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Acceptance Vs Agreeing

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One of the goals with self actualisation is to come to a place of total acceptance for everything that is. But it doesn't mean you have to agree with it. 


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  On 3/28/2017 at 11:59 AM, Orange said:

One of the goals with self actualisation is to come to a place of total acceptance for everything that is. But it doesn't mean you have to agree with it. 

This is true. Without acceptance what do you have? You can either deny that reality is the way it is, which is rather like throwing yourself against a wall because you don't think it should be there, or you can accept reality as it is... see the wall and decide how best to respond to it.

Ultimately you only really have one choice in life.. and that is to accept reality, To deny it is what causes so much suffering in life. What's the point in complaining that reality isn't how you think it 'should' be. It is the way that it is. Regardless of what you think. Reality doesn't care what you think.

So acceptance is the recognition that things are the way they are, independently of how you feel about them. Whether you agree or dissagree is completely irrelevent. You have to acknowkedge things as they are. Then take appropriate action in response to them. You may not like something, so you may want to work on changing it. Or you might like something and work on maintaining it. But either way, you have to accept the circumstance.

The problem comes when people can't discern the difference between reality and their own expectation or agenda. The reason people suffer so mcuh in life is because they believe that their expectation is real and that reality should reflect this fact. So the key to acceptance is learning how you project your thoughts and feelings on to reality and then expect reality to conform to them. You need to detach from your thoughts and ideas and see the difference. You can still hold a subjective opinion or preference but acknowledge that it is separate from reality and that reality doesn't care.. it will do whatever it does. Then you can take objective action to respond to reality and perhaps aline yourself with it and learn to work with it rather than wanting it to work to you.

So yes, one of the keys to self-actualization is learning to be more accepting of reality whatever your opinion is on it.

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.”  - Lao Tzu

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acceptance is but the first step tho? there is like. discovery, exploration, development. all these things can only really happen in full, after acceptance. somewhat before but acceptance happens only once. and ongoing learning thereafter. 

Edited by aryberry

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  On 3/28/2017 at 2:46 PM, Nahm said:

Until I accept it, I hold resistant thought which hinders my progress.

And fuck up your body.




acceptance is but the first step tho? there is like. discovery, exploration, development. all these things can only really happen in full, after acceptance. somewhat before but acceptance happens only once. and ongoing learning thereafter. 

Maybe if you're enlightened, before that you'll have to accept again and again and again and again.

It never ends, but it's easier and easier each time.

Edited by Shin

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@shin I find it incredibly easy to accept all things. they are as they are. I am not enlightened tho! I don't even know what that means. what a useless word imo! 


ps. lol in a way i fail to accept enlightenment! but what exactly is acceptance? 

Edited by aryberry

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