Whitney Edwards

Nothing is Bigger than Love

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Love ends all trauma. Love heals. Love takes away pain. Love makes you complete. 

Nothing is more beautiful than Love. 

Love those who exude love and expand your energy. 


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Love is bigger than Everything. 

Love is bigger than Evil. 

Love is bigger than Trauma 

Love is bigger than Intelligence 

Love is bigger than Validation

Love is bigger than Submission

Love is bigger than Transcendence

Love is bigger than Excellence

Love is Purity 

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Wow such beautiful lines...yes I have been.


It's Profound.

It's Healing.

It's Soothing.

It's Calming.

It's Chilling.

It's Inspiring. 

It's Magical. 

It's Humongous. 

It's Powerful. 



Yes, Love indeed is the supreme reality. 

In my native language Hindi, love is called "Prem" "प्रेम" which comes from root word "Param" "परम" which means supreme. 

Basically what it is saying is that love is supreme by definition itself. 

I will love to share some videos on love by Sandeep Sir, one of my mentor..

You will love them definitely..











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Have you ever felt deep love for someone and they die? This pain is love, too.

Have you ever been humiliated and dominated to the core, that you stuck traumatized? This is also love.

Have you suffered once so much, that you wanted to kill yourself, because you felt so disconnected from love? That is also love.

To act out of love, is not expecting, that you may get any of this ego love and still love. Love your suffering, love your pain, love your trauma. That's why it is supreme. It's supreme to any desires. Can you let go of your desires? I can't.

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2 minutes ago, UnlovingGod said:

Have you ever been humiliated and dominated to the core, that you stuck traumatized?

Explain this. Not agreeing. 

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2 minutes ago, Buck Edwards said:

Explain this. Not agreeing. 

What do you want to know? Why you get Trauma or why Trauma is love?

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Just now, UnlovingGod said:

What do you want to know? Why you get Trauma or why Trauma is love?


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5 minutes ago, Sidra khan said:

@Buck Edwards

1- I felt the need to explain myself but I agree I shouldn't have responded in the same thread.

2- Others were commenting you didn't stop them so I assumed you wouldn't mind that last interruption, I was not planning to interrupt you more in the future.

3- I don't take little things too seriously, so I often assume others wouldn't too, I accept I'm wrong In assuming things.  

4- Yet you were right in pointing that out, appreciate that. 

5- Hope you won't mind explaining that here, I don't like keeping things in heart. 



Just don't interrupt the Journaling. The other commenters are dudes. I don't feel awkward discussing sexual stuff with other men  and they aren't going to be commenting forever. So its ok. But I don't appreciate a woman commenting on my sexual stuff, gets hella weird. 


Would you visit a male doctor to discuss your female sexual reproductive issues. The answer is an obvious no. Same way. I feel uncomfortable having a female probe into my sexual vulnerability. 

I hope you get that. 

Edited by Buck Edwards

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3 minutes ago, Buck Edwards said:


Sorry, those quotes sometimes bug. I think you want to know both. What are you? Well, you get through your own evolution. A baby has it's needs and everything it has, are his sensorial perceptions. It doesn't really have a sense of I. So Trauma in the classic form can't really excerted into a baby, because it has nothing to be violated psychologically, but you can give this baby a lot of biological pain and it will shape, how it will form in the future life. When a sense of "I" comes to light, it can be violated. This "I" can be sexually abused, or psychologically abused or whatever. As long as this "I" is gangraped by its surroundings, there will be trauma, because as a reaction, this gangraped "I" will of course adapt to its experienced circumstances. And it will be the reality for this "I" and as that it will for example develope psychological defense mechanisms. Why is it love? Well as Harsh Bagdia said it, Love is supreme. The Universe wanted to be traumatized, it may heal, it may not, but that's not up to love or God or the Universe, because it's your ego at play, your sense of "I".

3 minutes ago, Buck Edwards said:


3 minutes ago, Buck Edwards said:


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LOVE is everything. But LOVE is not necessarily what humans call love.

LOVE is equally terrifying and can traumatize you, if you access too much of it at once when you're not ready. There are levels of LOVE too great to experience as a human, because it would destroy you.

Think of it like electricity. Your body/mind is a conductor for this electricity. The more open you are, the more can flow through you, but there's a limit simply through the fact that you're human, kind of like a maximum capacity. But depending on your training and state it varies a huge amount.

LOVE is also war, famine, torture, child rape, etc. because it literally created EVERYTHING. Think about that..
But it only seems like a mistake from your human perspective, it's actually a necessary part of LOVE, and it's possible becoming aware of that.

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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Except yo mama.


Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Lube is when you allow yourself to laugh for 2 straight hours  like a madman in a world that takes itself waaaaayyyyyy 2 seriously

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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Love is a feeling, it moves us.  Look at the world, the suffering, it moves us.  Enlightenment seems like a dream, as it awakens.  Sleeping eyes, crushing sorrows, hidden rows of time flowing outward,  running out of time as love continues.

Or ends.

Edited by Sir Oberon

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Love= Intelligence. It's not bigger than it, it is it.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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Love is the game of Masters and everyone who is wild enough to try it!!


my personal website-actualized since 2015-just waiting for the day-we have the first guys on the forum

born on 2015 :P

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