
Can someone explain what's happening here?

8 posts in this topic

Please only respond, if you did psychedelics or you meditate at a high level.


Quick summary:


- Project myself to an online multiplayer vr game using vr headset/trackers to be in an avatar of my choice, other people do the same.

- Talked to a 55 year old police officer that projected himself into the game in an E-boy avatar. Started speaking about god to him etc. he instantly got mad/aggressive and said he didn't believe in god and told me to not speak to him about religion/god and so on. Then at one point i tried to speak to him about it again, when he didn't want to.  Then the right lens of my vr headset started showing rainbow colored pixels everywhere.

- 3weeks later spoke to a girl in the game about god and how far it can go ,at the end she said the same what my mom told me: you're telling me information that i can't do anything with it and you're putting pressure on me. - My mom used to say, that i put a lot of pressure on her that her head starts hurting, it's too much information. It was the same with that girl, then she said: I don't believe in god and when she said that instantly the right lens of my vr headset broke and turned off.

I have also started experiencing many more unusual stuff, it's like reality isn't working properly sometimes.

For example:my 2019 car with low mileage= engine broke. I buy a moped and 1 month later the engine breaks too.


I feel like that my base consciousness is at certain level where i start noticing that the reality might not be working properly and because of this things break more often or unusual things start happening. Of course i have my own reasons why this might be happening, but i'm curious what you guys think?


Specially the thing about speaking about god to others seems to have a negative outcome for me, and it feels like at some point in conversation god is speaking through them to me and is basically saying: Stop talking about god to these people, they're at a certain level. This is what i can't understand.

Why am i supposed to keep everything to myself, or is it because i don't know yet what god is truly is? Or is it because i don't have permission to speak about god? Or is it my own ego subconsciousness and god in me that tries to keep the reality stable? etc.




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But you do know you are God and you always have been.  Or is it because I don't have permission to speak about god? Or is it my own ego subconsciousness and god in me that tries to keep the reality stable? etc. Stop this you are a god you need no one

's permission ever and yes the ego loves to play with you. Lose yourself in Neville Goddard vids for a time.

Edited by Jehovah increases

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5 hours ago, Jowblob said:

Specially the thing about speaking about god to others seems to have a negative outcome for me, and it feels like at some point in conversation god is speaking through them to me and is basically saying: Stop talking about god to these people, they're at a certain level. This is what i can't understand.

I agree that you generally shouldn't speak about God to random people, because it's most likely a waste of time and they will think you're weird. I think this is actually your rational mind trying to speak to you (in a bit of a roundabout way). You can call it a lesson from God, but in any case, the lesson is clear.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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once you accept that everyone is on their own perfect path it is easier to talk to people

you are not trying to give them answers merely understand how god is moulding them

if you are not learning more from them than you are imparting to them you are doing it wrong

love equals reciprocation, we need to humble ourselves that no matter what we have been through and know, we are just some dust in the wind


"All acquired knowledge is only learned ignorance until one knows who one really is." -Ramana Maharshi


Edited by gettoefl

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On 9/21/2023 at 3:40 PM, Jowblob said:

Please only respond, if you did psychedelics or you meditate at a high level.


Quick summary:


- Project myself to an online multiplayer vr game using vr headset/trackers to be in an avatar of my choice, other people do the same.

- Talked to a 55 year old police officer that projected himself into the game in an E-boy avatar. Started speaking about god to him etc. he instantly got mad/aggressive and said he didn't believe in god and told me to not speak to him about religion/god and so on. Then at one point i tried to speak to him about it again, when he didn't want to.  Then the right lens of my vr headset started showing rainbow colored pixels everywhere.

- 3weeks later spoke to a girl in the game about god and how far it can go ,at the end she said the same what my mom told me: you're telling me information that i can't do anything with it and you're putting pressure on me. - My mom used to say, that i put a lot of pressure on her that her head starts hurting, it's too much information. It was the same with that girl, then she said: I don't believe in god and when she said that instantly the right lens of my vr headset broke and turned off.

I have also started experiencing many more unusual stuff, it's like reality isn't working properly sometimes.

For example:my 2019 car with low mileage= engine broke. I buy a moped and 1 month later the engine breaks too.


I feel like that my base consciousness is at certain level where i start noticing that the reality might not be working properly and because of this things break more often or unusual things start happening. Of course i have my own reasons why this might be happening, but i'm curious what you guys think?


Specially the thing about speaking about god to others seems to have a negative outcome for me, and it feels like at some point in conversation god is speaking through them to me and is basically saying: Stop talking about god to these people, they're at a certain level. This is what i can't understand.

Why am i supposed to keep everything to myself, or is it because i don't know yet what god is truly is? Or is it because i don't have permission to speak about god? Or is it my own ego subconsciousness and god in me that tries to keep the reality stable? etc.




Can't awaken God against its will. God wants to experience delusion and being asleep. Can everyone be Jesus, Buddha, Jesus and Buddha can't be unique if everyone is as awake. Can everyone be good at basketball and be Michael Jordan? No you need some people to be bad at it so Michael Jordan can be special and unique.

Once you realize that life is a story, then you realize you need rich, poor, strong, weak, smart, dumb, etc,,, so yeah....things gotta be the way they are or paradoxically it actually wouldn't make sense. If everyone you talked to just suddenly awakened so would call bullshit and be like....THIS is fake!!! You call this immersive? To make the dream immersive, gotta add some nice juicy conflict, ignorance, etc...

Look at the clip above of the Matrix movie...did you see the crap Neo had to go through? Now...what if we just made the entire thing easy for him....nothing to discover and learn. No growth, no failure, no journey.

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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These synchronicity are more a sign that your life has entered a certain phase than anything trying to give you signs. Universe won't bother to give you signs, most of the times it's you who'd recognize it's patterns and predict an outcome. If there are any signs being given it'd be from another entity not necessarily at the highest level. If this is the case, since you are open, you'd easily get the message. Otherwise, you're just finding meaning in synchronicity, or manifesting these synchronicity according to your current mindset or experience.

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„Notas Mihi Fecisti Vias Vitae” - You have made known to me The Ways Of Life - found this message over prezbiterium in Salzburg Cathedral Dome a month ago. I still have been contemplating THIS everyday since then.

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