
Extreme coincidences

3 posts in this topic

Coincidence number one:

I started a new job as a teacher 4 weeks before the summer break. There was a girl there who I really felt attracted to. On the last day of school all the teachers went out drinking and we talked all night and shared a kiss (me and the girl). I had no idea she liked me before then. After that, our only communication was a few texts over the 6 week summer break. I worked through an agency, and I wasn't asked to rejoin the school until the 3rd week back after summer. I didn't tell anyone I was coming back. I got to work on the Monday morning at 9am and saw her, she was pleased to see me but very surprised. I later realized I had received A text from her at 8:50am saying "Hey, how are you?" ten minutes before I walked into the staff room!   (This was about 4 days ago).

I was hesitant about pursuing anything with her as she told me she has a lot of issues, which is something I need less of in my life. I'm also acing being single and making lots of progress with my personal development. But is this a sign I should go for it? She seems into me and everything. 

Coincidence number two: 

I had an audition for a choir at my local university. I got to the campus early and I was feeling anxious so I decided to approach a stranger and perform my song to them. There were lots of people sitting around. The first person I came across was a lovely Taiwanese phd student. I told her about my audition and asked her if I could perform the song. My audition was at 16:30, and the auditions were taking place from 10-18:00. Astonishingly, she was also auditioning for the same choir, and her audition was at 16:25!  (This happened today)

I passed my audition, doing way better than I thought I would. What is the meaning of this?

Edited by Ely Higgins

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The universe has constructed these situations for you, the meaning behind them is a construction within your own mind.

Surrender yourself to the process, trust your intuition, trust your feelings, trust that whatever path you take is the path that must be taken. Don't overthink these things, go with the flow, surrender yourself to the flow of the universe, surrender yourself to your true nature.

Life is a magical place :) Thank you for sharing and best of luck to you. 

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10 mins ago I did some funny business privately, and immediately afterwards the person I like texted me.

True story.

What could this mean?

I AM Godzilla

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