension. 

The best description I have for what that voice was trying to communicate was this, “You are Love. You have always been here. You are Eternal Creation.”


The Secret of this Universe is You.

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What if dark is on and light is off?

What if light is the devil and dark is God?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

What if dark is on and light is off?

What if light is the devil and dark is God?

That’s gonna require some radical open mindedness. Trying to figure that out from a human perspective will just introduce more theory and speculation.

I’ll keep these questions in my back pocket.

Okay, here’s a tidbit of what’s possible. I’m speaking poetically here, but it is possible to experience directly.


Edited by Yimpa


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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

What if dark is on and light is off?

What if light is the devil and dark is God?

That's right, light is the devil because it shows the illusion. darkness is god because it erases all difference 

Anyway, the devil is beautiful

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2 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

That's right, light is the devil because it shows the illusion. darkness is god because it erases all difference 

Anyway, the devil is beautiful

A song for you:


Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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@Leo Gura i have a question about darkness. When we look and stare into the darkness and pay attention it turns into static. Then shapes will appear and we can start to see things form out of the darkness like children do when they see monsters. Is this essentially what God is? A static black void that sees infinity in itself

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Lucifer literally means bringer of light ?

(Edit: correction, it means lightbearer)

But in my personal experience so far Love presented itself as an incredibly bright light that touched and spoke directly to my heart. It seemed to not only contain all colors, but all emotions too. In fact I'd say every emotion is a facet of love, like white light shining through a prism.

And it had humour, a lot of it.

Edited by vibv

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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