
If you want to “awaken”, get off this forum.

78 posts in this topic

Hello Actualized community. I used to be an active poster here a while back, and I’ve come back here in two occasions. 

First, I appreciate Leo’s work and this is not me saying you should get off the forum because he is not truthful, nothing like that. Leo’s videos are some of the most advanced teachings on consciousness available online. 

However, I am extremely concerned about the posts saturating this forum.

I was just like you. I thought I knew all the answers and I would post here my conclusions, parroting them to all hell. I had mystical experiences, a near death experience, etc, etc. It made me come to conclusions that I thought were the truth. I posted extensively on this forum for a whole year, thinking I knew it all and had the conviction in my beliefs as the experiences I had were so mind blowing that I was sure this was it. However, I was wrong. 


Dear one, for your own sake, if your plan is to find the answers on a digital propert, please get off this forum and get back to life, and come back when you are more mature.

One skim through the recent posts here has been quite sad and concerning to me.


As I work remotely, I have spent the past few months in Chiapas, Mexico, where I was born. I’ve been helping my sister set up a foundation to help the economic mobility of the indigenous communities that have been forgotten by their government.

These people have REAL wisdom. They are direct descendants of the Mayans. The place is mystical, magical, in a way that cannot be described.

They have taught me, and shown me, that all my beliefs about Reality being a “dream”, or me being God, or knowing what consciousness is, or  Solipsism, etc, etc. were completely wrong.

As someone that has gone full circle, this is what I can offer you for wisdom: be humble. A lot of the posts on this forum are titled things like “I am awake” “solipsism is true” “I am god” etc etc. 

It is painfully obvious to me, that a lot of you out there are young people understanding Leo’s concepts logically and thinking they have it figured out, trying to impart non existing wisdom.

These are spiritual platitudes without a basis in truth.

I encourage you to stop posting on this forum IF your intention is to simply parrot your half cooked ideas on reality, which will change over time.

These native people I’ve met in Mexico have the most elegant, succinct, humble, loving, and simple explanation for life.

Before I go into these, please do not reply with more platitudes. I know them all. God is you, reality is a dream there is no self blah blah.

I can guarantee you. You do not hold the truth. I thought so too! I was SURE! It all made sense to me. I was wrong. You can find more truth by involving yourself in living a life with meaning, with an appreciation for it all, gratefulness for your existence, and by not misappropriating the teachings of in this case, Leo, to justify your musings about Solipsism and other extremely damaging concepts to your well being.

What is more concerning here, is that it is also painfully obvious that some folks here are finding their lives to be meaningless. You know who you are. 

Consider for a second, and I just want to plant the seed in your mind, that Leo does not hold the truth. I am not saying he does or he doesn’t. Just consider that for a second. 

Consider for a second that Solipsism, the idea that you are God, that reality is a dream, that you are talking to yourself…. That all of those are falsehoods.

Consider the following:

• That you in fact are a human being. One amongst many. And that you are not God. The self righteousness in simply believing that after having a mystical experience is foolish at best, dangerous at worst.

• That no matter how long you try to “awaken” - you never will. Because you believe there is something to awaken from. Instead of appreciating the reality that is all around you and the fact that your mere existence is what your gift is.

• That the point of life is not to be a probe for “God” and that you are just that and are also God giving himself a “colonoscopy”. That concept is so incredibly misinformed and self asserting - and is produced by false conclusions the psyche makes after mystical experiences.  And that the point of life is in fact, to enjoy the gift you were given by being born. That you aren’t a probe for “God”, but that you are a separate, limited being and you are different and distinct from “God”, and that THAT is the beauty of being you. You don’t need to worry about these horrible and misinformed ideas because life is much more simple than that. There is no need to awaken, no need to figure out any of these questions that are self constructed, etc.

• That we will never know if there is a God. I Can list 15 other theories for how reality works that are just as convincing. 

• That you have been deluding yourself and loving In fear or nihilism over a false belief. 

• That these concepts such as “god” “infinity of gods” “awakening” are just inventions.

• That “mystical” experiences brought on by 5MEO-DMT are not true mystical experiences, but self deception. I have consumed 5MEO and ayuhuasca. Please steer clear of these substances.


i won’t tell you what the truth of the universe is. I don’t know! And anyone that tells you they do is lying. 

I am simply making you consider that you are wrong.

I will not finish this post by parroting my own beliefs on this subject. Because it is pointless and self serving.

But all I will encourage you to do, is to be humble. To realize you do not have the answers., and never will! 

Instead, recognize you will never know, and to instead live your life with VIRTUE, seeking beauty, imparting love to others, helping your fellow human being, and relishing in the mystery.

The truth is unknowable. By everyone. No one will ever know the truth. Some might think they have the truth. They don’t. This is another trap.

Liberate yourself from this pointless exercise and seek your happiness.

This is all real. You are real. Make it count.

This from someone that has been through the motions here, and who achieved happiness when I started living my life with gratefulness, mystery, and a deep sense of who you are and what you can offer the world. 

This community has SO much potential. But there needs to be a shift here. This is crossing into harmful territory.

You all deserve happiness. I sincerely wish you nothing but that in spades

I wish you love, and I wish you peace in your mind.

Edited by justfortoday

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22 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

I will not finish this post by parroting my own beliefs on this subject. Because it is pointless and self serving.



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Also, I want to express my love for @Holykael,  my dear fellow human being.

You deserve happiness in your life and I hope this helps you. I wish you nothing but the best - and I am here if you need help. 

Reading your posts broke my heart so deeply that I simply needed to at least acknowledge you and apologize for my soberviois attitude to you many posts ago.

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Sounds like a very cool experience, happy for you. Thank you for this very important sentiment.

Describe a thought.

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Hey brother, I appreciate your post. I can feel the intention, love, and wisdom in your words. 


I actually live in Mazunte, not far from Chiapas, the people in Oaxaca definitely have an innate wisdom and beauty to the simple way they live, with warmth and joy. 


However, there is some falsehood in your post. There is such thing as awakening and becoming conscious of the nature of reality, there is such thing as "no self", and life is like dream it's made out of the same substance, and yes, this will make you cringe but you and i and everyone are all God, Being, Infinity, whatever you want to call it.


Us being just these humans is a story, a myth.


I don't think you should throw the baby out with the bathwater. Yes, this forum is cringe af and most of the people here are in no position to spout spiritual truths and they barely have their lives together. But that doesn't mean there are not spiritual truths.


Not knowing is powerful, but the reason it's powerful is because it leads to insight.


I see why you are sickened by spiritual ego, but, don't discount all your past experiences just because you're in a new environment. Idk just seems like you're with a new group of people who see life differently, and much more "real-y" you could say, but that doesn't mean they are ultimately rightr, even if it is more wise and connected to life.

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

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@BlessedLion Right on my friend! Oaxaca is beautiful too. If you’re Mexican as well, un placer en hablar contigo y muchas gracias por leer lo que escribí - te lo agradezco.


First, thanks for your kind words and for your respectful input. 

I would say that my point here is not so much to tell spiritual seekers to stop seeking, or that awakening is definitely not real. Those are definitive statements that I would be incredibly wrong to order people around to disregard their own experiences.

I had a full blown near death experience in 2020. My heart stopped for 35 seconds in ventricular fibrillation and I was shocked back to life.

I saw things during those 35 seconds that are a hundred times more beautiful than a 5MEO trip. I experienced myself as a tasseract of geometry unfolding itself in all directions and I witnessed colors, shapes, music, I have never seen or heard. I then saw the light people speak of and I was being slowly pulled into it. The experience was so incredibly kind blowing that I was traumatized for close to two years, and not 5MEO nor Ayuhuasca ever replicated that experience. It was more mind blowing than seeing the earth be conquered by martians in real time.

This event singe handedly changed my life forever. It is something I cannot unsee.

I recognize that there is a deeper truth to reality. Absolutely.

I don’t ever want to use this experience, however, to pretend that I know the truth - and that I have the answers. I thought I did. But I dont. And I don’t even share this experience in real life with anybody anymore as I am healed and have integrated it - and I see it pointless to explain to regular folks as it is unfair to expect them to understand, and I don’t want to be a theory pusher. 

My personal conviction, and the one that makes the most sense to me, compels me to stop seeking as I have found the answer, and when I opened it it revealed a hundred more questions. It is a pointless exercise.

My post is very much a call for humbleness and purification as community. My intent is to make you ponder whether you have been wrong all along. And why my message is to stop seeking and to live life fully. Maybe we all have that experience I described when we pass away and maybe I will be that tasseract again.

Truth is, I don’t know! Anything! And that is my term and call to receive wisdom, and if it’s granted that is what growth is about. I have gone through the gallery.

Maybe awakening is real. I have had “awakenings”, more than 80 of them. I do not believe any of them were that, but extreme shifts in consciousness.


I am uncomfortable calling life a dream for the reason that “dreams” imply that there is an outside reality holding that dream.

But If this is all there is, it cannot be called a dream. What if we called it a moving painting of consciousness? A dance of frozen light? Etc. 

My point is that the terminology that has developed on this forum to point to these things is wrong and dangerous.

I have also heard extremely convincing arguments against the existence of infinity (Zeno of Elea for example).

Although I appreciate your conviction in saying we are all one - infinity - dream etc. My own experiences also could point me in that direction. But I believe what is going on is way more beautiful than that.

Regardless of that, everyone has the right to believe whatever they want to believe and whatever makes you happy.

I suggest you read Pyrrho of Eli’s and his arguments for Truth being unknowable. 

In conclusion; I don’t know, will never know, and after experiencing tons of supernatural things throughout my life, I know that I never will, and no one on this forum will either. They will think they have the truth. But I put forth that that is extremely dangerous and leads to spiritual ego. 


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"The experience was so incredibly kind blowing that I was traumatized for close to two years, and not 5MEO nor Ayuhuasca ever replicated that experience. It was more mind blowing than seeing the earth be conquered by martians in real time." 

Woah extremely profound! But why were you traumatized for 2 years of something which was beautiful? 

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9 hours ago, justfortoday said:

Hello Actualized community. I used to be an active poster here a while back, and I’ve come back here in two occasions. 

First, I appreciate Leo’s work and this is not me saying you should get off the forum because he is not truthful, nothing like that. Leo’s videos are some of the most advanced teachings on consciousness available online. 

However, I am extremely concerned about the posts saturating this forum.

I was just like you. I thought I knew all the answers and I would post here my conclusions, parroting them to all hell. I had mystical experiences, a near death experience, etc, etc. It made me come to conclusions that I thought were the truth. I posted extensively on this forum for a whole year, thinking I knew it all and had the conviction in my beliefs as the experiences I had were so mind blowing that I was sure this was it. However, I was wrong. 


Dear one, for your own sake, if your plan is to find the answers on a digital propert, please get off this forum and get back to life, and come back when you are more mature.

One skim through the recent posts here has been quite sad and concerning to me.


As I work remotely, I have spent the past few months in Chiapas, Mexico, where I was born. I’ve been helping my sister set up a foundation to help the economic mobility of the indigenous communities that have been forgotten by their government.

These people have REAL wisdom. They are direct descendants of the Mayans. The place is mystical, magical, in a way that cannot be described.

They have taught me, and shown me, that all my beliefs about Reality being a “dream”, or me being God, or knowing what consciousness is, or  Solipsism, etc, etc. were completely wrong.

As someone that has gone full circle, this is what I can offer you for wisdom: be humble. A lot of the posts on this forum are titled things like “I am awake” “solipsism is true” “I am god” etc etc. 

It is painfully obvious to me, that a lot of you out there are young people understanding Leo’s concepts logically and thinking they have it figured out, trying to impart non existing wisdom.

These are spiritual platitudes without a basis in truth.

I encourage you to stop posting on this forum IF your intention is to simply parrot your half cooked ideas on reality, which will change over time.

These native people I’ve met in Mexico have the most elegant, succinct, humble, loving, and simple explanation for life.

Before I go into these, please do not reply with more platitudes. I know them all. God is you, reality is a dream there is no self blah blah.

I can guarantee you. You do not hold the truth. I thought so too! I was SURE! It all made sense to me. I was wrong. You can find more truth by involving yourself in living a life with meaning, with an appreciation for it all, gratefulness for your existence, and by not misappropriating the teachings of in this case, Leo, to justify your musings about Solipsism and other extremely damaging concepts to your well being.

What is more concerning here, is that it is also painfully obvious that some folks here are finding their lives to be meaningless. You know who you are. 

Consider for a second, and I just want to plant the seed in your mind, that Leo does not hold the truth. I am not saying he does or he doesn’t. Just consider that for a second. 

Consider for a second that Solipsism, the idea that you are God, that reality is a dream, that you are talking to yourself…. That all of those are falsehoods.

Consider the following:

• That you in fact are a human being. One amongst many. And that you are not God. The self righteousness in simply believing that after having a mystical experience is foolish at best, dangerous at worst.

• That no matter how long you try to “awaken” - you never will. Because you believe there is something to awaken from. Instead of appreciating the reality that is all around you and the fact that your mere existence is what your gift is.

• That the point of life is not to be a probe for “God” and that you are just that and are also God giving himself a “colonoscopy”. That concept is so incredibly misinformed and self asserting - and is produced by false conclusions the psyche makes after mystical experiences.  And that the point of life is in fact, to enjoy the gift you were given by being born. That you aren’t a probe for “God”, but that you are a separate, limited being and you are different and distinct from “God”, and that THAT is the beauty of being you. You don’t need to worry about these horrible and misinformed ideas because life is much more simple than that. There is no need to awaken, no need to figure out any of these questions that are self constructed, etc.

• That we will never know if there is a God. I Can list 15 other theories for how reality works that are just as convincing. 

• That you have been deluding yourself and loving In fear or nihilism over a false belief. 

• That these concepts such as “god” “infinity of gods” “awakening” are just inventions.

• That “mystical” experiences brought on by 5MEO-DMT are not true mystical experiences, but self deception. I have consumed 5MEO and ayuhuasca. Please steer clear of these substances.


i won’t tell you what the truth of the universe is. I don’t know! And anyone that tells you they do is lying. 

I am simply making you consider that you are wrong.

I will not finish this post by parroting my own beliefs on this subject. Because it is pointless and self serving.

But all I will encourage you to do, is to be humble. To realize you do not have the answers., and never will! 

Instead, recognize you will never know, and to instead live your life with VIRTUE, seeking beauty, imparting love to others, helping your fellow human being, and relishing in the mystery.

The truth is unknowable. By everyone. No one will ever know the truth. Some might think they have the truth. They don’t. This is another trap.

Liberate yourself from this pointless exercise and seek your happiness.

This is all real. You are real. Make it count.

This from someone that has been through the motions here, and who achieved happiness when I started living my life with gratefulness, mystery, and a deep sense of who you are and what you can offer the world. 

This community has SO much potential. But there needs to be a shift here. This is crossing into harmful territory.

You all deserve happiness. I sincerely wish you nothing but that in spades

I wish you love, and I wish you peace in your mind.

1. You don't understand Solipsism, when Leo talks about it and when I talk about it I am talking about ABSOLUTE SOLIPSISM. You literally cannot disprove Absolute Solipsism. 

2. Just because they have a long rich tradition doesn't mean they understand reality in a superior way. Majority of their wisdom is just content in the dream. What does this mean? Wisdom comes in many forms, so does knowledge. For example they could have vast knowledge of the flow of nature, have a deep relationship with trees, animals, they could have evolved genetically through their practices and developed a higher level of natural intuition and baseline consciousness, they could be more naturally peaceful and receptive in their communication and better at surviving without negatively impacting their environment.

3. The flaws of these tribes though is they are very ritualistic, which makes them dogmatic, they are very symbolistic, turning things into deities, avatars, what you don't realize is mystical experiences aren't enough, a mind that removes it self of all symbols has a more truthful grasp of reality from those mystical states. 

4. You think these people to be wiser, but wise....is relative. From certain states....stupidity and insanity can be superior to intelligence and sanity and the lines of these distinction are SUBJECTIVELY DRAWN and are almost always based on SURVIVAL. Many of you are still too stuck in human ideology. 

5. Consider the one who is full of potential...might be you. Are you skeptical enough to realize that you are just getting caught in more content? The Maya people are just content in the dream just like your human life. Nothing wrong with loving the content but reality...is beyond just mere content. Think of an infinite void, a blackness so black it folds in on itself and disappears. This void can conjure up anything, from one perspective it can make humans appear to be no different than robots, it can make them appear to lack any consciousness....they can look and act like NPCS in a video game.

Then next instance they can appear to be vibrant, and alive, with emotions, and feelings and depth!! Then next this blackest black, can become the brightest bright, it can appear holy, divine, and pure in its essence, this then can appear malevolent, like the darkest, scariest, craziest thing, like pure evil, ....THIS IS REALITY. Drop your notions of good, bad, survival, etc.... and then when you are done purifying yourself of your silly human perspective....THEN you can finally receive truth.

But the human perspective....is a hard perspective to drop.....because it really means death. Not just death through a mystical appearance....oh nooooo, it means you become the walking dead. You escape the perspective of the character you have been playing your whole life.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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2 hours ago, Razard86 said:

1. You don't understand Solipsism, when Leo talks about it and when I talk about it I am talking about ABSOLUTE SOLIPSISM. You literally cannot disprove Absolute Solipsism. 

2. Just because they have a long rich tradition doesn't mean they understand reality in a superior way. Majority of their wisdom is just content in the dream. What does this mean? Wisdom comes in many forms, so does knowledge. For example they could have vast knowledge of the flow of nature, have a deep relationship with trees, animals, they could have evolved genetically through their practices and developed a higher level of natural intuition and baseline consciousness, they could be more naturally peaceful and receptive in their communication and better at surviving without negatively impacting their environment.

3. The flaws of these tribes though is they are very ritualistic, which makes them dogmatic, they are very symbolistic, turning things into deities, avatars, what you don't realize is mystical experiences aren't enough, a mind that removes it self of all symbols has a more truthful grasp of reality from those mystical states. 

4. You think these people to be wiser, but wise....is relative. From certain states....stupidity and insanity can be superior to intelligence and sanity and the lines of these distinction are SUBJECTIVELY DRAWN and are almost always based on SURVIVAL. Many of you are still too stuck in human ideology. 

5. Consider the one who is full of potential...might be you. Are you skeptical enough to realize that you are just getting caught in more content? The Maya people are just content in the dream just like your human life. Nothing wrong with loving the content but reality...is beyond just mere content. Think of an infinite void, a blackness so black it folds in on itself and disappears. This void can conjure up anything, from one perspective it can make humans appear to be no different than robots, it can make them appear to lack any consciousness....they can look and act like NPCS in a video game.

Then next instance they can appear to be vibrant, and alive, with emotions, and feelings and depth!! Then next this blackest black, can become the brightest bright, it can appear holy, divine, and pure in its essence, this then can appear malevolent, like the darkest, scariest, craziest thing, like pure evil, ....THIS IS REALITY. Drop your notions of good, bad, survival, etc.... and then when you are done purifying yourself of your silly human perspective....THEN you can finally receive truth.

But the human perspective....is a hard perspective to drop.....because it really means death. Not just death through a mystical appearance....oh nooooo, it means you become the walking dead. You escape the perspective of the character you have been playing your whole life.


Cute. I will stop you right there. 

I checked your post record. 4000+ posts. An insane amount in the last 30 days as well. Most you try to force your views on others.

 If you have all the answers, why are you still on this forum trying to impose your views on others?

You won’t achieve your fantasy of spirituality  by wasting your time in this manner. It’s awe inspiring that you are doing this to yourself. 

Spiritual ego of the highest caliber. 

Check my posts. Less than 3 instance periods in more than a year.

It is painfully obvious to me that you have zero conviction that you know the truth, and instead you choose to parrot mental masturbation, expecting to shock people or have people react to your musings on this forum with praise.

I am just going by the facts. Your level of posting here indicates you are still seeking and you are deluding yourself.

Furthermore, you feel the need to dismiss the good will in my post, and again have listed your laundry list of spiritual bullshit.

Everything you have just written, is a prime example. 

You are talking to me as if I do not already know these things, and you have completely missed the point of my post, and you are so self righteous and drunk in your own shallow understanding of these topics.

You go so far as to discount these people, who have thousands of years of knowledge, because you think you have more knowledge behind your computers screen.

Everything you just said is cute.

You’re still wrong. And not wrong for believing these things. I could respect that and you could present them respectfully.

But for being so far removed from humility, and for being SO sure that you are right that you are so brainwashed and fail to even acknowledge the point I am making on my post.

But I will indulge you for a second.

Re/read my post and the experiences I provided and go through my old posts here. I can guarantee you I have a deeper understanding on all the things you are parroting behind your sunglasses In your avatar.

Frankly, I am concerned for your mental health, and I wish you find a semblance of humanity again because your post is quite delusional.

I see right through you and your sunglasses.


Edited by justfortoday

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Oh boy. Here we go again. Infinity at its finest. We don't need fancy drawn out explanations for what Infinity means, it's right here, right now, everywhere and in every explanation and conflict.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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So please @Razard86 - tells us - why do you post on this form all day, everyday? And feel like you must force your views on others?

How does that make you feel? 

Do you feel like it helps your life to have a group of people to feel superior to and be an “expert” on something?


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4 minutes ago, justfortoday said:


Cute. I will stop you right there. 

I checked your post record. If you have all the answers, why are you still on this forum trying to impose your views on others?

Check my posts. Two instances in years.

It is painfully obvious to me that you have zero conviction that you know the truth, and instead you choose to parrot mental masturbation, expecting to shock people or have people react to your musings on this forum with praise.

I am just going by the facts. Your level of posting here indicates you are still seeking and you are deluding yourself.

Furthermore, you feel the need to dismiss the good will in my post, and again have listed your laundry list of spiritual bullshit.

Everything you have just written, is a prime example. 

You are talking to me as if I do not already know these things, and you have completely missed the point of my post, and you are so self righteous and drunk in your own shallow understanding of these topics.

You go so far as to discount these people, who have thousands of years of knowledge, because you think you have more knowledge behind your computers screen.

Everything you just said is cute.

You’re still wrong. And not wrong for believing these crazy things.

But for being so far removed from humility, and for being SO sure that you are right that you are so brainwashed and fail to even acknowledge the point I am making on my post.

But I will indulge you for a second.

Re/read my post and the experiences I provided and go through my old posts here. I can guarantee you I have a deeper understanding all day all the things you are parroting behind your sunglasses In your avatar.

Frankly, I am concerned for your mental health, and I wish you find a semblance of humanity again because your post is borderline delusional and disrespectful. 

You may do this to others, but not me buddy. 

I see right through you and your sunglasses.


LOL you are so lost in your own biased perspective its funny allow me to show your hypocrisy because it is so easy.

1. You said if I know everything....when did I say I know everything? On repeated times I have said I am full of shit. If you actually read my posts you will realize that I have stated multiple times I don't know everything. So guess what? That was an assumption and a projection!! LOL!!! So error number 1!!!

2. You said I try to impose my point of view on others? That's one way of looking at it, you could also call it sharing my point view on others. It depends on how you look at it. I could ask you...how is your post not an attempt to IMPOSE your view on others? Why is your post any less a form of imposition than mines? Also...here is the funny thing...you cannot impose your view on ANYONE!!! A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. If you could actually impose your viewpoints on anyone...we would be a singularity with no diversity, notice one of the universal laws is inherent soverighty. Human history is FRAUGHT with attempts to impose and the all crumble!!! So...uhh I am not inposing anything...but you wouldn't know that because you are biased and short-sighted. All attempts to share any point of view is an attempt at persuasion, influence no different than what we are doing right now.

The difference? Is you are being arrogant...you think I missed the part where you said CUTE. CUTE is a term to imply that you are superior, your entire post reeks of an arrogant superiority. So you think because you hung around some indigenous people now you are SUPERIOR to us on the forums and we are just wasting our times... LOOK how quick your arrogance came out it was IN THE FIRST LINE!!! LOL!!! I see through you!!! 

Then you talk about your number of posts...your number of posts does not determine how much work you have done. In fact nobody on the forums has absolute knowledge on how much work either of us has done. We have to use our investigatory abilities, discernment to glean based on what you POST. Quality POSTS= Quality work. Your work, or development is based on what you can share and explain. 

Authority is GIVEN, its earned, people consider you an authority or lack there of based on their personal standards and values, not based on how often you post on the forums. Notice....your argument...sunk...it cannot hold.

Also let's visit this quote right here. "You are talking to me as if I do not already know these things, and you have completely missed the point of my post, and you are so self righteous and drunk in your own shallow understanding of these topics."

So notice the tone in your post. You call me self-righteous....but you say what I say is cute, you accuse me of many things, and say you have facts....if you didn't notice....you have been describing yourself the entire time.

Let me educate you on something called projection. 

Example: Person A makes post. Person B makes critique and disagrees. Person A intreprets Person B's critique as condescending and self-righteous because of their fragile ego and accuses Person B of being self-righteous while displaying the very characteristics that they accuse the person of.

There is a famous phrase....two wrongs don't make a right, and don't jump in the mud with mud slingers because onlookers cannot tell you apart. You claim to have all these awareness and you showed everyone...that at the slightest provocation you can get caught in your own trap. Now I am not immune to this myself, I do it every now and then it is actually what makes this forum valuable...it reveals your insecurities and your insecurities, your shadow.....is pure display right now. So though you claim to have done work...your shadow leaked out very easily....barely took any time at all.

I love your "cute" post....I guess you got it all figured out!!!!

But notice....you claim I'm the one that thinks that!!!! 

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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The Integrity of a person who enter in the Forum of another person and encourage the members to dont participante is laughable. Imagine me going to your Mayan Friends community and telling ceremony participants to go home because following Ancient traditions is illusory and losing time?

Why even take the effort to write a message in a Forum if you could just go and proced living your life happy with the wisdom you got from your Masters. 


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28 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

The Integrity of a person who enter in the Forum of another person and encourage the members to dont participante is laughable. Imagine me going to your Mayan Friends community and telling ceremony participants to go home because following Ancient traditions is illusory and losing time?

Why even take the effort to write a message in a Forum if you could just go and proced living your life happy with the wisdom you got from your Masters. 



What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, justfortoday said:

So please @Razard86 - tells us - why do you post on this form all day, everyday? And feel like you must force your views on others?

How does that make you feel? 

Do you feel like it helps your life to have a group of people to feel superior to and be an “expert” on something?


1. I joined this community as a member on February 27, 2022. This means I have been a member for 511 days. This means my current post count including this post is 4,472, 4,472/ 511 comes out to 8.75 posts per day. Does 8 posts per day constitute ALL DAY?

Now let's address another flaw in your argument. You said you were gone after being an active user a while back and have come back on two occasions. If this is to be believed (you said it) then how would you know I posted all day? So let's see so far...you weren't present for majority of the time I was here, and the math says I only do 8-9 posts per day....hmmm....the evidence doesn't look good for you.

Next you say I like to force my views on others...but again you have failed to actually make a sufficient argument for this....in fact..you have only proved that YOU like to force your views on others because the moment I disagreed look what you have done.

You used the word CUTE, multiple times, have sufficiently LIED as I proved above because you made claims about things you were ABSENT for, and made assertions that don't hold up because you didn't check the math. But why would you? Why would you LABOR for the truth? Why not shoot from the hip?

Then you said why do you feel like you need to be superior.....while posting CUTE multiple times which is a claim of superiority tactic. When a person does something someone feels is beneath them the term CUTE is used. So again...you accuse me of being YOU which is true...reality...is self-reflective. Right now you are projecting onto ME a clear mirror which is showing your reflection and you are recoiling in horror. You point at me and say YOU think you are superior, as you express superiority. You have not done sufficient shadow work my friend. 

You are still in the dark.

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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31 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

The Integrity of a person who enter in the Forum of another person and encourage the members to dont participante is laughable. Imagine me going to your Mayan Friends community and telling ceremony participants to go home because following Ancient traditions is illusory and losing time?

Why even take the effort to write a message in a Forum if you could just go and proced living your life happy with the wisdom you got from your Masters. 


He means well, I assume with no evidence outside of his emotional outbursts that he is probably in his 20's. He is just excited to share what he has learned from the Mayans. The Mayans are a very knowledgeable group. They are very well versed in mathematics, and astrology, and their culture is rich with herbal knowledge. But the issue is, the poster's identity is strongly tied to this message so much that at the slightest provocation he explodes.

He doesn't realize the value of these forums, because he doesn't like that these forums attack your identity relentlessly. These forums are really good at rattling your ego because so many diverse perspectives meet here. These forums hold no quarter lol.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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I also have many publications ?, but I will tell you that the thing is obvious, there is nothing to search, nothing to know, there is me, and I open myself to see. It couldn't be more obvious, it's reality. Simply remove the ideas and reality remains. Reality is deep, and I delve into it, so into me. There is nothing I can tell you about reality, only what are the obstacles that I have found that keep you on the surface, one is to think that there is outside. Outside and inside are the same. Any specific idea about reality unnecessary, a source of confusion. if you want to see you have to let them go. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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I appreciate your feedback. 

@Razard86 I’ve made my points. For the record, I am 35 years old. I will not engage in more arguments because it will not achieve anything. I hope you can assess your own, and I hope what my original post stated contributes to your own development, and I had to check you because your post was exactly what I’m suggesting is preventing you from being satisfied and you keep seeking, but you did not once offer anything positive or constructive, but more of your own beliefs. I will leave it there, I hear you, and I disagree completely as your response was not in good faith. You ended your post with language about the dead body walking and me not accepting blah blah blah. I’ve heard all of this before. For you to be so sure about these things is quite jarring. 

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